Difference Between Trademark, Copyright, and Patent

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:43:16


Trademark, copyright, and patent, all three are covered under intellectual property law, as all three define the unique and distinctive creation of human minds. Though all three have the common feature in terms of their uniqueness and protecting features, but the meaning, shape, and overall characteristics are entirely different. Therefore, understanding their major differences is important for individuals and businesses seeking to safeguard their creations. What does the term “Trademark” Describe? Trademarks refer a distinctive designed logo, symbol, name, word, or combination thereof and its property is to identify and distinguish the respective goods or services of one party ... Read More

Online Defamation Law in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:40:16


Online defamation law in India, though, is a new area to deal with; however, its link can be traced in some century old laws of India including Indian Penal Code (IPC). Besides, its link can also be traced in Indian Evidence Act, Criminal Procedure Code, etc. along with the exclusively legislated Information Technology Act. What does Online Defamation Law Exactly Define? Online defamation law (also known as cyber defamation law) defines the legal principles and regulations that govern and regulate defamatory statements made through digital platforms, such as online social media platforms. Defamation in the online context involves the ... Read More

Principles of Corporate Governance

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:37:20


Principle, primarily, refers the fundamental and long term belief or concept that influences and tailors respective people’s or organization’s decisions and actions in a productive and ethical manner. So, more often, it is used to set-up rules, guidelines, and standards that keep individuals or organizations on a right path and can make responsible and ethical decisions. By following the same concept, now we can say that the “principles of corporate governance” refers fundamental rules, guidelines, standards, and values that reinforce the effective and responsible management and subsequent productivity of the respective company. Based on the nature of the works ... Read More

Types of Online Defamation

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:36:19


Also known as cyber defamation, online defamation includes false and harmful content (either textual, picture, voice message, or even video) that published, shared, and disseminated through different social media platforms, blogging websites, online forums, etc. In this technologically advanced world, the digital landscape provides multiple avenues for the spread of defamatory content on the internet. Types of Online Defamation Depending upon the mode of publishing false and derogatory content, online defamation can be classified as − Social Media Defamation − Social media defamation refers to the publication of false or derogatory statements about an individual, business, or entity ... Read More

Types of Trademark in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:31:14


Trademark is one of the unique and distinctive visual features that a company or firm possess. Trademark, usually in the form of ‘logo’ or in any such visual graphical form distinguishes the goods or services of one company from another. Such feature gives brand recognition and consumer trust. Likewise, there are various products and services that have well recognized registered trademarks. So, based on their features, trademarks are classified into different types. What are the Major Types of Trademark? In India, the Trademarks Act of 1999 recognizes many types of trademarks and each one of them serves distinct purpose. ... Read More

Disadvantages of Plastics

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 15:19:39


Introduction Plastics are widely used as synthetic or semi-synthetic materials that are usually made up of polymers. Plastics can easily be moulded or reshaped or pressed to form solid objects of various shapes and sizes only due to their plasticity (deformation capability of the materials) character. Plastics are widely used in our surroundings because of their various properties like being lightweight, flexible, cheap, easily available, and many others. Plastics are generally or mainly made from chemicals that are based on fossil fuels like petroleum or natural gas. Plastics can easily be classified into different groups based on their synthesis. Plastics ... Read More

Electron Configuration

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 12:35:24


Introduction The distribution of electrons within an atomic subshell is described by the electronic configuration. The overview of prediction of the position of the electrons surrounding a nucleus is called an electron configuration. The electron no. in every neutral atom is the same as the proton no. Now, we'll organize those electrons such that they stand about the nucleus which shows their energy and the orbital type in which they are situated. Depending on their energy, electrons occupy orbitals in a certain order. What are Electronic Configurations? The distribution of electrons within an atomic subshell is described by ... Read More

Electron Gain Enthalpy

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 12:32:20


Introduction Electron gain enthalpy is the energy change process during the addition of an electron to an isolated atom. The ability to add an electron and form an anion refers to electron affinity. The elements undergoing this energy change or addition of electrons are due to acquiring stable electronic configuration. Here, Chlorine undergoes the addition of an electron for a stable octet. The electron affinities and negative ions or anions mainly belong to groups 6th and 7th of the periodic table. It has either negative or positive values depending on the size and nuclear charge of the elements. For ... Read More

Electronegativity Chart

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 12:17:33


Introduction Electronegativity can be described as the capability of an atom (inside a molecule) to attract (force) the electrons (shared ones) towards itself at the time of bond formation. The electronegativity of an atom can be affected (varies) by its atomic number (Z) and, also the distance from where the valence electrons stay or are found to be present in the charged nucleus. Electronegativity is useful in the estimation of the bond energy. Electronegativity for an element can be determined with the help of some scales like the Mulliken scale, polling scale, and Allred Roschow’s scale. A polling scale ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Feb-2024 12:12:32


Introduction Electronegativity is the ability of an atom or any individual atom to attract(force) shared electrons (e-) or electron density while forming a bond(chemical). The electronegativity of any individual atom can be affected by two factors, and they are- its atomic number (Z) and the distance(separation) at which its valence (complete octet) electrons stay from (away) the charged nucleus. We can also determine the electronegativity of an atom with the help of some factors like nuclear charge, the number of electrons in the atomic shell, etc. Generally, electronegativity increases when we move or go from left (l) to right ... Read More
