Difference Between Fats and Oils

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Feb-2024 09:49:04


Introduction Both Fats and Oils are a source of macronutrients and are the storage form of energy in the body. These fats and oil are a group of chemical compounds composed of fatty acids. These fatty acids are the building block of fat, and during digestion, the body releases or breaks down fats into fatty acids. It then flows into the bloodstream and is produced in the form of energy. The fatty acids are composed of three molecules joined together to form a triglyceride. All fatty acids are molecules of long-chain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. There are three ... Read More

How to receive thread callbacks in Python?

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 15-Feb-2024 09:41:25


Multithreading is a powerful concept in programming, allowing developers to execute multiple tasks concurrently and improve overall program performance. In Python, the threading module provides a convenient way to implement multithreading. When working with threads, it's often necessary to receive callbacks to handle events or synchronize the execution of different threads. In this tutorial, we'll explore various techniques for receiving thread callbacks in Python. Threads in Python Before delving into thread callbacks, let's briefly review the basics of threading in Python. The threading module offers a high-level interface for creating and managing threads. Threads are lightweight processes that share the ... Read More

The Payment of Bonus Act: A Comprehensive Overview

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 10:04:33


The Payment of Bonus Act of 1965 is one of the oldest legislations that emphasized on the welfare of the workers by regulating the payment of bonuses for them. The concept of payment of bonus to the employees working in an establishment, is materialized to encourage workers’ work efficiency by enriching their financial status. What is Bonus? In reference to our topic, “bonus” refers some extra payment or reward given by the employers to their employees on some special occasions. It is supplement to their regular income that employers usually provide from their surplus incomes. It is interesting ... Read More

When Foreign Judgment Not Conclusive: An Analysis of Section 13 of the Civil Procedure Code

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 10:02:25


The pronouncement of a foreign judgment and subsequently its enforcement on a foreign land is a crucial aspect of international law that supports the cross-border legal proceedings. Likewise, Civil Procedure Code (CPC) of India, also recognizes and defines the conditions under which the foreign judgment can be enforceable. Section 13 and Section 14 specifically discuss ‘when foreign judgement not conclusive and presumption as to foreign judgement respectively. These sections provide guidance on when a foreign judgment may not be considered conclusive in Indian courts. Meaning of Foreign Court Before understanding the meaning of applicability of ‘foreign judgement’ in India, ... Read More

General Exceptions Under Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita: A Comparative Analysis with Indian Penal Code

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:57:05


The basic concept behind inserting the chapter termed as “General Exceptions, ” is to provide de jure defenses against criminal liability in a given situation. So, primarily, understanding of the concept of general exceptions and their scope and limitations are very important. So, in this article, we will understand the meaning, scope, and limitations of general exceptions and then we will also analyze the differences between the general exceptions described in the Indian Penal Code and the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita. Meaning of General Exceptions The “General Exceptions, ” especially in reference to Indian criminal law, is defence mechanism ... Read More

Jurisdiction: Meaning and Types

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:54:44


Jurisdiction that more often used in legal context and defines the power, subject, or even geographic regions that a court has been given to decide a case. The term ‘jurisdiction’ in a legal system is most fundamental and indispensable without which difficult to define different levels of judicial system. Meaning of Jurisdiction The literal meaning of ‘jurisdiction’ is “legal speech or declaration, ” which is derived from Latin terms ‘juris, ’ which means ‘law’ and ‘dictio, ’ which means ‘speech’ or ‘declaration.’ However, in recent time, the jurisdiction is defined as the extent of power of (typically) ... Read More

Corporate Governance in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:52:00


With the growth and development of industries, firms, companies, and corporate cultures, the concept of corporate governance also evolved in India. However, since its beginning, the corporate governance in India, has undergone significant changes and reforms to encourage the transparency, accountability, independency, and ethical standards within Indian companies. Why does India Need Corporate Governance? The need for corporate governance in India arose because of demand of time and different indispensable reasons. So, following are some of the significant reasons that arose the need of corporate governance in India: To Provide Protection to Shareholders' Rights − Primarily, the corporate ... Read More

Corporate Governance Structures

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:50:27


The term “Corporate Governance Structure” refers a well-established hierarchy within a company that defines relationships, roles, and responsibilities of each level involved in the governance of respective corporation. Such defined structures give transparency and better accountability that can be analyzed and examined clearly. Likewise, the structure of corporate governance defines a better system for decision-making and oversight. It consists of board of directors, executive management, shareholders, regulatory bodies, and related people who play essential roles in the governance of a corporation. Key Elements of Corporate Governance Structures Depending upon the factors like type of ownership (e.g. public, private, family- ... Read More

Corporate Social Responsibility: Definition and Meaning

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:49:33


In the beginning, specifically various chemical and other such manufacturing and mining industries caused unregulated pollutions and damaged the environment badly. Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, land pollution, all sorts of pollutions were there. Over the years, the concept of polluter pays principle set up and one who causes pollution made liable to restore the damaged environment. Over period in time, the concept became more sophisticated and taken the form of corporate social responsibility or simply CSR. In the present era, CSR refers a company’s commitment to conducting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner. Besides, companies ... Read More

Defamation in the Age of Social Media

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 14-Feb-2024 09:47:09


In the present era, the increasing use of mass media and other mode of communication technology not only developed the national and global businesses and defense system, but also created an easy of mode of defaming an individual or entity. The injudicious and unwarranted use of social media can spoil someone’s career or business overnight. So, the technical term used for such wrongful act is known as cyber defamation or online defamation. What is the Meaning of Defamation in the Age of Social Media? "Defamation in the Age of Social Media" refers to the publication or spread of false ... Read More
