What is the full form of CBSE?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:53:48


What is CBSE? CBSE stands for Central Board of Secondary Education. It is a national board in India and many public and private schools are affiliated to the board. The Union government of India manages the CBSE board. The number of private and public schools affiliated to the CBSE board is more than 27, 000 while in foreign countries, 28 schools are affiliated. CBSE has instructed the affiliated institutions to use books from NCERT only. History of CBSE Uttar Pradesh Board of High School and Intermediate was the first board in India that was established in 1921. Rajputana Central India ... Read More

Demystifying the Python IMAP Module

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:49:39


The Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a widely used protocol for retrieving email messages from a server. It allows a client, such as an email program, to access email messages stored on a server, as well as manipulate them in various ways. The Python standard library includes a module called "imaplib" which implements the IMAP protocol, providing a simple interface for interacting with IMAP servers. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at the "imaplib" module and see how it can be used to retrieve and manipulate email messages in a Python program. Why Do We ... Read More

CIFAR-10 Image Classification in TensorFlow

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:42:01


Image classification is an essential task in computer vision that involves recognizing and categorizing images based on their content. CIFAR-10 is a well-known dataset that contains 60, 000 32×32 color images in 10 classes, with 6, 000 images per class. TensorFlow is a powerful framework that provides a variety of tools and APIs for building and training machine learning models. It is widely used for deep learning applications and has a large community of developers contributing to its development. TensorFlow provides a high-level API called Keras, which makes it easy to build and train deep neural networks. In this ... Read More

Check the Version of Python Interpreter

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:38:15


One of the first steps in using Python is ensuring that the correct version of the interpreter is installed on your system. In this tutorial, we will discuss how to check the version of the Python interpreter on your machine. What is an Interpreter? Let's first understand what an interpreter is and why it is necessary for Python. An interpreter is a program that reads and executes code written in a particular programming language. It translates the code written in a high-level language, such as Python, into machine code that can be understood by the computer's processor. The Python ... Read More

Check if a Value is Infinity or NaN in Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:33:36


One of the most important aspects of any programming language is the ability to handle numbers, including values that may be infinite or undefined. In Python, the concepts of infinity and NaN (Not a Number) are important to understand, as they are often encountered in mathematical calculations and data analysis. In this tutorial, we will explore how to check for infinity and NaN values in Python. Infinity in Python Infinity is a mathematical concept that represents a number that is larger than any finite number. In Python, infinity is represented by the keyword "inf". This keyword is used to represent ... Read More

Check if a Table Exists in SQLite using Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:27:51


One of the strengths of Python is its ability to work seamlessly with a variety of databases, including SQLite. SQLite is a lightweight relational database management system that is often used for embedded systems and small-scale applications. Unlike larger databases like MySQL or PostgreSQL, SQLite doesn't require a separate server process, and data is stored in a single file on disk. To use SQLite with Python, you'll need to install the sqlite3 module, which comes bundled with most Python installations. Once you've done that, you can create a connection to your SQLite database and start querying it using SQL commands. ... Read More

Check if a Directory Contains Files using Python

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 13:15:37


Python is a versatile programming language that is widely used for various purposes, including file and directory operations. One of the most common tasks in file and directory operations is to check if a directory contains files or not. In this article, we will discuss how to check if a directory contains files using Python. Before we dive into the implementation, let's understand the concept of directories and files. A directory is a folder that contains files and other directories. It is used to organize files and directories in a hierarchical manner. In other words, a directory can contain ... Read More

An Introduction to Python CPLEX Module

Gaurav Leekha
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:58:41


The Python CPLEX module is an interface to the CPLEX optimization software, which is a powerful tool for solving linear and quadratic optimization problems. It is particularly useful for problems with many variables and constraints, as it can scale well to handle such instances. The Python CPLEX module allows users to build optimization models in the Python programming language, and then solve them using the CPLEX solver. It provides a range of options for controlling the solution process, such as setting tolerances and limits on the solver's time and memory usage. The Python CPLEX module is a powerful tool for ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:48:07


Introduction Dimethylglyoxime is a white compound. Additionally, it can be written as $\mathrm{DMGH_{2}}$ for the anionic phase and $\mathrm{DMGH_{2}}$ for the neutral phase. 𝐻 here stands for Hydrogen. In the laboratories, $\mathrm{DMGH_{2}}$ is used to analyse chemical elements like nickel or palladium. Dimethylglyoxime coordination complexes are crucial and fascinating for theoretical frameworks of enzymes & as catalysts. What is Dimethylglyoxime? Dimethylglyoxime, often known as $\mathrm{DMG}$, is a chemical that resembles white solid but is far less soluble in $\mathrm{H_{2}O}$ than it is in $\mathrm{NaOH}$ solution/ methanol. Dimethylglyoxime has the chemical formula $\mathrm{C_{4}H_{8}N_{2}O_{2}}$ and is sometimes referred to as 2, 3-Butanedione ... Read More

Displacement Reactions

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 20-Feb-2024 12:46:22


Introduction Chemical reactions known as displacement reactions occur when a highly reactive element replaces a lesser reactive element from a molecule. Displacement reactions involve both metals & non-metals. If a chemical participates readily and fast in chemical reactions, it is said to be reactive. Different metals have varying degrees of reactivity. The reactivity of metals can be ordered in a hierarchy. An example of this is a reactivity series. Less reactive metals either take part in chemical reactions very slowly or often not. Metal as well as the complexity of some other metals can both undergo displacement reactions. In a ... Read More
