The Cartilage is present in the joints of our body which helps in their smooth movement. With advancing age, this cartilage wears off. How would this affect the movement of joints?

Updated on 29-Feb-2024 13:32:39


In the joints of our body cartilage is found that acts as a lubricant to reduce friction at the time of movement. At advancing age on wearing off, the friction between our joints increases that causing joint pain at the time of movement.

Python Pandas – How to use Pandas DataFrame Property: shape

Vani Nalliappan
Updated on 29-Feb-2024 13:29:10


Write a Python program to read data from the products.csv file and print the number of rows and columns. Then print the ‘product’ column value matches ‘Car’ for first ten rowsAssume, you have ‘products.csv’ file and the result for number of rows and columns and ‘product’ column value matches ‘Car’ for first ten rows are −Rows: 100 Columns: 8  id product engine avgmileage price height_mm width_mm productionYear 1 2  Car    Diesel    21      16500    1530    1735       2020 4 5  Car    Gas       18      17450    1530   ... Read More

Negative Numbers: Connection to Daily Life

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Feb-2024 12:16:11


Introduction Many people find math a difficult subject. You have to ask about the benefits of studying mathematics and the practical application of mathematics. Mathematics is ubiquitous, as is the relationship between the meaning of numbers and everyday life. Mathematics is all about numbers, and numbers can be categorized into different types of numbers, including Integers, real numbers, complex numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, and many others. Negative Numbers Neither the negative numbers are greater than nor are equal to zero. They are the numbers along with a minus sign or a hyphen (-). On the number line, negative numbers ... Read More

Mid Point Theorem

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Feb-2024 12:13:56


Introduction The midpoint theorem in geometry helps in determining the sides of triangles that are missing values. It establishes a link between a triangle's sides and the line segment created by any two of the triangle's sides' midpoints. A line that connects two places has a midpoint in the middle of the line. The centre of a line is located halfway between its two endpoints. A line connecting these two places has a midpoint at the point where it is divided into two equal pieces. A second line that was drawn to divide the two regions in half also runs ... Read More

Population and Sample

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Feb-2024 12:00:59


Introduction In statistical mathematics population can mean a set of observations or objects. Population, in statistics and quantitative methodology, can be defined as a collection of data satisfying specific conditions. A sample can be defined as a group of observations from a population. The sample size is always less than the size of the population. Non-probability sampling can further be divided into quota sampling, judgement sampling, and purposive sampling. Population and sample are used in market research widely in inferring behaviour of a population. Statistical analysis in financial decisions also implements population and sample. In this tutorial ... Read More

Properties of Definite Integrals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Feb-2024 11:44:04


Introduction There are two methods of integration − Deterministic integration and Indefinite integration. Definitive integration is performed on boundaries or areas specified by boundaries. Since the curve is finite, the area under the curve is also said to be finite, but indefinite integrals are used for functions that have no upper or lower bound, but because the function is essentially infinite, the upper bound and the lower limit is indefinite. Functions + ∞ & -∞. Integrals In differential calculus we are concerned with the methods of finding the derivative (or differential) of a differentiable function. ... Read More

Rational Numbers to Standard Form

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2024 18:06:19


Introduction When a rational number is expressed in its standard form, it signifies that its denominator is a positive integer and that its numerator has no common factors other than 1. Rational numbers are those that can be stated as $\mathrm{\frac{r}{s}}$, where r and s are integers and s is not equal to zero. Therefore, if $\mathrm{\frac{4}{8}}$ is a rational number, its the standard form will be $\mathrm{\frac{1}{2}}$ because we are no longer able to solve $\mathrm{\frac{1}{2}}$. When there is only one common factor between the denominator and the numerator, the result is a rational number. However, as the denominator ... Read More

Rational Function & Rational Number

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2024 17:56:51


Introduction The canonical form of rational numbers can be defined, when there is no common element other than 1 between the dividend and the divisor, and therefore the divisor is positive. There is only one factor in common between divisors and dividend. Therefore, it can be said that rational numbers are $\mathrm{\frac{1}{3}}$ in the canonical form. Rational Numbers To determine if a number is a rational number, check the following conditions: This is expressed in the form of $\mathrm{\frac{p}{q}}$, where q ≠ 0. The ratio $\mathrm{\frac{p}{q}}$ has been further simplified and can be expressed in decimal ... Read More

Reflection and Symmetry

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2024 17:51:20


Introduction In your daily life, you may have heard the word "symmetrical" frequently. Any object is considered symmetrical if it can be split in half so that one half becomes the mirror image of the other half. While an object is considered asymmetrical, if neither of its parts is a mirror image of the other. There are symmetrical objects all around us, in nature, architecture, art, etc. We are already aware of the many symmetry types. Nature provides us with several examples of the relationship between reflection and symmetry, including the reflection of mountains and trees in adjacent bodies of ... Read More

Reflex Angle

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 28-Feb-2024 17:48:32


Introduction An angle is a degree of rotation between two intersecting lines. Angles can be of various types such as, acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle, and others. One of such angles are reflex angles. Reflex angles are angles which are a reflection of the angle between two lines. Because we cannot measure an angle greater than 180° with the help of a protractor, we can measure the angle with the help of a reflex angle. In this tutorial, we will learn about angle, type of angles, reflex angles, concave polygon, reflex angles in real life, and some solved examples ... Read More
