Extract hyperlinks from PDF in Python

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 12:36:37

4K+ Views

Python has a large set of libraries for handling different types of operations. To extract the data and meta-information from a PDF, we use the PyPdf2 package. It is easy to use and has many different operations or toolkits such as Extracting the data from the PDF, Searching Keyword in the Document, Extracting Meta Information such as finding Hyperlinks, URL and other information. Using the PyPDF2 package, we will extract the hyperlink from a pdf document.We will follow these steps to extract the hyperlinks from a PDF, Install PyPDF2 in the local machine by typing pip install PyPDF2 in ... Read More

Error Failed to load resource in SAPUI5 application

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 04-Mar-2024 11:53:14

1K+ Views

It is clear from your error message: VisitorData.view.js is not found so you have to check if this view actually exists and there is no permission issues on this view.Try checking this to view list of deployed services − http://hanaservername.com:4000/ui_test/ui5_test/WebContent/resources/You have to add below in your web.xml −    com.sap.ui5.resource.DEV_MODE    true

How To Install Apache Maven on Ubuntu

Sharon Christine
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 13:56:26


Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project’s build, reporting and documentation from a central piece of information. This article explains about how to install apache maven on Ubuntu.To install apache maven, it should require pre-installed java on Ubuntu. To verify java version, use the following command –$ java -versionThe sample output should be like this –openjdk version "1.8.0_111" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_111-8u111-b14-2ubuntu0.16.04.2-b14) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.111-b14, mixed mode)If you wants to install java on Ubuntu, read this articleTo install ... Read More

Difference Between Vaporization and Evaporation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 12:00:45


Introduction In nature, vaporization and evaporation are 2 processes that frequently occur. The real causes of why we want to water our garden in the summer and why milk boils in a pot on the stove are evaporation and vaporization. In reality, evaporation is a form of vaporization that occurs in our environment. Therefore, evaporation occurs more often than other vaporization processes like boiling. Although these two terms seem to have comparable meanings, there are still significant variances between them. These two processes barely vary from one another on a molecular level. Both are happening at various temperatures and surfaces. ... Read More

Difference between Ideal Gas and Real Gas

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 11:53:42


Introduction An ideal gas is nothing but a theoretical(exists only in theory) gas because, in reality, it is not possible to have an ideal kind of gas. An ideal gas is formed of large numbers of randomly(in any direction) rotating point-like particles that are not subjected to interaction with one another. This ideal gas (theoretical gas)concept or idea is useful or important because it completely follows the ideal gas law(or ideal gas equation). A real gas is a non-ideal gas and here the molecules occupy the desired space and also interact with one another and they do not obey the ... Read More

Difference Between Endpoint and Equivalence Point

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 11:45:44


Introduction: What is an Endpoint? It is the stage of a titration at which the colour changes. Acids, as well as bases, are normally colourless liquids. As a result, an indicator that may alter the colour of the reaction medium with variations in pH is employed to indicate the end of the neutralisation reaction of an acid with a base. Phenolphthalein is a typical indicator used in acid-base processes. This indicator's colour changes between 8.3 (colourless) to 10.0. (pink). However, this indicator is ineffective for reactions occurring at low pH levels. As a result, the indication should be picked carefully. ... Read More

Difference Between Enantiomers and Diastereomers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 11:38:05


Introduction Enantiomers as well as diastereomers are further classifications of isomers. Isomers are substances which have the same chemical formula but a distinct atom configuration. They are categorised into 2 categories: structural isomers and stereoisomers. The former has the same chemical formula but distinct atom connections. While the latter has molecules that differ in how their structures are arranged spatially. And they are further classified as enantiomers as well as diastereomers. They both are distinguished by the fact that enantiomers are found as mirror images whereas diastereomers are not. For a substance to have stereoisomers, it must be chiral. To ... Read More

Difference Between Electrophile and Nucleophile

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 11:31:25


Introduction Christopher Kelk Ingold 1933 introduced the terms nucleophile and electrophile by replacing the words anionic and cationic words introduced by A. J. Lapworth. The word electrophile is obtained by the combination of two words 'electro' meaning electrons and 'philes' meaning loving. And the word nucleophile is obtained from the two words nucleus and phile, which is a Greek word 'Philos' meaning a friend. These two terms are important in chemistry. These chemical compounds participate in many organic reactions. As we know electrophiles and nucleophiles have opposite behaviour which is the driving force for several chemical reactions. So these terms ... Read More

Freezing Point Depression

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 11:26:52


Introduction The phenomenon of freezing point depression discusses whenever introducing a solute to such a solvent causes a lowering of the freezing temp of the solvent. The freezing temp of such a compound seems to be the temp where the vapour pressure of the compound during its liquid phase equals the vapour pressure of the compound within the solid phase. Whenever a non-volatile solute has been dispersed in such a pure solvent, the vapour pressure lowers as per Raoult's Law. As a result, the overall vapour pressure of such a solution would be relatively lower than those of the pure ... Read More

Constitutional isomers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 01-Mar-2024 11:16:02


Introduction Constitutional isomerism is a significant characteristic of organic molecules. The earliest observation of isomerism was made by Friedrich Woehler in 1827. Isomerism in organic molecules governs the property of products formed during an organic reaction. The concept of isomerism builds the foundation of organic chemistry and must be understood before moving on to complex organic reactions. There are various categories of isomerism. Constitutional isomerism is one of the two broad categories of isomerism. The other is stereoisomers, which have their branch of chemistry dedicated to them (called stereochemistry). Constitutional isomers are products of various important reactions. Generally, reactions that ... Read More
