
Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:45:52


Introduction Tellurium is very significant as well as more prevalent all over the universe compared to the earth. A material processes a flame with a greenish-blue colour if it is burned in the direct light of the sun. The appearance of this molecule is a little toxic and it is metalloid with silver-white colour. This molecule is brittle and closely related to sulphur as well as selenium. All these three elements are referred to as chalcogen. What is Tellurium”? Tellurium refers to a significant chemical molecule with the chemical identity of Te and the “atomic number” of this molecule ... Read More

Systematic Analysis of Anions

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:39:25


Introduction The analysis of anions in a systematic manner has turned out to be an integral part of inorganic salts that are rich in their qualitative properties. The entire process of analysis serves either of the two objectives. They are two understand the quality and quantity of the anions present. Aim of the experiment The aim of this experiment is to find out the total number of radicals present in its anionic form. This type of radical is very common in the mixture constituting salts that have inorganic properties in them. Theory The systematic analysis ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:34:03


Introduction 'Technetium is a radioactive element and has various radioactive isotopes as well which are thoroughly unstable except for the completely ionized state of 97Tc. This substance is synthetically produced in laboratories for various industrial applications. Naturally, this substance is mostly obtained from molybdenum ores. It is the lightest element containing all radioactive isotopes. What is technetium? Technetium is a chemical substance that is radioactive in nature. The atomic number of this element is 43 and is represented using the symbol Tc. All the isotopes of this element are known to be radioactive out of which technetium-99 is the ... Read More

Grahams Law

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:19:34


Introduction Graham's law or also called Graham's law of diffusion was given or established by Thomas Graham (Scottish chemist) in the year 1848. Graham’s law (for both effusion and diffusion) describes that the rate (amount) of (e) effusion or diffusion of any particular gas (g) is inversely (inv.) proportional ($\mathrm{\propto}$) to the square (sq.) root of its molecular weight (m.w.). Graham’s law is useful for separating (distinction) isotopes by diffusion, which is further very useful in the production of atomic (atom) bombs. This law is more accurate (suitable) for molecular type diffusion which further involves the motion of one gas ... Read More

Green Chemistry the Alternative Tool

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:11:01


Introduction Green chemistry is introduced because of increased pollution of our environment. The use of hazardous chemicals in the chemical industry has been a serious threat that causes pollution. Paul Anastas is the father of green chemistry in which he proposed 12 principles of green chemistry that are effective against major pollution in our environment. In his research work, he put forward new chemicals and new techniques for the synthesis of several organic compounds. It is a breakthrough in the science field. Since it is an environmentally and economically efficient method. The word green is given to green chemistry since ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:07:14


Introduction Hassium is denoted or represented by the chemical symbol Hs, and it has an atomic number equal to 108. It is highly (extremely) radioactive. Its most (more) stable isotope exists or has a half-life of approximately 10 (s) seconds. Hassium is one of the superheavy elements. This element can be produced (generated) in a laboratory (lab) but only in very small quantities by the fusion process of heavy nuclei with the lighter ones. There are no natural occurrences of this element. This element is a d-block element found in the 7th period and 8th group. Electronic configuration ... Read More

Heterogeneous Equilibrium

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 13:02:33


Introduction Heterogeneous equilibrium is a chemical equilibrium in which all of the reactants and products are in distinct phases. A homogeneous equilibrium exists when all the reactants and products are in the same phase. Chemical equilibrium is defined as the pace at which forward and backward reactions occur. According to the phase of the reactants and products, there are two forms of equilibrium. equilibrium between homogeneity and heterogeneity. When the reactants and products of an equilibrium process come together to form a single phase, whether it be a gas or a liquid, this is known as homogeneous equilibrium. In such ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 13-Mar-2024 12:59:16


Introduction Hexane has a molecular formula CH3 (CH2)4 CH3. The "hex" prefix alludes to its 6 carbons, and the "ane" ending denotes that single bonds have now linked the carbons. They are important components of gasoline. Although hexane isomers seem relatively non-polar, they can be widely used as an inert solvent in chemical reactions. These are often basic components of gasoline or even glues used during the production of shoes, leather goods, and roofing. It can be used in solvents to obtain oils for cooking and even as a cleaning agent in the footwear, furnishings, and textile industries. What is ... Read More

How to create a directory hierarchy using Java?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 12-Mar-2024 18:37:31

1K+ Views

The class named File of the package represents a file or directory (path names) in the system. This class provides various methods to perform various operations on files/directories. The mkdir() method of this class creates a directory with the path represented by the current object. Creating directory hierarchy There are two main ways to create a directory hierarchy in Java − Using mkdirs() Method Using createDirectories() Method Let us look at these solutions one by one. Using mkdirs() Method To create a hierarchy of new directories you can using the method mkdirs() of the same class. This ... Read More

Get Synchronized List from ArrayList in java

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 12-Mar-2024 17:51:24

3K+ Views

In order to get a synchronized list from an ArrayList, we use the synchronizedList(List ) method in Java. The Collections.synchronizedList(List ) method accepts the ArrayList as an argument and returns a thread safe list.Declaration −The Collections.synchronizedList(List ) method is declared as follows −public static List synchronizedList(List list)Let us see a program to get a synchronized List from ArrayList −Example import java.util.*; public class Example { public static void main (String[] args) { List list = new ArrayList(); list.add("Hello"); ... Read More
