Intensive and Extensive Properties of Matter

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 11:24:24


Introduction The matter is everything that surrounds us and engrosses space. It has different properties. These properties are defined as intensive and extensive properties of matter, in 1917 these terms were first used by the scientist Richard C. Tolman. Intensive properties do not depend upon the quantity of matter. Extensive properties rely on the quantity of the matter. Example: Milk filled in a glass or milk filled in a jug. The extensive properties like (mass, and volume) of milk vary for both the glass and jug while the intensive properties (temperature) remain the same. What are the Intensive Properties ... Read More

Intermolecular Forces Vs. Thermal Interactions

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 11:09:32


Introduction The intermolecular force would be the strong force that exists between surrounding atoms. Thermal energy is the total of all molecules' and particles' kinetic energy. The intermolecular forces of attraction could be also known as Vander Waals forces. Whenever atoms, molecules, as well as ions are close. In contrast, intermolecular forces relate to the covalent bonds which occur throughout molecules. Thermal interaction includes the energy inherent within a system and has been relevant to its temperature. What do you mean by Intermolecular Forces? Intermolecular forces are indeed the attracting as well as repulsive forces which thus exist in between ... Read More

Introduction to P Block Elements

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 11:03:01


Introduction S and p-block together are called the main group elements of the periodic table. And is the reason that this block constitutes a majority of elements in the periodic table. The discovery of many elements by scientists leads to the classification of elements properly and sequentially. Which further resulted in the formation of periodic tables we use now for studying the properties of elements. Elements with similar electronic structures are arranged in a way that they can be studied by comparing properties. Based on this there are several blocks in the periodic table such as s, p, d, and ... Read More

Introduction to wool

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 11:00:33


Introduction Clothing is always a needy thing for humans. Animal skin was used by ancient people for the making of clothes. Progress made by humans leads to the development of a variety of fabrics to make clothes. Discoveries made by humans lead to the development of synthetic fibres that we use currently. Wool is also a currently available fibre and also it is the material used in ancient times itself. About 10, 000 BCE itself the use of wool for making clothes has been prevalent. The main source of wool is the sheep. There are wide varieties of sheep, and ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 10:49:50


Introduction A member of the organic halogen compounds, iodoform is an organic iodine molecule with the chemical formula CHI3. It is a volatile, crystalline material that is a light-yellow colour. It smells similar to chloroform and has a pungent, recognisable scent that is sweet-smelling. What is Iodoform? The class of organic halide compounds includes the organoiodine substance iodoform, which has the chemical formula CHI3. It is a volatile, crystalline chemical that is a light shade of yellow. It has a piercing, recognisable smell that is similar to chloroform but sweeter. Due to its characteristic smell, it was frequently employed ... Read More

Ionization Enthalpy

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 18-Mar-2024 10:44:13


Introduction Ionization energy (I.E.) is described as the minimum (min) required energy (e) to remove (throw out) the most loosely (weakly) bounded electron (e) of an isolated gaseous (g) atom, +ve ion, or molecule. Ionization energy (I.E) follows periodicity in the modern periodic table. The normal or general trend is that the ionization energy (I.E) increases on moving from left (l) to right (r ) across the period (p). And, on moving from the top (t) to bottom (b) across a group (g), ionization energy decreases or reduces. There are also certain exemptions to (I.E.) ionization energy. What ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2024 11:26:42


Introduction Bh is a man-made element that has been particularly hard to research, due to its incredibly short half-life. However, it had been found in 1981 through bombarding Bi-209 with Cr-54 at the Laboratory for Heavy Ion Studies in Germany, it wasn't until 2000 that such an expert panel was capable of manufacturing huge adequate amounts of the element to study its chemical characteristics. The heavier isotopes decompose the slowest, with the maximum observed time barely exceeding 60 seconds. Such an element's minimal stability reduces the permeability beyond the fundamental scientific studies. Bohrium could have been named after Danish scientist ... Read More

Brownian Motion Zig Zag Motion

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2024 11:22:14


Introduction Brownian motion in simple words can be defined as the random movement of dust particles or microscopic particles in liquids or gases( fluids). When observed under a microscope, it was seen that these particles are never still. But it is seen that this movement results due to the particles colliding with each other. This movement was first observed by Robert Brown in 1827. He observed the movement of pollen grains suspended in water under a microscope. He was puzzled to see the movement even though the grains were dead, so he started some other phenomena occurring. But this ... Read More

Calcination and Roasting

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2024 11:19:59


Introduction Calcination and Roasting are two processes that convert ores into their oxide form. Ores are a natural substance in the earth's crust. These ores concentrate on various minerals and valuable metals. Metals extracted from ore are required by applying lots of heat either in the presence or absence of oxygen. The conversion of ores to oxides comes under processes like calcination and roasting. Here is the step-by-step diagram for converting ores into oxide and obtaining pure metals. Raw ore is needed to convert into oxide. During this process of conversion, it expels volatile substances and gas. This ... Read More

Classification of Drugs

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 15-Mar-2024 11:18:21


Introduction Drugs are chemical compounds that are used to treat various ailments. The classification of drugs is the way to organise medicines into different categories based on their use, structure, and mechanism of action. Despite the chemical similarities these are classified based on their impact on the body. Some drugs are sold without a prescription and some only after a prescription. The drugs are classified on two main bases pharmacologically and therapeutically. The pharmacological classification is based on chemical similarities and has the same effect on the treatment of diseases. Examples are alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, barbiturates, etc. The ... Read More
