Calcium Nitrate

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:49:46


Introduction Calcium Nitrate is strongly soluble in water as well as a source of crystalline calcium & has lesser pH (acidic). Metallic nitrates are all inorganic salts of a certain metal as well as the nitrate anion. The nitrate is a polyatomic ion with a single nitrogen atom linked to three atoms of oxygen and a molecular mass of Ca(NO3 )2 is 164.088gm/mol. In general, nitrate compounds are water-soluble. They are oxidising agents as well. Nitrate compounds can be combustible when combined with hydrocarbons. What is Calcium Nitrate? Calcium nitrate is an inorganic substance that has the chemical formula Ca(NO3 ... Read More

Kelvin Scale

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:47:02


Introduction The Kelvin or the kelvin scale is denoted or represented by the symbol K, it is the S.I. unit of temperature (T). It is an absolute (abs) thermodynamic (td) temperature (T) scale, which means it uses absolute zero (0) as its null or zero point. The mathematical formula relating the Celsius and the kelvin scale is- K=°C+273 or, T(K)=T(°C)+273. We can convert this kelvin scale to any other scale and vice-versa using the following formula- (K-273)/100=C/100=(F-32)/180=R/80. The Fahrenheit scale (s) is also a temperature (T) scale. Its S.I. unit is degrees Fahrenheit, and it is denoted by the symbol ... Read More

Food Chemistry Impact Factor

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:44:13


Introduction Food chemistry refers to all the chemical processes occurring in food. It majorly focuses on the composition and functional properties of foods and food products during various stages. Though food serves essential nutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, lipids, and minerals. It should be made sure to have food with the necessary nutrients. Food is produced from sources like plants or animals. This food provides abundant energy to the body due to its biological action. For example, sugar, a simple form of carbohydrates, is broken down by the body during respiration, it converts into the form of energy. ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:37:06


Introduction Formaldehyde is a natural chemical molecule that is both highly poisonous and carcinogenic. The pure form of formaldehyde, which is a strong-smelling, colourless gas that spontaneously polymerizes into paraformaldehyde, is kept in an aqueous solution form called formalin that is also used to preserve animal specimens. The chemical formula of formaldehyde is CH2 O. Structure of Formaldehyde When pure, formaldehyde is a colourless gas with a potent odour. The simplest aldehyde, formaldehyde, is synthesized as well as produced naturally by people, animals, and plants. A significant source of organic molecules necessary for life is formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is a ... Read More

Formation of Fossil Fuels

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:34:45


Introduction Fossil fuels are hydrocarbon (combination of carbon and hydrogen)- containing substances formed naturally (in nature) on the surface of the earth (earth’s crust). They are formed from the remains left-over) of dead (not alive) plants (flora) and animals (fauna) that are extracted (being absorbed) and buried under the soil and burned as fuel. Some of the known and widely used fossil fuels (or, fuels) are coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Coals are formed as rock strata (stone) called coal (charcoal) seams. Coal is produced (formed) when the dead (not alive) plant matter (flora) decays (decomposed) into peat (accumulation of ... Read More

Frenkel Defect

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:32:50


Introduction The Frenkel Defect is a flaw in the production of lattice crystals in which an ion or perhaps atom occupies a normally unoccupied position. It is called after Russian physicist Yakov Frenkel. The vacancy in the crystal is generated by the voluntary spacing out of 1 atom. This defect is sometimes known as a dislocation defect since it exhibits both valencies as well as self-interstitial faults. Small cations in the crystal lattice are displaced from their original places, resulting in an empty site in the crystal lattice. Formation of Frenkel Defect The following is how the mentioned defect forms ... Read More

Functional Groups

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:28:00


Introduction Organic compounds are normally, the chemical compounds that contain carbon (C)-hydrogen (H) or only carbon (C)-carbon (C) bonds. There are several (million) organic compounds because of carbon (C)-carbon (C) bond forming capability. The percentage (by number) of organic compounds on the surface of the earth (earth’s crust) is very small but it is very important for all forms of life-sustaining on the surface of the earth. A Functional group is the group of some atoms that is responsible for the characteristic reactions of a particular compound. Functional groups that are the same or like each other undergo the ... Read More

Hydrobromic Acid

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 11:21:15


Introduction H and Br atoms combine to form the diatomic compound known as hydrobromic acid. Between the hydrogen and the bromine, there is a covalent link. It also goes by the name Hydrogen Bromide and has the molecular symbol HBr. Because of the high electronegativity of the Br atoms, the covalent connection between them can be rapidly ionized, making it an extremely strong acid. It is more potent than hydrochloric acid. Hydrobromic acid's molecular formula is HBr One molecule of H and one molecule of bromine gas are combined to create one molecule of hydrobromic acid. $$\mathrm{H_2+Br_2 ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 10:34:52


Introduction Calcium chloride is an ionic molecule formed by the elements calcium & chlorine. It is deliquescent & very water-soluble. It is a solid salt that acts like an ionic halide at ambient temperature. It is used in a variety of applications, including brine for refrigeration facilities, ice & dust management on roadways, & cement. It may be made directly from limestone, but it is also manufactured in vast quantities as a residue of the Solvay process. It must be maintained in tightly airtight containers due to its hydrophilic character. What is CaCl2? CaCl2 is an ionic substance with the ... Read More

Calcium Hydroxide

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 22-Mar-2024 10:30:16


Introduction Calcium hydroxide is a white powder or crystalline and has a chemical formula Ca(OH)2. It is also known by the name slaked lime, hydrated lime, builders’ lime, pickling lime, caustic lime, etc. The saturated solution of calcium hydroxide is known as milk of lime. It is used in sewage treatment, for balancing the pH level of soil, in food industries, juices, as a fungicide, paper production, medical treatment, etc. It is produced through hydrated calcium oxide and has many applications like disinfectant, pH modifier, additive in animal feeds, sugar industry, and water treatment. What is Calcium Hydroxide? Calcium ... Read More
