Area of Similar Triangles

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 13:34:56


Introduction Area of similar triangles theorem help in establishing the relationship between the areas of two similar triangles. Geometric figures having the same shape and size are known as congruent figures. Eg: Any two circles with the same radii are congruent. Any two rectangles with the same length and breadth are congruent. But, geometric figures having the same shape but different sizes are known as similar figures. The congruent figures are always similar, but two similar figures need not be congruent. Eg: Any two circles are similar. Any two rectangles are similar. Similarity of triangles is represented ... Read More

Area under the Curve – Calculus

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 13:28:19


Introduction The area under a curve between two points is found out by doing a definite integral between the two points. Among the various ways to calculate the area under the curve, the most popular method is the antiderivative method. By determining the equation for the curve, the boundaries of the curve, and the axis enclosing the curve the area under the curve can be calculated. There are formulas to find the area enclosed by a circle, square, rectangle, and other polygons, but the area under the curve can be used to find area for the shapes that do ... Read More

Average cost

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 13:23:37


Introduction Average cost is the cost per unit manufactured in a production run. Economics is a branch of social science which studies the production, distribution & consumption of goods & services. It focuses on the behaviour & interacting economic agents & how the economy works. Cost is one of the important concepts in economics. Cost is an amount incurred for buying goods & services. The concept of cost is useful for calculating the profitable rate of operation of the firm. Also, it is useful for deciding the price of the product & sale channel. Also, it gives clarity to various ... Read More

Basic Proportionality Theorem & Similar Triangles

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 13:11:14


Introduction Basic proportionality theorem was proposed by a famous Greek mathematician, Thales, hence, it is also referred to as the Thales theorem. Triangle is one of the basic geometrical shapes with three sides & three angles. In geometry you have studied different properties & theorems of the triangle. In this tutorial, we will study one of the most important properties i.e., similarity & basic proportionality theorem. Two triangles are said to be similar if their angles are congruent & corresponding sides are in proportion. '$\mathrm{\sim}$' symbol is used to represent similar triangles. There are several methods for finding whether triangles ... Read More

Relations and Functions Worksheet

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 13:04:50


Introduction Relation and function are the mapping between two sets. The applications of relations and functions are in every nook and corner of the real world. In Mathematical Sciences, relations and functions are interrelated topics of study. The examples include the conversion of base units from metres to centimetres, height and weight of a person, body temperature under different climatic conditions, Annual income for an employee's work, etc., If an input has only one output, then the relation is a function. The relationship of inputs and outputs in ordered pairs is a relation. The relations and functions worksheet will provide ... Read More

Relative Frequency

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 12:53:54


Introduction Relative frequency is the number of times an event occurs divided by the total number of occurrences that occur in a given situation. A count of a specific event is called a frequency. For instance, Kim read ten books on statistics this year. The football team picked up 11 victories. Relative frequencies, on the other hand, do not employ raw counts. Instead, they use percentages, proportions, or fractions to compare the count for one type of event to the entire number of events. The word "relative" refers to a specific tally in relation to the overall number, which is ... Read More

Remainder Theorem & Polynomials

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 12:50:26


Introduction The remainder theorem is used to find the remainder when a polynomial is divided by another polynomial. Polynomials are algebraic expressions consisting of different algebraic terms & these terms are joined together by mathematical operators like addition (+) & subtraction(-). The concept of polynomials is used in almost every field of mathematics. Also, the polynomial is considered one of the important branches of calculus. It also has wide applications in science. It is a central concept of algebra & algebraic geometry. It is used to form polynomial equations & word problems for analysing & solve difficult problems. In this ... Read More

Square Root From 1 To 25

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 12:47:05


Introduction The square root of 1 to 25 is a list of the square roots of all numbers from 1 to 25. The square root can have different types of values. Positive integer values for the root from 1 to 25 range from 1 to 5. For an imperfect square, a square root is an irrational number. The root of any number x is expressed as √𝑥 in radical form and $\mathrm{(x)^{2}}$ in exponential form Square roots The square root of any number is the value that can be multiplied by itself to get the original number. The square root ... Read More

Square Root of 2

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 12:36:03


Introduction The square root of 2 is represented using the symbol √ and written as $\mathrm{\sqrt{2}\:=\:1.414\:......}$.In order to distinguish it from the negative number that shares the same attribute, it should technically be referred to as the primary square root of 2. According to the Pythagorean theorem, the length of a diagonal cutting a square with sides that are one unit long is the square root of two geometrically. It was perhaps the very first irrational number that was discovered. Due to its limitless number of decimal places and inability to be represented as a fraction, Root 2 is an ... Read More

Argument of Complex Numbers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 04-Apr-2024 12:32:18


Introduction Argument of complex number can be described as the angle made by the line formed by the complex number, with the positive x-axis of the argand plane. Argument of complex numbers describes the relationship between the imaginary and real part of the complex number. In this tutorial, we will understand complex numbers, polar form of complex numbers, argument of complex numbers, and some examples based on complex numbers. Complex Numbers Complex numbers are elements of the number system that consist of real numbers along with imaginary unit, i.e. i. which satisfies the argument; i2=-1. When a complex ... Read More
