Difference between Research Papers and Technical Articles for Journal Publication

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 15:53:18


This is an article in which you will know about the difference between research papers and technical articles. Research Papers A research paper is content which consists of reports and results of different examinations. The results are related to a particular field and the paper is designed in such a way that they assess the results and compare it with other modern solutions. It can also be considered as a type of academic essay which includes scholarly results and detailed assignments. You need to have a strong knowledge regarding the topic about which you have to write a research paper. ... Read More

Targeting only Firefox with CSS

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 14:27:14

3K+ Views

While developing the web application, developers must make it look fine in every browser. Some CSS properties are not supported by the browsers like Firefox but are supported by other browsers such as Chrome, Opera, etc. In such cases, we need to write a CSS code that targets only Firefox browser. In this article, we will learn two different methods to write CSS, which targets only Firefox browsers. Different ways to target Firefox with CSS There are two ways to target firefox with CSS as mentioned below. Using the Mozilla-specific CSS Extension ... Read More

How to center a div within another div?

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 13:38:06

5K+ Views

To center a div is one of the most important aspects of front-end development. In this article, we will center a div inside another div using HTML and CSS. We will have a parent div which shall have the child div. Our task would be to place the child div at the center of the parent div. Different ways to Center a Child div There are mltiple ways to center a child div, here we will show each approach with complete code. CSS transform and position Property CSS Grid ... Read More

Java Program to Get the Size of Given File in Bytes, KiloBytes and MegaBytes

Shiva Keerthi
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 12:51:24

2K+ Views

Size of a file is the amount of storage space occupied by that particular file on a particular storage device such as a hard drive. Size of a file is measured in terms of bytes. In this section, we will be discussing how to implement a java program to get the size of given file in bytes, kilobytes and megabytes. Understanding the file Sizes and Units of Measurement A byte is the smallest unit of digital information. One byte is equal to eight bits. 1 kilobyte (KB) = 1, 024 bytes 1 megabyte (MB) = ... Read More

Java Program to Get the Union & Intersection of Two TreeSet

Shiva Keerthi
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 12:49:10


TreeSet is a class that implements Set interface in Java. In TreeSet the elements are stored in sorted order as it is implemented internally using a sorted balanced tree called as binary search tree. The elements in the TreeSet are stored in ascending order by default. Union of sets contains all the elements from both sets. Intersection of sets contain all the elements which are commonly present in both sets. In this section, we will be discussing about how to get the union and intersection of two TreeSet using Java. What are the Union and Intersection of Sets? ... Read More

What is strtok_r() function in C language?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 23:21:10

3K+ Views

strtok_r() function in C language The strtok_r() function is similar to the strtok() function. The only key difference is that the _r, which is called as re-entrant function. A re-entrant function is a function which can be interrupted during its execution. This type of function can be used to resume execution. Because of this fact, re-entrant functions are thread-safe, means they can safely be interrupted by threads without any harm. strtok_r() function has an extra parameter called the context. so that function can resume at the right place. Syntax The syntax for strtok_r() function is as follows: // ... Read More

Implementation of DFS using C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 23:14:10

4K+ Views

Depth First Search (DFS) is an algorithm which traverses a graph and visits all nodes before coming back it can determine. Also, it determines whether a path exist between two nodes. It searches a graph or tree in depth-wise manner. Algorithm Given below is an algorithm for the implementation of the Depth First Search (DFS) − Step 1 − Initially stack is empty. Step 2 − If a node to be visited is not present in the stack, then we push it onto the stack and mark it as visited. Step 3 − Then, check if the current node matches ... Read More

Difference between Data Analytics and Data Science

Syed Javed
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 17:49:51


This is an article in which we will look at the difference between data analytics and data science. Data Science Data science is a field in which structured and unstructured data are used to extract meaningful information with the help of different algorithms and scientific methods. One of its fields is artificial intelligence which has now become very popular. The subjects included in data science are mathematics, statistics, science, programming, and many more. Importance of Data Science There are many important factors related to data science and some of them are listed below − Insights are extracted from the ... Read More

Composite Key in RDBMS

Amit Diwan
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 16:57:43

4K+ Views

A primary key having two or more attributes is called composite key. It is a combination of two or more columns.An example can be −Here our composite key is OrderID and ProductID −{OrderID, ProductID}Let us see another example −StudentIDStudentEnrollNoStudentMarksStudentPercentageS001072172257090S002072179049080S003072176644086Above, our composite keys are StudentID and StudentEnrollNo. The table has two attributes as primary key.Therefore, the Primary Key consisting of two or more attribute is called Composite Key.

Referential Integrity Rule in RDBMS

David Meador
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 16:43:22

8K+ Views

Referential Integrity Rule in DBMS is based on Primary key and Foreign Key. The Rule defines that a foreign key have a matching primary key. Reference from a table to another table should be valid.Referential Integrity Rule example −EMP_IDEMP_NAMEDEPT_IDDEPT_IDDEPT_NAMEDEPT_ZONEThe rule states that the DEPT_ID in the Employee table has a matching valid DEPT_ID in the Department table.To allow join, the referential integrity rule states that the Primary Key and Foreign Key have same data types.
