Compound Statements in Mathematics

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Apr-2024 11:55:57


Introduction A compound statement is a collection of two or more statements joined together using terms like "or, " "and, " "if-then, " and "only if." A statement is the fundamental building block of mathematical reasoning, which is a deductive process. The statements used in reasoning may be compound, meaning they may combine two or more separate statements. In mathematical reasoning issues, some particular words or phrases, such as And, Or, etc., are employed to form compound propositions. These are referred to as connectives. To answer questions relating to mathematical reasoning, conjunctions like AND, disjunctions like OR, and so on ... Read More

Concentric Circles

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Apr-2024 11:54:42


Introduction Concentric circles, congruent circles & tangent circles are the types of circles. The circle is one of the basic shape in geometry. It is a closed two-dimensional shape formed due to points that are placed equidistant from the central point. The word circle is derived from the Greek word Kirkos it means “hoop” or “ring”. A circle divide a plane interior i.e inside a circle & exterior i.e outside a circle. A circle is measured in the term of its radius. Congruent circles, concentric circles, intersecting circles & tangent circles are different types of circles. In this tutorial, we ... Read More

Conditional Probability

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Apr-2024 11:52:57


Introduction Conditional probability is defined as the likelihood of an event or outcome occurring, based on the occurrence of a previous event or outcome. In this tutorial, we will learn about Probability, Dependent and Independent Events, Conditional Probability and Conditional Probability theorem. We will also learn about Multiplication Rule in Probability and Total Probability and Bayes’ theorem. The probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred is known as conditional probability. For Conditional probability the events has to be dependent. Dependent events are the events where the occurrence of one event causes change in the probability ... Read More

Consecutive Integers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 29-Apr-2024 11:52:02


Introduction Consecutive integers are those integers that follow each other in a particular sequence or order. Natural numbers, whole numbers, rational & irrational numbers, real numbers & integers are some types of numbers. Integers are the set of whole positive & negative numbers with zero. ‘Integer’ is a Latin word which means whole or complete. This means fractional or decimal numbers are not included in integers. For example, 1, −5, 4, 9, −6. We can carry out basic arithmetic operations i.e addition, subtraction, multiplication & division on integers. Consecutive integers are those numbers that follow each other in a ... Read More

Binary Division

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:30:55


Introduction The binary division is a method to divide one binary number from another binary number. Binary numbers can undergo the four major arithmetic operations addition, division, subtraction, and multiplication-like numbers. The binary division is similar to the division of decimal numbers, while in the case of decimal numbers, there were 0-9, 10 digits. Here, in the case of binary numbers, there are only two digits 0 and 1.The long division method is one of the significant methods used in binary division. Definition Binary Numbers: The word ‘bi’ means two so, it is a number system that is used ... Read More

Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:29:11


Introduction Binomial Theorem for Positive Integral Indices states that “the total number of terms in the expansion is one more than the index”. The nth row of this array gives the coefficients in the expansion of $\mathrm{(a\:+\:b)^{n}}$ in descending powers of a and ascending powers of b; this array is known as the Pascal’s triangle after French mathematician Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). The triangle is, in fact, much older; it appeared as early as in 1303 in the works of the Chinese mathematician Chu Shin-Chien. Indeed, this was described by Indian mathematician Halayudha in 10th century A.D. as Meru Prastara, 700 ... Read More

Bisection Method

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:27:11


Introduction The bisection method is a root-finding method that applies to any continuous function for which one knows two values with opposite signs . There are different ways to find the roots of different equations(like simple, quadratic) and functions. Bisection method is the way to find the roots of a function which is polynomial in nature. This method is quite interesting. We first select an interval or range where the roots may lie, then we bisect and go on dividing the interval into a number of sub intervals until we finally reach the root. The main idea of this method ... Read More

Box and Whisker Plot

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:23:59


Introduction Box and whisker plots can be used to display and analyze data . More detailed details in various distributions or datasets are sometimes required, which measures of any central tendency such as mean, median, and mode may not meet. The variability or dispersion of data necessitates a much more concrete foundation. A box and whiskers plot can meet this demand. A box and whisker plot is a method of abstracting a set of data that is estimated using an interval scale. It is also known as a box plot. These are mostly used to interpret data. It is a ... Read More

Coincident Lines

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 26-Apr-2024 11:07:58


Introduction Coincident lines are the lines that are on top of each other. The term "coincide" refers to something happening at the same time. In mathematics, coincident lines are lines that lie on top of each other so that when we look at them, they appear to be a single line rather than double or multiple lines. Parallel lines are lines that are parallel to each other and have a predetermined distance between them. Perpendicular lines, on the other hand, are lines that intersect at a 90- degree angle. However, parallel and perpendicular lines do not coincide. In this tutorial, ... Read More

Ideal solution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 24-Apr-2024 17:08:47


Introduction Solutions were formed when different types of compounds are mixed. Mainly by the dissolution of solute on a solvent. There are two types of solutions; they are homogeneous and heterogeneous solutions. The solutions that possess uniformity in their properties are homogeneous. While the one which doesn't have any uniformity in their properties are heterogeneous solutions. There are many laws associated with solutions. Raoult's law is one such law. The French chemist François-Marie Raoult discovered Raoult's law in the year 1880 for explaining the ideal solution. This law mainly focuses on the properties of ideal solutions. But it also ... Read More
