Java Program for Closest Prime Number

Mr. Satyabrata
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 12:36:00


A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1 that is only divisible by 1 and itself. Prime numbers are an essential concept in mathematics and computer science. They are integers that are only divisible by 1 and themselves. Finding prime numbers is an important task in many algorithms, and there are several methods to determine if a number is prime. One such problem is finding the closest prime number to a given number. Problem Statement For a given number find the closest prime number by using Java programming language. Consider the following example - Input ... Read More

Privacy Issues and Preservation

sudhir sharma
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 12:23:31


Introduction In the age of technology we live in today. Preserving our personal information and maintaining our privacy has become an urgent concern. Our digital footprints encapsulate valuable information which can be leveraged by opportunistic entities solely for their own gain; inevitably triggering concerns regarding the safeguarding of our privacy rights and personal records. Just like an ecosystem needs preservation for its longevity. Protecting our digital footprints from external threats is crucial. The consequences of unregulated access to personal data can have serious implications such as targeted advertising and identity theft. It has undeniably become a matter of utmost importance ... Read More

Problems due to database unavailability

sudhir sharma
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 11:51:31


Overview For organizations grappling with database unavailability issues there are considerable challenges that can impact their operational efficiency as well as financial outcomes not to mention the importance of having access to real time information. Given that databases function as repositories for important data any delay or inability in accessing this crucial information can result in far reaching consequences. Operational efficiency gets hampered when employees lack access to necessary data resulting in diminished productivity and frustrated customers. Financial implications include missed chances of generating revenue. Costs associated with repairs or upgrades. And long-term harm to a companys reputation and ... Read More

Java Program to Toss a Coin

Samual Sam
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 11:20:56

3K+ Views

Tossing a coin is flipping a coin into the air and letting it fall back down. When you toss a coin, it's like a game where you can choose heads or tails, and the side that lands facing up is the result. This method is used when we want to make decisions or settle things randomly. Problem Statement Create a Java program to simulate the flipping of a coin 10 times, recording the number of times the result is "heads" and "tails". Output Chances = 10 Heads: 3 Tails: 7 Algorithms Step-1: Create an instance of the "Toss" ... Read More

Production databases in SQL queries

sudhir sharma
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 11:12:14


Overview Production databases are crucial for storing and retrieving data in organizations. SQL queries are essential for efficiently retrieving specific information from these databases. The article aims to equip readers with practical knowledge for working with production databases using SQL queries. Understanding SQL Queries and Relational Databases Relational databases provide a structured framework for organizing and storing data efficiently. Data modeling techniques, including normalization, help in designing effective databases. Understanding these concepts is essential for writing SQL queries that retrieve information accurately and efficiently from complex databases. Let’s dive into a few real world examples − Example 1 Creating ... Read More

How to remove CSS property using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 10:18:54

14K+ Views

To remove CSS property using JavaScript, it can be helpful in various aspects like removing unnecessary style property, increase the performance, can be easily maintained and and debugging becomes easier. In this article we are having a div element and in some approaches p element on which some CSS properties have veen applied. Our task is to remove applied CSS property using JavaScript. Approaches to Remove CSS property using JavaScript There are various ways to remove CSS property using JavaScript, here is a list of approaches with step wise explaination and complete example codes. Using ... Read More

Difference between Structure and Union in C Program

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 00:12:04

28K+ Views

In C, we have containers to hold data of same data type as well as different data types. C provides the concept of Arrays to store data variables of same type; while for storing data of different types, C has the concept of structures and unions. Both Structures and Unions can hold different types of data, but on the basis of their internal implementation, we can find several differences in both of these containers. Read this article to learn more about structures and unions and how they are different from each other. What is Structure in C Program? In C ... Read More

Explain the sorting techniques in C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 27-Jun-2024 22:54:16

31K+ Views

In this article, we are going to learn about the different sorting techniques and their implementations in C language. The following are the sorting techniques that we can implement with C language and other programming also: Bubble Sort Insertion Sort Selection Sort Merge Sort Shell Sort Heap Sort Bucket Sort Counting Sort Radix Sort Quick Sort Bubble Sort using C Bubble Sort is an elementary sorting algorithm, which works by repeatedly exchanging adjacent elements, if necessary. When no exchanges are required, the file is sorted. Example of Bubble Sort using C #include void bubbleSort(int array[], ... Read More

How to create a hoverable dropdown menu with CSS?

Updated on 27-Jun-2024 18:09:42

2K+ Views

Hoverable dropdown is dropdown that opens when we hover on that dropdown. This kind of dropdown are mostly used on header menu. If the user hover over on any element of the header menu then it will automatically open and render the content of that dropdown. Steps to Create Hoverable Dropdown Before proceeding to create a hoverable dropdown we will create a dropdown structure first using HTML. Step 1 - Add HTML: Here we will create dropdown structure for that we can use , or any element. here in this article we will use the button element. ... Read More

Java program to check if string is pangram

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 27-Jun-2024 17:51:16

7K+ Views

A pangram is a string that contains all the letters of the English alphabet. An example of a pangram is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". Problem Statement Given a string, write a Java program to check whether it is pangram or not.Consider the following example - Input The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Output String: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The above string is a pangram. Algorithm The algorithm below is focusing to check if the string is pangram. Step 1: Create a boolean array `alphaList` ... Read More
