Table of widgets in Python with Tkinter

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 15:08:05


Tkinter is a popular library in Python for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It provides a wide range of widgets that can be used to build interactive and visually appealing applications. One of the key features of Tkinter is the ability to create tables or grids of widgets. In this article, we will explore how to create a table of widgets using Tkinter and demonstrate some useful techniques. Tkinter provides a widget called Frame that serves as a container for other widgets. We can use frames to create a table-like structure by arranging multiple frames in rows and columns. Each ... Read More

Stop Raising an Event in Tkinter

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 15:06:29


Tkinter is a popular Python GUI toolkit that allows developers to create user interfaces for desktop applications. One of the key features of Tkinter is its ability to handle events, such as button clicks, mouse movements, and key presses. However, there may be times when you want to stop raising an event in Tkinter. In this article, we will explore how to stop raising an event in Tkinter. What are Events in Tkinter? In Tkinter, an event is a signal that is triggered when a certain action occurs, such as clicking a button, moving the mouse, or pressing a key. ... Read More

Show figures independent of screen resolution in Python Tkinter with Matplotlib

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 15:03:44


When creating data visualization applications using Python's Tkinter and Matplotlib, it is crucial to ensure that the figures displayed are independent of the user's screen resolution. This ensures that the visual representation of the data remains consistent across different devices and screen sizes. In this article, we will explore techniques to achieve screen resolution independence when integrating Matplotlib figures into Tkinter applications. The challenge arises due to the variation in screen resolutions among different devices. If the figures are not handled properly, they may appear distorted or inconsistent, making it difficult for users to interpret the data accurately. To overcome ... Read More

Resize background image to window size with Tkinter grid manager?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 15:00:01


When developing graphical user interfaces (GUIs) using Tkinter, it is often desirable to have a background image that dynamically adjusts to the window size, providing a visually pleasing and immersive experience for users. In this article, we will explore how to resize a background image to fit the window size using the Tkinter grid manager. Tkinter, a popular GUI toolkit for Python, offers various geometry managers for organizing widgets within a window. The grid manager, specifically, allows widgets to span multiple rows and columns, making it well-suited for handling complex layouts and resizing scenarios. By leveraging the grid manager and binding ... Read More

Measure the height of a string in Tkinter Python?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 14:57:10


In Tkinter, you can measure the height of a string using the font and metrics modules. Measuring the height of a string can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as when you need to align text or objects within a canvas or when you need to dynamically adjust the size of a widget based on its contents. To measure the height of a string, you first need to create a Font object using the font module. The Font object specifies the font family, font size, and font style of the text you want to measure. Example Below is ... Read More

Limitations of callback functions associated with Tkinter traces

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 14:55:04


One of the key features of Tkinter is the ability to create widgets and bind them to callback functions, which are executed when certain events occur. Tkinter provides several mechanisms for creating callback functions, including event bindings, button commands, and trace callbacks. Trace callbacks, in particular, are used to monitor changes to the value of a Tkinter variable, such as a StringVar or IntVar. While trace callbacks can be useful in many cases, there are some limitations associated with these types of callback functions that developers should be aware of. In this article, we will explore some of these limitations in ... Read More

Is it possible to have icon in Tkinter menubar in Python?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 14:51:59


Tkinter is a popular GUI (Graphical User Interface) toolkit for Python that provides developers with a set of tools and widgets to create desktop applications. It is widely used due to its simplicity and ease of use. When it comes to designing user-friendly applications, having an intuitive and visually appealing interface is essential. One aspect of GUI design that can greatly enhance the user experience is the use of icons. Icons provide visual cues and make it easier for users to navigate through menus and perform actions. In this article, we will explore whether it is possible to have icons ... Read More

Implement text-autocompletion in Python/Tkinter based text editor

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 14:47:07


Text autocompletion is a useful feature that enhances productivity and improves the user experience in text editors. It automatically suggests completions for partially typed words or phrases, reducing the effort required for manual typing. In this article, we will explore how to implement text autocompletion in a Python text editor using the Tkinter library. We will walk through the process step by step, including setting up the user interface, handling user input, and implementing the autocompletion functionality. Prerequisites To follow along with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Python programming and the Tkinter library. Additionally, make sure you have Python ... Read More

How to use Tkinter filedialog without a window?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 14:44:28


The tkinter.filedialog module in Python provides a convenient way to select and save files in a graphical user interface. However, in some situations, such as when running a script in a headless environment, we may want to use tkinter.filedialog without a window. In this article, we'll explore how to use the tkinter.filedialog module without a window for selecting and saving files. We'll see how to use the filedialog.askopenfilename() and filedialog.asksaveasfilename() methods to select and save files without showing the root window, and we'll provide example codes for each of these methods. By the end of this article, you'll be able to ... Read More

How to use non-integer, float values for Tkinter Scale widget scrollbar?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 06-Dec-2023 14:41:53


Tkinter is a popular library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUI) in Python. It provides a wide range of widgets that allow developers to build interactive applications. One of the most used widgets is the Scale widget, which provides a scrollbar-like control for selecting a value from a range. By default, the Scale widget only supports integer values, but there are ways to use non-integer float values as well. In this article, we will explore how to accomplish this. The Scale widget in Tkinter allows users to select a value by moving a slider along a horizontal or vertical scale. ... Read More
