Deferred Revenue

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 12:31:34


Introduction Some of the companies operate on the principle of pay first and receive the services later. A classic example of this type would be all the subscription and ecommerce models, where you have to first initiate the payment to enjoy the services at a later stage in the future. The company notes this type of income as deferred revenue in their books of accounts. And record them as a liability instead of an asset. Now, let’s table down this concept into different parts for easy understanding. Meaning of Deferred Revenue Deferred revenue refers to a kind ... Read More

Consumer Debt

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 12:11:36


Introduction Debt refers to borrowings made by a party to finance their needs with a condition of repaying the principal amount along with interest after an agreed period. There are two distinct forms of debt, namely, consumer debt and corporate debt. Any borrowings made by a private group or class of people is termed as consumer debt. Government, private entities, and any other businesses don’t fall under the umbrella of consumer debt. Some of the consumer debt forms include credit cards, mortgages, personal loans, day loans, etc. For almost all types of loans, the consumer borrows a sum ... Read More

Co-Branded Cards

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 11:54:26


Introduction Innovation is a never-ending process, especially in the world of finance. You get to see new technologies opening doors to new financial products, resulting in a new channel. Today, we have an array of credit card options to choose from, but you might not have heard about some of them. If you would have known that a certain card like this is available in the market, then your task would have been finished in a much less time. So, it’s crucial for every user to be abreast of the developments in the credit landscape to get your ... Read More

Power and Authority

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:39:11


Introduction Power is defined as the capacity to influence or control the behaviour of others by compulsion or persuasion, meaning that people in positions of power do so at the expense of others. Power may be used in various ways, including physical force, financial resources, social standing, and skill. It can be utilised to achieve personal or collective objectives, and it can be legal or illegal. Individuals or groups do not have power in isolation; rather, they wield it over others. On the other hand, authority is the legitimate power granted by a formal structure such as a government. It ... Read More

Addiction to social media

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:37:35


Introduction Social media is an internet based tool or software that enables people to widely share information. Continuous increase in the use of social media programs or platforms, right from Instagram to Facebook, has made it clear that social media plays a significant role in the lives of many. Researchers believe that social media can be very addictive. Therefore through this article we will try to understand social media addiction. Social Media Addiction Browsing and navigating through social media has become increasingly popular or in- demand activity over the last few decades. There is a percentage of people that ... Read More

Agents of Socialization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:36:10


Introduction Individuals cannot on their own figure out how to live in society; they usually learn it from people around them. These agents of socialization are responsible for making an individual familiar with society’s rules, norms, and expectations. As well as also shape the individual’s identity or concept of self to a large extent. This process of socialization is at work almost during an individual’s whole life but it is more prevalent during childhood and early adolescence. Since it is when an individual starts to learn- How to behave in the world? Moreover, when an individual shifts to a ... Read More

Agrarian Unrest and Peasant Movements

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:34:55


Introduction Agriculture has always been the foundation of India's economy. Agriculture employs more than half of India's population. Despite its significance, the agriculture industry in India is beset by some issues, which have resulted in agrarian unrest and peasant uprisings in India, as peasants and rural communities seek to protect their rights and better their living conditions. Agrarian unrest pertains to social and political conflicts that develop in rural regions as a result of issues such as landowners, crop production, poverty, and socioeconomic inequality. It is defined by the dissatisfaction and concerns of farmers and rural labourers who face ... Read More

An Inter-national System

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:33:22


Introduction In the study of international relations, the term international system is used in two different ways- analytical and historical. Two scholars who have contributed rigorously in this field of study are Kenneth N. Waltz and Morton A. Kaplan. Very recently the terms ‘global governance’ and ‘international regimes’ are used academically in place of international systems but this term has not lost its significance. Hence, in this article we will discuss international systems. Definition and Characteristics of International System The term ‘international systems’ describes international politics or international relations which in specific circumstances may also include diplomacy and military ... Read More

Applied and Clinical Sociology

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:32:15


Introduction Applied sociology differs from pure sociology because the latter is theoretical and applied sociology is more practical. Clinical sociology seeks to understand the various elements of a person’s social experience. These elements may be based on history, culture, ecology or interpersonal relationships. Hence in this article we will briefly discuss applied sociology and clinical sociology. Applied Sociology The idea to create positive social change through active intervention is used to characterise practitioners who employ sociological theories and methodologies outside of academic settings. Applying sociology more narrowly may be defined as putting sociological theory into action for particular clients. ... Read More

Alfred Hitchcock (1899 – 1980) English / American film Producer, Director

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 11-Dec-2023 15:30:04


Introduction English director Sir Alfred Joseph Hitchcock was a renowned filmmaker. He is recognized as one of the most important personalities in the history of movies. He created over 50 films throughout his career, many of which are still hailed for cinematography and are widely watched. Early life and career beginnings Alfred Hitchcock was born on 13th August 1899 in London. He was brought up in the East End located in London. Despite having two brothers, he remembered his childhood as being lonely and having a strict disciplinarian father. Before enrolling in 1913-1914 to the London County Council School ... Read More
