Greek Culture & Religion: Overview & Influences on Art

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:40:58


Introduction Greek culture and religion had a profound influence on the art of ancient Greece. The civilization, which existed from the 8th century BCE to the 6th century CE, was located in the geographical region of Greece and had colonies throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions. Religion was central to ancient Greek society and deeply intertwined with daily life and culture. The Greeks believed in a pantheon of gods and goddesses who controlled various aspects of the natural world and human affairs. This belief system is reflected in much of the art and architecture of ancient Greece, including ... Read More

Important Artworks of the Roman Republic

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:39:38


Introduction The Romans were considered way ahead of their times. It was further proven in 509 BC when the Roman public overthrew the King and decided a Republic would rule them. They elected representatives, and they would lay their needs and expectations in the Roman Senate. With no supreme king to rule over the wealthy people, this system started a new trend that would revolutionize the world of Art. That is how the rise of making bronze sculptures came into existence. They were like true portraits, and the Romans captured the real face, and it was called Verism. Beginnings ... Read More

Late Antiquity: Definition, Overview & Art

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:22:18


Introduction Late Antiquity refers to the period between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD in the Mediterranean world, encompassing the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Middle Ages. It was a time of significant cultural and social change, marked by the decline of the classical Greco-Roman world and the emergence of new cultures and religions. During this period, the Roman Empire faced various challenges, including political instability, economic difficulties, and the threat of invasion by barbarian tribes. Terminology During the Late Antiquity period, several political, social, and cultural changes led to the development of new ... Read More

Minoan Art: History and Images

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:20:13


Introduction Minoans are a group of the earliest Greeks who lived in Crete in the Mediterranean sea. They have shown growth in the period, and they are famous for their artwork. Some of their artworks are being preserved today. They are extraordinary in cities, palaces, trade and the use of writing. Minoans are traders who import and export the goods with their surroundings. They developed the trading system and made use of it through natural harbours. They were subject to a long period of peace. Their artwork contains images of current events and the Minoans' physical environment. Their art ... Read More

Mural Paintings in Pompeii: Subject, Style & Technique

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:19:12


Introduction Mural painting works of art in Pompeii are the absolute most amazing and very protected instances of old Roman craftsmanship. Pompeii was an old Roman city in southern Italy that was covered under debris and pumice after the ejection of Mount Vesuvius. The city stayed covered for about 1700 years until its rediscovery in the eighteenth century. The mural paintings in Pompeii cover a wide range of subjects, including mythological scenes, portraits, landscapes, still-life compositions, and architectural elements. One of the most common themes is the celebration of the pleasures of life, such as feasting, drinking, and leisure ... Read More

Roman Concrete Construction: Development & Uses

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:17:32


Introduction Roman cement, otherwise called Opus Caementicium, is a development material utilized by the old Romans to construct designs, structures, and landmarks. Roman cement was a progressive material that changed how the Romans constructed structures and is still being used today. The Romans had the option to fabricate gigantic designs like the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and water passages, on account of the solidness and strength of Roman cement. This utilization of Roman cement in the development made the Roman design so astonishing and important. Development of Roman Concrete Roman concrete was developed in the third century BCE and used in ... Read More

Roman Engineering and Architecture

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:16:37


Introduction Roman engineering and architecture refer to the ancient Romans' innovative techniques and building styles. Roman engineering and architecture have significantly impacted the world, and their legacy can still be seen today in many modern structures. The legacy of Roman engineering and architecture is still evident in many of the world's most famous landmarks, including the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the aqueducts of Segovia. The techniques and designs developed by the Romans have also been influential in modern architecture and engineering development, making Roman engineering and architecture an important part of the world's cultural heritage. Roads The Roman Empire ... Read More

Rome & Religious Architecture: Influences & Examples

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:15:19


Introduction Rome is a city that has been at the forefront of Western civilization for centuries, and one of the most significant influences on its architecture has been religion. The city is home to some of the world's most impressive religious structures, many still standing today. Various influences have shaped Rome's religious architecture over the centuries. One of the most significant of these is ancient Roman architecture, which has profoundly impacted the city's design of many religious buildings. The use of arches, columns, and domes in Roman architecture has been adopted by many religious buildings in Rome. Examples of Religious ... Read More

The Founding of Ancient Rome & Rome's Early History

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:13:42


Introduction The founding of Ancient Rome is shrouded in mystery and legend. According to tradition, Romulus and Remus, twin sons of Mars, the god of war, founded the city in 753 B.C. The twins were left alone as children on the side of the Tiber River, and a she- wolf reared them. Etruscan kings originally ruled the city, but in 509 B.C., the Roman Republic was established. It marked the beginning of Rome's rise to power, quickly spreading its influence throughout Italy and beyond the country. Early History The early history of Rome has three distinct and important periods: ... Read More

The Layout and purpose of The Roman Forum

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 12-Dec-2023 16:12:16


Introduction Roman Forum, also known as Forum Romanum in Latin, was the most significant Forum in ancient Rome. It was located in a flat area between the Capitoline and Palatine hills. In republican times, gladiatorial battles, law courts, and public gatherings took place in the Roman Forum, lined with stores and outdoor markets. Earlier, many of the city's most impressive temples and monuments were located there. The Forum was the hub of daily life, local government, and the Roman Empire. Emperors and commoners gathered in this main square to worship, shop, socialise, and gossip. Description The Forum in Rome ... Read More
