How to create an about / about us page for website with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 14:59:06


The about page of a website has the team details including the name, designation, contact details, contact button, etc. First, a container is set for the about page. Withing that, set the child containers for the column, card, person profile, etc. The profile includes the name, designation and a button to contact. Let us see how to create an about us page for website with HTML and CSS. Create a div container The container is set for the team details of the about page. The team card in the container includes other child containerd − ... Read More

How to create alert messages with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 13:46:22


The alert message can be seen on web pages. As an example, we can consider a message while deleted an account on a social media website. Even coupons are provided in the form of alert message on some websites. Other examples can be “Your order is confirmed” or even ““Your password is about to expire. Please update it now.” Let us see how to create alert messages with HTML and CSS. Create a container for the alerts A div is set for the alter message. Within that the alert message is set with the close button symbol − ... Read More

How to create a zebra striped table with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:40:49


To create a table on a web page, we use the element. It allows us to set the table row using the element. Within that, the elements are used to place the data. A table can also be striped. Such striped tables have a different look for every alternative row. To set a property for evert alternative row, we will use the nth-child(even) property. Let us see how to create a zebra striped table with HTML and CSS. Create a table The element is used to create a table. We have set three columns for our ... Read More

How to create a vertical menu with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:32:23


Vertical menus on a web page are mainly placed on the left or the right. These left or right menus are vertically aligned to make it easier for users to navigate or click them. To create a vertical menu, set a container and within that set the menu links. The display property is to be set as block to let the menu appear vertically. Let us see how to create a vertical menu with HTML and CSS. Set a container for the menu A div is set for the menu. The menu links are added using the element with ... Read More

How to create a vertical line with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:30:15

2K+ Views

We can easily create a vertical line on a web page using the border-left property. The border width, style and color needs to be also set for the line to be visible on the web page. Create a div First, create a container for the line to appear − Create a line To let the line to appear, use the border-left property − .vLine { border-left: 6px solid rgb(128, 0, 128); height: 500px; margin-left: 5%; } Create a vertical line To create a vertical line with ... Read More

How to Create a Triangle Using CSS clip-path?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:27:20


On a web page, you can create a triangle easily. Use the clip-path property or even the child selector concept can be used. The clip-path allows a user to clip an element to a shape. This shape is to be set polygon to create a triangle. Syntax The syntax of CSS clip-path property is as follows − Selector { clip-path: /*value*/ } Create a Triangle using the clip-path The following example illustrate CSS clip-path property. Here, we have set the clip-path shape to polygon to create a triangle. This is done using the polygon() method ... Read More

How to create a tree view with CSS and JavaScript?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:25:16

1K+ Views

On a web page, if you want to represent a folder-view, like in case of web hosting filed, then create a tree view. The root or the home are always clickable in a tree view. We set it clickable using the cursor property with the value pointer. The arrow key is rotated 90 degrees when it is clicked. This is achieved using the rotate() method with the transform property. Set the tree view root The root for the tree view is set using the . Within that, is set − ... Read More

How to create a tabbed image gallery with CSS and JavaScript?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:23:38


Image gallery on a web page can be displayed in various forms. One of them is a tabbed image gallery. On clicking the image thumbnail from the image gallery, the image expands. Let us see how to create a tabbed image gallery with HTML and CSS. Set the images for the thumbnail For our example, we have considered 3 images and added to the web page using the element − Image Thumbnail When the mouse cursor is placed on the image, the image thumbnail will appear as clickable because we have set the cursor ... Read More

How to create a subnavigation menu with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:20:35

1K+ Views

A subnavigation menu is a menu that appear just below the main menu. The menu is created using the element on a web page. Consider it as a secondary menu or a submenu. The submenus appear on mouse hovering any of the menus from the main menu. This is set using the :hover selector. Create a menu A menu on a web page is created using the element. For the submenus, a div container is created and the menu links are set using the element − Home Contact ... Read More

How to create a sticky image with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 12:15:51

2K+ Views

On a web page, you must have seen a stick menu positioned on the top. With that, a sticky element can also be placed on a web page. Also, using the position property, we can also make an image sticky that would stick even when the web page is scrolled. Let us see how to create a sticky image with HTML and CSS. Set the image Place an image on a web page using the element − Add some text to make the scroll appear Place some text after the image to let the scroll appear. ... Read More
