Mimicry and Coloration in Insects

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:04:34


Introduction Mimicry can be described as the phenomenon of resemblance in physical characteristics or behavioural traits of an animal with a different animal species, usually of different taxa to gain a selective advantage in its environment. Camouflage, on the other hand, refers to the animal species resembling a non-living or inanimate object. Insects constitute a large percentage of mimicry and practice various forms of camouflage and colouration. Types and Examples In nature, four types of mimicry can be observed in different species of animals. Mullerian Mimicry, Batesian Mimicry, Aggressive Mimicry, and Automimicry Mullerian Mimicry Mullerian mimicry is observed between unrelated ... Read More

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 10:44:13


Introduction Mosquito-borne disease is an illness of humans caused by the bite of a female mosquito during its blood meal. Mosquitoes get infested with pathogens like viruses and parasites while feeding on the blood of infected birds or mammals and act as vectors for disease transmission. Disease symptoms are usually asymptomatic at the initial stage, but in mild conditions, there is fever, body aches, joint pain, headache, and rashes, while chronic situations can lead to high fever, stiff neck, coma, seizures, bleeding, brain inflammation, and paralysis. Common Mosquito-Borne Diseases Lymphatic filariasis Lymphatic filariasis is commonly known as elephantiasis. ... Read More

Mosquitoes and Their Life Cycle

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 10:27:34


Introduction Mosquitoes are, ironically, the most popular insect vectors of animal diseases across the world. Female mosquitoes are hematophagous, feeding on vertebrate blood for egg production and maturation. Different species of mosquitoes prefer different hosts. During feeding, a female mosquito injects her proboscis and discharges saliva inside the host’s skin, causing an itchy reaction. If this mosquito is carrying disease pathogens from an earlier blood meal, after sufficient pathogen development (incubation) in its body, the pathogen may be transmitted to the new host. The incubation period varies for every pathogen ranging from days to weeks. Mosquitoes are vectors of human ... Read More

How to create popups with CSS and JavaScript?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:41:55


A popup appears on the click of a button. Add any key message in it. To close the popup, set a cross symbol on top-right. However, the popups generally close when the mouse cursor is placed somewhere else on the web page. Set a button to open the popup First, create a button that will be clicked by the user to open the popup − Open Popup Set the container for the popup A div is set for the popup. Withing that, a child container is created for the popup content. Within that, set the close symbol using ... Read More

How to create pill buttons with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:40:55

2K+ Views

The pill buttons mean pill-shaped buttons. We can easily style and shape the default button to form a pill button. Set the border-radius on the button to shape it like a pill button. You can also remove the border using the border property with the value none. Align the button text in the center using the text-align property with the value center. Create buttons First, create buttons using the element − Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Button 4 Reshape the button to pill button The button we created above will be converted to a pill ... Read More

How to create notification buttons with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:39:57


A notification button includes a separate text on the top-right i.e., a badge with the number of notifications. Notifications are like pending messages waiting to be read. Once you read, the count of the notification i.e., the pending message will decrease. We can easily create such a button look-alike with the notification’s icon using HTML and CSS. Create the notifications container A container div is created to include the message as well as the notifications badge. Both of them are set in the element − Messages 99+ Position ... Read More

How to create loading buttons with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:38:53


Buttons can be displayed as loading when they are clicked. On click, the button may reach the next page but just before that, the loading stage is visible. On your web page, you can easily display the loading buttons with HTML and CSS. First, load the icons. Set the CDN for the icons To add the icons on our web page, we have used the Font Awesome Icons. Include it on a web page using the element − Create the buttons The buttons are created using the element. The three different loading icons are set ... Read More

How to Create LEFT-RIGHT Alignment of Containers with CSS Flex?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:36:36


With flex, we can easily create left-right alignment of containers. The flexible items are displayed horizontally using the flex-direction property. The flexible items have a space between them since the justify-content is set to space-between. The following examples illustrate CSS flex property. Align with Flex Direction The div container is set to the flex value using the display property. The flex-direction allow the flex items to display horizontally − flex-direction: row; Example Let us see the example − #container { ... Read More

How to create image overlay icon effect on hover with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:29:26


To create an image overlay icon effect with CSS, you need to set the icons. Here, we will consider the Font Awesome icon. To include such icons, set the CDN for the icon under the . On hover, the overlay effect will display an icon. Set the CDN for the icons To add the icons on our web page, we have used the Font Awesome Icons. Include it on a web page using the element − Set the parent container for the card A div is set for the card that includes the image, text as ... Read More

How to create image overlay hover slide effects with CSS?

Updated on 14-Dec-2023 17:27:07


The image overlay slide effect is hidden when the page loads and is visible when the mouse cursor is hovered on the image. The ease-in-outtransition effect is set using the transition property to make the overlay slide effect possible. Let us see how to create an image overlay hover slide effect with HTML and CSS. Set the card container A parent div is set for the card text, image, and caption − Tree Position the card container The ... Read More
