Dicotyledonous Monocotyledonous Seed

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:48:06


Introduction Seeds are the result of the sexual reproduction of a plant. It has a major impact on human lives too because it provides basic food. However, seeds have a most important contribution to the world; it helps to grow new plants that make the planet much greener. The survival of the major plants depends on the production of seeds, as it is a process of replicating one plant. What is Seed? Seeds can be defined as a part of the plant, which is fertilized and matured ovule that helps the plant to preserve food. It is usually found inside ... Read More

Beetles and Their Different Types

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:37:59


Introduction Beetles are found everywhere around us. They are very common insects. Beetles belong to the insect order Coleoptera. They can be easily identified by their hard armour-the elytra, giving the appearance of a big nut. Characteristics of Beetles Some of the key features of Beetles are as described below. ⦁ Body structure − Adult beetles can be distinguished by a pair of elytra, the hardened forewings having cryptic colour patterns. The elytra protect the beetle from mechanical damage, predators, parasites, pathogens, and excessive desiccation to increase their longevity and survival. They can adapt to different habitats from deserts ... Read More

Bioluminescent Insects

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:34:37


Introduction Bioluminescence is an example of chemiluminescence or light emission by chemical reaction in a living organism. ‘Bioluminescence’ is derived from Greek- ‘bio’ means living and ‘lumen’ means ‘light’. It is an enzyme-catalysed reaction, a process of conversion of light energy into chemical energy. The Greeks and Romans were the first to discover glowing organisms and sea phosphorescence. Aristotle described them as ‘cold light’. The first book on Bioluminescence was published by Conrad Gesner in 1555 and later in the nineteenth century, Raphael Dubois extracted two key components- ‘luciferin’ and ‘luciferase’ of this biochemical reaction. Luciferin (from Latin of Lucifer- ... Read More

Communication in Ants

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:23:32


Introduction Social insects are more advantageous with respect to solitary insects over solitary insects. Many individuals in the colony increase systematic functioning, organised and efficient working, sharing information through specialised communication about the food resources. It helps in the foraging of the colony, in many cases retaining the memory of previous reward source and select location of profitability. Communication in Ants Foraging communication of social insects has been a subject of study for long. In 1880s, Victorian John Lubbock found that ants use odour for trail networking and foraging. Wassman, his contemporary believed that ants have a sophisticated language encoding ... Read More

Difference between Archaea and Bacteria

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:21:24


Introduction Archaea and bacteria are both unicellular prokaryotic cells and both can survive in extreme conditions. Despite that, they have different structures and different reproduction methods. Archaea are not pathogenesis but there are many bacteria that can cause illness. Archaea and bacteria do not have a nucleus or membrane-possessed organelles. They are almost similar in shapes and sizes. Overview of Archaea Archaea is part of single cell prokaryotic organisms. Earlier archaea was known as archaebacteria. Their cell wall elements are different from bacteria. They are mainly observed in utmost natural conditions such as marshy areas, hot springs and utmost ... Read More

Difference between Auxin and Gibberellin

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:20:00


Introduction Auxin and Gibberellin both are a type of plant hormones that occurs naturally and synthesises artificially. These hormones help the plant in the plant growth processes like flowering, root initiation, organogenesis and many more. Both of these hormones fall under the category of phytohormones. They also have major roles to mediate the responses of the shading adaptation of plants. What is Auxin? The word auxin means growing or enlarging. This hormone is situated in the growing roots of apice. It changes location later to promote growth in the plant. It is acquired from tryptophan, a type of amino acid ... Read More

Difference between Axon and Dendrite

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:14:56


Introduction Axon and dendrite are the two major parts of neurons those work to transfer information. Dendrites has short branches than axon and that is a major difference between these two parts of the neuron. The central nervous system and the peripheral nervous systems are the two main parts of the human nervous system. The human spinal cord and brain’s activities are controlled by the central nervous system. The nervous system works for information, command and making coordination in all body parts with the brain. Peripheral nervous system is another part of the nervous system where neurons are formed. ... Read More

Growth and Metamorphosis In Insects

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:13:21


Introduction Metamorphosis can be defined as "a process of profound postembryonic reorganization of tissues which usually prepares an animal for the rest of its life in a different habitat." Metamorphosis is regulated by juvenile hormone secreted from the insect’s brain. Juvenile hormone secretion causes moulting of the insect and results in the emergence of the adult. The soft body of most insects remains covered by a thick envelope called exoskeleton for protection against external environment. An insect pass through egg, larva, pupa, and adult in its life, through growth and transformation. But its exoskeleton has limited capability of expansion. Therefore, ... Read More

Insect Vectors of Plant Pathogens

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:07:39


Introduction Thousands of plant pathogens are known to affect plants. Generally, these plant pathogens are viruses, but they can also be bacteria, fungi, or parasitic nematodes. Most of the vectors of plant pathogens are sucking insects feeding on plant juices of the suborder Homoptera under order Hemiptera. The small stylets of these insect vectors help in the insertion of pathogens to plant cells or vascular tissues with minimum physical damage. Aphids (family Aphididae) are the most widely known vectors of plant pathogens. Whiteflies (Aleyrodidae), leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), plant hoppers (Fulgoridae), mealybugs (Pseudococcidae) and various other hemipteran insects help in the ... Read More

Insects as Pollinators

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 11:06:21


Introduction Our demand for food is increasing with the increasing human population. To cope with this situation, our agriculture system needs more food production through a sustainable management system. Pollinators play the most vital role in food production. Ways of Pollination Out of 115 leading global crops of human consumption, 87 depend on animal pollination to some extent. Five to eight per cent of global crop production with a market value of about 235 to 577 billion US dollars can be directly attributed to animal pollination. About 200, 000 different animal species are found to act as pollinators, insects, ... Read More
