Modernization in Vietnam and The Rise of Communism

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 16:00:47


Introduction While the resistance grew in Vietnam there also rose a question of dilemma regarding modernization. Was it necessary to modernize? Do we have to disregard our traditions to be modern and do we have to use the scale of the west to measure modernization? Such questions crept into the minds of the natives. So let us take a look at ways of modernization. Ways of Becoming Modernized As Japan and China had a healthy relationship with Vietnam and their cultures were closely aligned, it was important to analyze and follow in their footsteps in the first half of the ... Read More

The Gupta Empire – Kings and Rulers

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 15:54:20


Introduction The Gupta Age was one of an influx of innovation and progress in the arts, architecture, technology, and other fields of development. It spanned from the early 4th Century AD to the late 6th Century AD. This empire encompassed a majority of the Indian subcontinent, with its expansionist ideologies. There were several rulers of prominence in the Gupta Empire. Sri Gupta I founded the dynasty, and his reign lasted until the late 3rd Century CE. He was followed by Ghatotkacha, his successor, who was followed by Chandra-Gupta I, perhaps the first well known Gupta Ruler. Most Prominent Gupta Rulers ... Read More

Revolt of 1857 - Sepoy Mutiny

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 15:49:59


Introduction For 200 years, India was ruled by Britishers. The war for independence was not simple, and it was not achieved in a single day. Many revolts were won and lost, leading to India's independence. The Sepoy Mutiny, also known as the 1857 Revolt, was a massive insurrection. Overview On May 10th, 1857, sepoys of East India Company (EIC) from Meerut started a rebellion against the rule of the company. In history, this rebellion is addressed by various other names - The Sepoy Mutiny, the Revolt of 1857, the Indian Insurgency, etc. The revolt of 1857 was the first ... Read More

The Pre-modern world and its journey toward modernization

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 15:48:38


Introduction Have you ever thought about how the world became modernized? Most of us would coin the term modern world with globalization. But the fact is even before globalization, the journey toward modernization began in the Harappan civilization when the trade routes and silk routes were discovered. Travelers, traders, and pilgrims all traveled a great distance in search of opportunities and knowledge. Goods and resources were carried from one side of the globe to the other side. By 300 BCE itself coastal trade had connected west Asia with the Indus valley civilization. Disease-carrying germs could be traced to the seventh ... Read More

Advocates Fees and Remuneration

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 13:38:38


In the field of litigation, the advocates’ role is indispensable and hence, the question of their fees is equally important. Advocates’ fees maintain balance between the sustaining a livelihood (for advocates) and access to justice for their clients. Legal Practioners Act, 1879 and the Advocates Act, 1961 that govern the legal profession in India, also prescribe a framework for determining advocates fees. The standard is based on professional standards, quantum and type of case, ethical consideration, etc. Besides, time-to-time, Higher Courts also keep revising the advocate’s fees by considering some essential dynamic features, like the type of city, ... Read More

Why is Attorney-Client Relationship Privileged?

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 13:37:01


In any legal system, the attorney-client or advocate-client relationship is the foundational aspect that predominantly runs the whole machinery of legal profession. In this relationship, clients meet and hire advocates to represent them and their case inside the court. This unique relationship is established to provide legal representation, legal counseling, and advice. Likewise, the attorney-client relationship is built on trust, confidentiality, and shared objectives and characterized by a mutually beneficial commitment to achieve the client’s legal goals. Why is Attorney-client Relationship Important? The attorney-client relationship does not define only a contractual arrangement, but rather it includes a fiduciary duty ... Read More

Can A Complaint Be Filled Against Advocates?

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 13:34:37


Advocacy is one of the most noble professions and advocates (who practice advocacy) are the medium through which clients put their issues, petition, plaint, and defense to the court in a systematic and understandable manner. In such a condition, the responsibilities and duties of an advocate, are very important and sensitive and any mistake or misbehavior of an advocate can cause harm to their client as well as to the court. So, to control and regulate an advocate’s professional behavior, the Advocates Act of 1961 defines complaint provision against the advocates who found guilty of any such misbehavior. ... Read More

Can an Advocate Drop a Client in the Middle of a Case?

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 13:32:52


The attorney-client have symbiotic relationship that benefits each other. This relationship is built on mutual trust, clear communication, and shared goals. And, in normal circumstance, such relationship ends with the final decision of the court. However, even in the middle of the case, situation may arise where advocate wants to drop or leave the case. Though this is the right of an advocate to drop his client, but in a given condition and essentially not at random or because of blunt mood per se. Advocates in India are bound to follow the ethical guidelines and professional standards defined ... Read More

Can a Client Change Advocates in the Middle of Their Case?

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 13:31:21


Proceedings of any case inside the court is not a smooth going journey, but rather it faces many difficulties and all these difficulties require competent skill set and relevant knowledge. Secondly, along with competent skill sets and legal knowledge, advocates also need to be humble, friendly, and approachable to their clients. Incompetency in any of these skill sets or change in behavior may compel their clients to replace their advocate from the case. Can Client Change Advocate? Though question appears very simple and its answer can be given in either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but it is not ... Read More

Challenges in Accessing Legal Aid in India

Mukesh Kumar
Updated on 15-Dec-2023 13:29:58


In the Indian judicial system, the provision of “legal aid” is one of the most favorable aspects that fills the gap between rich and poor people by providing free legal service to all the people who cannot afford or buy legal service for themselves. However, along with this noble idea, there are some potential challenges that restrain people to access the service of legal aid in India. What is Meaning of Legal Aid? Legal aid is a noble concept under which, the legal assistance or support is provided to the people who cannot buy legal services for themselves ... Read More
