Create a Pomodoro Using Python Tkinter

Tamoghna Das
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 10:50:21


What is Pomodoro? Francesco Cirillo, a university student at the time, invented the Pomodoro Method in the late 1980s. Cirillo was having difficulty focusing on his academics and completing homework. He asked himself, feeling overwhelmed, to commit to only 10 minutes of dedicated study time. Inspired by the challenge, he discovered a tomato-shaped kitchen timer (pomodoro in Italian), and the Pomodoro technique was created.In this tutorial, we will be creating a Pomodoro Timer using Python and Tkinter. The timer will be created using a GUI, and we will be using the Tkinter module to create the GUI. Steps and Processes ... Read More

Creating a Tabbed Browser using PyQt5

Tamoghna Das
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 10:47:04


What is PyQt5 Library in Python? A Python binding for the well-known cross-platform GUI toolkit Qt is called PyQt5. It enables Python programmers to construct desktop programmes that can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux and have a sophisticated graphical user interface (GUI). PyQt5 gives users access to all of Qt's features, including as support for cutting-edge graphics, animations, and multimedia. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of PyQt5 Library? Advantages Cross-platform functionality − PyQt5 programmes may operate on several systems without the need for code modifications. This enables developers to produce software that is usable by a ... Read More

Create a Pull request on GitHub using Pycharm

Tamoghna Das
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 10:37:58


What is GitHub? GitHub is a well-known website that serves as a platform for hosting software projects and facilitating collaborative work on such projects. Git, which is a distributed version control system, may be used to manage changes to a codebase, which is one of the most important functions of the platform known as GitHub. Pycharm is a well-known integrated development environment (IDE) for Python, and it will be the tool that we will use to go through the process of creating a pull request on GitHub in this lesson. Prerequisites Before we start coding, there are a few prerequisites ... Read More

Role of Women in the French Revolution

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:40:39


Introduction was a path breaking movement in European history that introduced radical, societal, and political changes. Women’s contribution to the revolution was outstanding. Prior to the Revolution, in the initial years, participation of women was only limited to the domestic realm. However, they all wanted to voice their political opinions and grievances and participate in public life like men. Image 1 : The Women's March on Versailles, 1789 - Derivative version of a contemporary illustration (SteveStrummer, Women's March on Versailles002, CC BY-SA 4.0) The concept of equality and brotherhood resonated with women apart from family ... Read More

Sayyid and Lodi Dynasties

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:38:57


Introduction Sayyid Dynasty was the fourth of the Delhi sultanate. Khzir Khan took this dynasty to the throne in 1414 AD. This dynasty claimed themselves to be the direct descendants of Prophet Muhammad. Soon after their fall, the Lodi dynasty took to the throne in 1451 AD. They marked the end of the Sultanate era. Image 1: Map of the Sayyid Dynasty (Maps created from DEMIS Mapserver, which are public domain. Koba-chan Territorial area: पाटलिपुत्रSchwartberg Atlas p.148, Map of the Sayyid Dynasty, CC BY-SA 3.0) Sayyid Dynasty Rulers The eminent rulers of this dynasty have been mentioned ... Read More

Sultan Muhammad Tughlaq

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:38:14


Introduction Sultan Mohammad Bin Tughlaq, son of Ghiyassudin Tughlaq, founded the Tughlaq dynasty in 1320. Ghiyasuddin became the ruler of the Delhi sultanate in 1320. (Pinakpani, Tomb of Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq, the founder of Tughlaq dynasty 30, CC BY-SA 4.0) The Tughlaq dynasty adopted the forward policy and tried to expand their kingdom. The reign of Ghiyassudin was not for long and Mohammad Tughlaq became the king in 1324. Before becoming the Sultan of Delhi, Mohammad fought many wars and plundered multiple kingdoms. He attacked and annexed Warangal, Mabar, and also raided Odissa and returned to Delhi with rich ... Read More

The Kingdoms of the Deccan

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:36:57


Introduction Image 1 : Imperial Expansion of the Chalukyas of Vatapi (ByBrownhead, Imperial expansion of Chalukyas of Vatapi, CC BY-SA 4.0) Several kingdoms started to develop in different parts of the Indian subcontinent when the power of the Sultanate waned. Most of the states in this region became independent under the provinces of the Sultanate. Many small or big rulers started to rule their states freely in the Gujarat or Malwa regions. This region witnessed the upliftment of provinces of regions during the medieval period in the realm of the Chalukyas as well as the ... Read More

Second and Third Round Table Conferences

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:35:19


Introduction The Second and Third Round table conferences were orchestrated with a thought to close the gaps and come to a proper conclusion concerning the government laws, ruling, and rights of Indians. The main aim of arranging round table conferences (RTC) was to find out the solution and best suitable way for mitigating Simon's report’s issue. The very first RTC was arranged and conducted on 12th November 1930. The duration of this conference lasts up to 19th January 1931. Most of the leaders were found not to be present at this specific conference because of Gandhi’s movement about Civil ... Read More

Second Anglo-Maratha War

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:33:31


Second Anglo-Maratha War: Explanation The Second Anglo-Maratha War was the second conflict between the British and the Marathas This war was started in 1803 and continued till 1805. Image 1: Second Anglo-Maratha War map, political divisions, 1883 Peshwa Madhav Rao Narayan passed away in 1795 and Baji Rao II followed the throne. Lord Wellesley came up with a Subsidiary Alliance system. Here, the Indian rulers should have to pay some allowance to have British army in India. Nana Phadnavis, who was the Chief Minister of Maratha back then, refuted to follow this system knowing the agenda ... Read More

Simon Commission

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Dec-2023 16:24:41


Introduction The Simon Commission was set up by the British government to probe the Indian Government Act 1919. There were some controversial issues related to this commission that resulted in the rise of nationalism. Though Simon commission was established to deal with the Indian reforms, not even a single Indian official was a part of the committee. This commission was also termed the Statutory Commission of India. There was a feeling of humiliation among the leaders as there were no representatives. It was concluded that the Indians did not accept the principles of the commission. About Simon Commission The ... Read More
