How to style labels with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:38:38

1K+ Views

The labels on a web page can be used to symbolize danger, warning, information symbols in the form of colors. With Bootstrap, pre-defined classes are available. However, even CSS styles can help us to achieve the same without using Bootstrap. Labels The element is used to set different labels for information, success, warning and danger. These are the different classes for each label we will set with CSS − Success Info Warning Danger Other Style the buttons The labels are styled like this − span { font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; ... Read More

How to style download buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:37:07


The download icon on the download buttons plays a key role in styling the buttons. This allows a user navigating the website in understanding that this is a download button and on clicking the file will download. The icons can be included on a web page with Font Awesome. For that, to begin with you need to set the CDN link in the element. Let us see how to style download buttons. Set the CDN for the icon To add the icons on our web page, we have used the Font Awesome Icons. Include it on a web page ... Read More

How to style block buttons (full-width) with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:33:43

1K+ Views

To set full-width buttons on a web page, set the button with width 100%. Further style the buttons using the text-align property to center the text on the button. Place the text properly in the button using the padding property. The padding area is set on all the four sides of an element at once using the padding property. Let us see how to style block button i.e., full-width with CSS. Set the button Use the element and set a button on the web page − Block Button The button width Style the button and set the ... Read More

How to style an hr element with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:31:43


To separate the content on an HTML web page, the element is used. The tag only consists of the opening tag i.e.; no closing tag is required. Insert a horizontal rule i.e., a line using the element. To style the element, the border properties play a major role. The border shorthand property or if you want to style a specific area of the horizontal line, then border-top, border-bottom, border-left, etc. properties can be used. Let us see how to style the element with HTML and CSS. Set the hr element For our example, we have ... Read More

How to stretch elements to fit the whole height of the browser window with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:25:41

1K+ Views

To stretch the elements to fit the whole height of the web browser window, use the height property and set it to 100%. The same height:100% is also set for the entire web page. Let us see how to stretch elements to fit the whole height of the browser window. Set the container We will set a . This will stretch to the whole height and width of the web browser window − This div element will stretch to the whole height and width of the window Height of the HTML document The web page is set with ... Read More

How to merge tables using Inner Join and Left Outer Join in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 13:05:21


Introduction In this article, we will gain deep insights into Inner Join and Left Outer Join in Power BI. A wide variety of joins, like full join, inner join, and left anti-join are available in Power BI to join tables. The inner join merges two tables and extracts only those records that contain the matching values in the common column of both tables. The left-outer join also matches the common values from the two tables but retrieves all the first table records along with the corresponding records of the matched values from the second table. Implementation of Inner Join in ... Read More

How to merge tables using Left Anti and Right Anti joins in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 13:03:48


Introduction Numerous built-in options like Inner Join, Full Join, Left Outer join, and so on are embedded to merge and append tables in the Power query editor. In this article, we will discuss Left Anti and Right Anti joins in Power BI. Left anti-join is used to combine tables where the common column between two tables would be selected, and the unmatched records from the first table would be retrieved along with their corresponding data in the second column. Right Anti Join extracts records from the second table along with their associated field value in the first table and excludes ... Read More

Power BI - Right Outer Join

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 13:02:27


Introduction When two tables require their common column field values to match, a right outer join is used to combine them, and all the records of the second table are extracted along with their matching field value from the first table. It is just the opposite of another type which is Left Outer Join. In this article, we will gain in-depth knowledge of Right Outer Join which is one of the most important types of joins. The users must transform the data before performing the Right Outer Join in the power query editor. For Example Assume that we have two ... Read More

Power BI - Full Outer Join

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 12:59:06


Introduction Different kinds of joins are available in the Power Query Editor, like Left outer join, Right join, Inner join, and so on. Users may swiftly combine the tables and examine the result by employing these joins. In this article, we will explore the fundamental concepts of Full Outer Join where all the records from both tables are to be retrieved based on the equivalent value presented in the tables’ common column. If there are any missing matches in any of the tables, null values must be entered. Full Outer Join in Power BI Desktop Step 1 Click on the ... Read More

Create a Python Script Notifying to take a break

Tamoghna Das
Updated on 21-Dec-2023 12:52:51


What is the requirement of Python Script? We spend a lot of time in front of screens in today's society, whether we're working on a computer or scrolling through our phones. This is true whether we're working on a computer or using our phones. Since sitting for extended periods of time and staring at screens both have been linked to a variety of health problems, this might be detrimental to our wellbeing. It is essential to ensure that we take frequent pauses in which we are able to stretch, move about, and provide a rest for our eyes. Within the ... Read More
