How to use media queries for common device breakpoints with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 15:12:18


Media Queries are used on a web page to set the responsiveness. It allows a user to set different styles based on different screen sizes. These screen sizes are mainly desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. Let us first set the different screen sizes i.e., where we will set the common device breakpoints. Different screen sizes The common device breakpoints are the different devices with its screen size i.e. Phones − Screens less than 768px wide Tablets − Screens equal to or greater than 768px wide Small laptops − Screens equal to or greater than 992px wide Laptops and Desktops ... Read More

How to use Google Fonts on your web page?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 15:10:17


The Google Font is a free font service for computer and web. It launched in the year 2010 and owned by Google. In 2021, open-source icon support was added. It includes 1, 576 font families that includes 352 variable font families. The official website of Google Font is Just like the Font Awesome icons, the Google Fonts are added to a website using the element. Let us see how to add and use Google Font on a web page. Features Easily insert Google Fonts on your web page It is having more than 1k font families While ... Read More

How to use CSS Selectors for styling elements?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 15:08:20


Using CSS selectors, we can specifically style desired elements based on our preference. There are various methods for selecting elements in the HTML DOM. The CSS Selectors include − Class selector Id selector Grouping Selectors Syntax The syntax for CSS selectors is as follows − Selector { /*declarations*/ } CSS class selector The class attribute is used to set the class selector. This will select a specific element. You need to write the . i.e., the period character and follow it by the class attribute to select the element with a specific ... Read More

How to transform a basic list into a "list group" with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:50:39


To create a basic list, use the element. Use the to place the list items in the . To form it a list group, use the CSS styled. Let us see how to transform a basic list into a list group with HTML and CSS. First, we will create an unordered list. Create an unordered list The element is used to create an unordered list. The list items are set using the elements − Lion Tiger Leopard Cheetah Jaguar ... Read More

How to style text buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:45:46


As the name suggests, the text buttons are buttons with a text on it. Bootstrap includes pre-defined classes such as .btn-default, .btn-primary, .btn-success, .btn-info, .btn-warning, etc. But, we can create buttons with CSS without using the Bootstrap classes. Let us see how to style the text buttons with HTML and CSS. Buttons The element is used to set different buttons for information, success, warning and danger. These are the different button styles we will set with CSS − Success Info Warning Danger Default Style the buttons The buttons are styled like this. For the buttons, the cursor ... Read More

How to style social media buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:43:45


On a web page, you must have seen the social media buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, etc. We can easily design such buttons using CSS. For that, you need to also set the social media icons. Icons are placed on the button using the element. Let us see how to style the social media buttons with CSS. Set the CDN for the social media icons To add the icons on the buttons on a web page, we have used the Font Awesome Icons. Include it on a web page using the element − Set the ... Read More

How to style round buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:41:35


To make round buttons, the border-radius property plays a key role. Set it to 50% and that’s it. It will convert the shape to rounded. To set multiple buttons, use the display property with the value block. This will arrange them. Also, if you want to change the style on hover, then use the :hover selector. Let us see how to style round buttons with HTML and CSS. Create a button shape Create links using the element and make it look like buttons − 50% 50% Text decoration none The text-decoration property is set to none to ... Read More

How to style outline buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:40:19

3K+ Views

The buttons on a web page can be styled and made attractive using CSS styles and a outline can be set. The text and background color can be easily changed. Also, the default size can be changed. With that, the shape can be given rounded corners using the border-radius property. Let us see how to style outline buttons with HTML and CSS. Buttons The element is used to set different buttons for information, success, warning and danger. These are the different button styles we will set with CSS − Success Info Warning Danger Default Style the ... Read More

How to style labels with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:38:38

1K+ Views

The labels on a web page can be used to symbolize danger, warning, information symbols in the form of colors. With Bootstrap, pre-defined classes are available. However, even CSS styles can help us to achieve the same without using Bootstrap. Labels The element is used to set different labels for information, success, warning and danger. These are the different classes for each label we will set with CSS − Success Info Warning Danger Other Style the buttons The labels are styled like this − span { font-size: 18px; font-weight: 600; ... Read More

How to style download buttons with CSS?

Updated on 21-Dec-2023 14:37:07


The download icon on the download buttons plays a key role in styling the buttons. This allows a user navigating the website in understanding that this is a download button and on clicking the file will download. The icons can be included on a web page with Font Awesome. For that, to begin with you need to set the CDN link in the element. Let us see how to style download buttons. Set the CDN for the icon To add the icons on our web page, we have used the Font Awesome Icons. Include it on a web page ... Read More
