Print reverse string after removing vowels

Rudradev Das
Updated on 27-Dec-2023 17:18:14


The reverse() is a pre-installed and predefined header file, which is used to define as a template in a process in a C++ environment. The method is able to reverse the elements from last to first manner in a range for any value container. For this process the time complexity is O(n). Lets assume, we have a string or a sentance declared as str[] with some data elements and now the task is to perform reverse process after removing the vowels from that string to get the final outcome. Here is some general examples of the process method − ... Read More

Program to reverse a string (Iterative and Recursive)

Rudradev Das
Updated on 27-Dec-2023 17:14:39


The reverse() is a pre-installed and predefined header file, which is used to define as a template in a process in a C++ environment. The method is able to reverse the elements from last to first manner in a range for any value container. For this process the time complexity is O(n). Lets assume, we have a string declared as str[] with some data elements and now the task is to perform reverse process on this string to get the final outcome. Here is a general example of the process − Input string is here : S = "ARBRDD" ... Read More

Count palindromic characteristics of a String

Rudradev Das
Updated on 27-Dec-2023 17:04:09


In a C++ environment, the palindrome is a characteristics where we get the same value after getting the result. Assume, there is a string denoted as S and the length is N. Now we need to run an operation on that string to find the palindromic characteristic is the number of k-palindromes in a given range. Here is a general example of the process − Input for the process : abba Output by the process : 6 1 0 0 Explanation of the method: "6" 1-palindromes numbers operation = "a", "b", "b", "a", "bb", "abba". "1" 2-palindromes numbers operation ... Read More

Text in Transparent Box using CSS3

Updated on 27-Dec-2023 16:49:02

1K+ Views

The opacity property is used to create a transparent textbox. Set an image in the transparent box using the background property. Since, we have set the opacity, it will make the text and image appearing in the text box to be transparent. Create a div container A div container is set − This is some random text inside the transparent box Transparent textbox Within the above parent div, the textbox child div is set − This is ... Read More

Styling Forms with CSS Attribute Selectors

Updated on 27-Dec-2023 16:47:26


Apply styles to HTML elements with particular attributes using Attribute Selectors in CSS. Let us see which attribute selectors are available with the rules. The [attribute] Selector The [attribute] selector selects elements with a specified attribute. Here, the link with the attribute target is styled − a[target] { background-color: red; color: white; } Example Let us see the example − a[target] { background-color: red; ... Read More

Styling First-Letters with CSS ::first-letter

Updated on 27-Dec-2023 16:45:42

1K+ Views

CSS can help us style the first letter of an element using the ::first-letter pseudo-element. Note that punctuation marks, digraphs and content property can change the first-letter. The following examples illustrate CSS ::first-letter pseudo-element. Style the first letter The first letter of all the elements, such as and here are styled using the ::first-letter pseudo element − ::first-letter { font-size: 3em; color: sienna; box-shadow: -10px 0 10px green; background-color: gainsboro; } Example Let us see the example − ... Read More

Styling different states of a link using CSS

Updated on 27-Dec-2023 16:39:43


Using CSS pseudo selectors, namely, :active, :hover, :link and :visited, we can style different states of a link. For proper functionality, the order of these selectors is given by:- :link, :visited, :hover, :active. Syntax The syntax of CSS text-indent property is as follows − a:(pseudo-selector) { /*declarations*/ } The following are some key Pseudo-classes for links − :active = To select the active link :hover = To select links on mouse over :hover = To select links on mouse over :valid = To select elements with a valid value :visited = To select ... Read More

Standard Link Styles in CSS

Updated on 27-Dec-2023 16:38:33


We can style links as per our requirements. It is recommended that links have styles which distinguish them from normal text. The default link styles for different link states is as follows − Link State Color active #EE0000 focus #5E9ED6 or a similar shade of blue outline in case of Windows and Mac, #F07746 outline for Linux while text color remains the same hover #0000EE link #0000EE visited #551A8B Note − The above colors may change with newer versions of browsers. For proper functionality, the ... Read More

Stacking Elements in Layers using z-index Property using CSS

Updated on 27-Dec-2023 16:36:33


Using CSS Z-Index property developer can stack elements onto one another. Z-Index can have a positive or a negative value. NOTE − If elements that overlap do not have z-index specified then that element will show up that is mentioned last in document. The following are some examples to implement the z-index property. z-index In this example, we have set a positive z-index value to stack − Example .dropbtn { background-color: rgb(76, 78, 175); ... Read More

Specify Word Breaking Rules using CSS3

Updated on 27-Dec-2023 16:34:01


To specify word breaking rules in CSS3, use the word-break property. This property is used to break the line. Let us see the syntax − word-break: value; The values include normal − The default line break rules. break-all − The word is broken at any character only if overflow occurs break-word − The word is broken at arbitrary-points to prevent overflow The following are the codes for specifying word breaking rules using CSS3 − Normal Word Breaking Rule The normal word breaking rule is the default rule − word-break: normal; Example Let us ... Read More
