Germany Unification

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:27:52


Introduction The Unification of Germany was a remarkable event in the history of nationalism and nation-building. The event had made a far-reaching impact on European politics for so many decades. The unification of Germany was officially announced on 18 January 1871 in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles in France. German Polity before Unification Before the unification, Germany was divided into many small kingdoms and it became a confederation of German princedoms through the Treaty of Verdun in 843 CE. A similar system existed in Germany till the 1800s; the majority of the kingdoms were ... Read More

Giuseppe Mazzini and His Ideas

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:08:28


Guizppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian nationalist leader who became a great contributor to the Unification of Italy. He was born in 1805 in Genoa; he became a lawyer and actively participated in a secret Independence group named Carbonari. They were secret revolutionary societies that formed in Italy with the ideas of patriotism and liberalism. It was founded in the early 19th century and greatly contributed to the Italian unification and influenced several movements in other European countries like France, Spain, Russia, etc. Mazzini was arrested and imprisoned for his revolutionary activities and later moved to ... Read More

Italian Unification

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 11:58:35


Introduction It was a social and political movement in the 19th century that united the entire Italian peninsula into a single political entity that is the Kingdom of Italy. The initiatives for unification started in the year 1815 with the congress of Vienna and completed the whole process in the year 1871 with Rome as its capital. It is the same year in which Europe witnessed the Unification of Germany under the leadership of Otto Von Bismarck. Background of Italian Unification Italy was divided into many political entities like city-states up to the fall of the Western ... Read More

Khilafat Movement

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 11:55:08


Introduction During the First World War (1914–18), the Ottoman Empire sided with the Central Powers, which included the German empire, Bulgaria, Austria, and Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. During the war, the Ottoman Empire was defeated by the British, and the Treaty of Versailles (1919) was signed. Even though the European empire promised to retain the Caliph status of the Ottoman sultan, the Treaty of Sèvres (1920) led to the slicing off of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine provinces. This action agitated Muslims all over the world. Mohammad Ali and his brother Shaukat Ali led the movement in India alongside ... Read More

Non-Cooperation Movement

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 11:53:40


Introduction The Non-Cooperation Movement was a result of the British atrocities at Amritsar and also in Europe. Indians were highly dissatisfied and felt humiliated after the Jallian Wala Bagh massacre and the Khilafat issue. Mahatma Gandhi emerged as an all-India leader with the declaration of the Non-Cooperation Movement. There are a number of reasons for the emergence of the movement. Causes for the Non-Cooperation Movement Indians were dissatisfied with the Montague-Chelmsford Reforms and the provisions introduced in the Government of India Act of 1919. The introduction of the Rowlatt Act and associated violence sponsored by the British authorities in ... Read More

The Rowlatt Act

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 11:50:38


Introduction The Rowlatt Act was proposed as per the recommendation of the Rowlatt Committee chaired by Sir Sidney Rowlatt. Then Gandhiji and other political leaders recognised the injustice of the law and launched a national-level satyagraha against the Rowlatt Act. Amid the opposition from the Indian representatives, the Rowlatt Act was passed by the Imperial Legislative Council on 18 March 1919. The objective of this law was to curtail the emerging nationalist movement in India. This law gave the British government enormous power to imprison any suspect and to suppress any opposition without a trial or judicial review. With a ... Read More

Atrocities Against Humanity Under Nazi Rule

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 11:45:07


Introduction Crimes against humanity, in general, refer to serious offences that violate human dignity and are perpetrated as part of a widespread, organised campaign against a particular population or society. Such atrocities have historically been common in wars and fights when the primary goal was to win at all costs. However, the Second World War made clear the heinousness of such acts, which may reduce a person to the status of a subhuman and rob him of his freedoms, dignity, and other fundamental rights. This created a favourable environment for crimes against humanity to be acknowledged and subject to appropriate ... Read More

The CSS translate() Function

Updated on 28-Dec-2023 18:23:40


The translate() function in CSS is used to reposition an element in a horizontal and vertical direction. If you want to move an element from the current position along the X- and the Y-axis, use the translate() function. Syntax The syntax is as follows − Transform: translate(x, y) Above, transform the element along with x-axis and y-axis. Translate an image In this example, we will translate i.e., move an image using the translate() method. Set it using the transform property − .translate_img { transform: translate(50px, 20px); } Example Let us now see the ... Read More

The CSS scale() Function

Updated on 28-Dec-2023 18:21:07


The scale() function in CSS is used to define a transformation that resizes an element on the 2D plane. Set the amount of scaling in each direction as the parameter of the scale() function. The transform property is used to set the scale. Syntax The following is the syntax of the scale() − transform: scale(width, height); Above, scale along the width and height. Increase the image size In this example, we have set the transform property to scale the image size. The scale(1.2, 1.3) will increase the height and width of an image − transform: scale(1.2, 1.3); ... Read More

The CSS rotate() Function

Updated on 28-Dec-2023 18:20:01


The rotate() function in CSS rotates an element. The parameter sets the angle for rotation. Values can be degrees, radians, etc. The transform property is used to set the rotation. Syntax The following is the syntax of the rotate() − transform: rotate(angle); The angle is set as a parameter, such as 45deg, 90deg, etc. Rotate an element by 45 degrees To rotate an element by 45 degrees, use the rotate() function − transform: rotate(45deg); Example Let us see the example − #demo1 ... Read More
