Russian Revolution

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:31:23


Introduction One of the 20th century's most important political events was the Russian Revolution of 1917. It was a series of political events that saw first the February revolution of 1917 that overthrew the autocratic government led by Tsar Nicholas II, followed by the October Revolution which overthrew the liberal Provisional Government (Duma) under the leadership of Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin. As a result, the Soviet Union came into existence under the rule of the Bolshevik party. In this tutorial, we will be briefing about major parts of history regarding the Russian Revolution, the factors and causes, the role ... Read More

Russian Society after The Revolution

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:27:12


Introduction After the Russian Revolution threw the Autocratic government led by Czar Nicholas II, Russia was in the midst of a broken economy and there were many challenges that had to be dealt with. Be it the food scarcity challenges, health challenges, or saving the dying Russian Industries. Every such challenge was in front of the Lenin-led Bolshevik party who was in command of Russia after the autocratic government rule was over after almost three centuries. This tutorial will give you an overview of what happened in Russia after the Russian revolution, how the situation was handled, and many other ... Read More

Surat Split and Lucknow Session

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:18:24


Surat Split Extremists and moderates exhibit increasingly complicated ideological divisions. The British had a significant impact on how the Congress was divided. They placated the moderates by making nebulous reform promises. Both factions competed for the position of Calcutta Congress president in 1906. In the Calcutta session, Dadabhai Naoroji emerges as a compromising candidate. Naoroji issued four resolutions on swaraj, swadeshi, boycott, and national education to appease the demands of extremists. The extreme stronghold of Balagangadhar Tilak, Nagpur, was chosen as the location for the 1907 Congress session. Gopal Krishna Gokhale changed the location of the event after realising ... Read More

The Great Depression

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:10:11


Introduction The Great Depression was the most catastrophic event that shook the world it began in 1929 and lasted till the 1930s. During this global economic failure unemployment had shot up to a record high, and incomes and production decreased drastically. There was variation among the effects of depression around the world but it can be ascertained that the worst hit were agricultural communities of the world because the high fall of agricultural prices was greater than the prices of industrial goods. Now let us take a look at the different factors that accumulated during the great depression. Factors that ... Read More

Administration of Russia under Stalin

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:53:10


Introduction When Josef Lenin passed away in 1924, there was no succession plan in place for a new leader. As a result, Stalin and Trotsky engaged in a power struggle for internal dominance. In order to ensure leadership, Stalin used his position as the party's general secretary to place loyalists in influential positions inside the party. Trotsky was kicked out of both the party and the Soviet Union. Years later, when living in exile in Mexico, he was killed, perhaps on Stalin's instructions. And hence the communist party under the leadership of Stalin seized complete authority over everything. This ... Read More

Civil Disobedience Movement

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:46:49


Introduction After the Chauri Chaura incident, Gandhi withdrew the Non-cooperation Movement because the satyagrahis needed training for non-violent movements. Some leaders were against the sudden withdrawal of the mass movement, Motilal Nehru and C. R. Das were of them. On 1st January 1923, the Swaraj Party was founded by C. R. Das as the president and Motilal Nehru as the secretary. The main motive of the party was to bring reforms by entering into the Provincial council through elections. Government of India Act 1919 allowed more seats for Indians in the Provincial councils. But young leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru and ... Read More

Architects of Modern Vietnam

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:45:02


Introduction In history, when we look toward Vietnam, their visionaries and thinkers were more inclined toward the communist ideas which helped their nation function and free them from the colonial powers. Every nation has a national leader who worked for his country and dedicated his life’s work for the emancipation of his birth country and fought for his people’s rights. But have you heard of such a leader from Vietnam? Vietnam doesn’t have one such influencer but it has 3 major nationalist leaders. Phan Chu Trinh and his Works (1872 - 1926) Phan Chu Trinh born in 1872 was a ... Read More

Beginning of Conservatism post-1815

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:43:04


Introduction During the 19th century, the colonial powers inflicted great injustice and used their colonies to their interest and this made the public intolerant which paved way for the reactions toward conservatism and it ended in uplifting nationalism among the public. Conservatism, in simple terms, is a philosophy that gives importance to the present customs and traditions; it is a barrier to development and quick change so instead of adopting new ideologies and updated functional government elements like a parliamentary form of government a conservative state adopts monarchy according to their traditions. This conservative philosophy was revived after ... Read More

French Revolution Timeline

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:39:42


Introduction: The French Revolution TimeLine The French revolution has inspired several nationalist movements in the world. Every event during the revolution has inspired millions of people to fight for their rights and freedom. French revolution consisted of a series of incidents starting from the meeting of the estate general, the tennis court oath, the Declaration of Rights of the Man, the Reign of Terror, etc. The revolution was a result of the oppressive rule and the response of the common people especially the members of the third estate through an armed rebellion or violent upheaval. The significant events are discussed ... Read More

Gandhi's Early Satyagraha

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 12:30:52


Introduction After the arrival of Mahatma Gandhi from South Africa, he travelled around India to understand the situation of the people. In the year 1917, he entered into an active freedom movement with his leadership at Champaran in Bihar. The success of Champaran Satyagraha has attracted many freedom fighters, and they requested Gandhiji’s presence in their struggle against landlords and Britishers. In the year 1918, Mahatma Gandhi participated in two significant Satyagrahas at Kheda and Ahmedabad. Champaran Satyagraha The Champaran Satyagraha was the first active involvement of Gandhi in the Indian freedom movement. He becomes a part of ... Read More
