The max-width Property in CSS

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:36:25


We can define a fixed max-width for an element’s content box using the CSS max-width property which does not allows the element’s content box to be wider even if width is greater than max-width. Syntax The syntax of CSS max-width property is as follows − Selector { max-width: /*value*/ } The value can be − length − Set the max width in px, cm, em, etc. % − Set the max width in % Example Let’s see an example for CSS max-width property. Here, on the click of a button the maximum width is set. First, set the container. Within that, set a div for the ... Read More

The max-height Property in CSS

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:29:17


We can define a fixed max-height for an element’s content box using CSS max-height property which does not allows the element’s content box to be taller even if height is greater than max-height. Remember to set the overflow property if the content is larger than the maximum height. Syntax The syntax of CSS max-height property is as follows − p.demo { margin: 35px 70px 50px; } The value can be − length − Set the max height in px, cm, em, etc. % − Set the max height in % Set maximum height for the child container Let’s see an example for the CSS max-height property. ... Read More

The margin Shorthand Property in CSS

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:05:25

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The CSS margin shorthand property is used to define the margin area for an element. It sets values in clock-wise direction, i.e., margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom and then margin-left. Syntax The syntax of CSS margin property is as follows − Selector { margin: /*value*/ } The value above can be − margin-top margin-right margin-bottom margin-left The following examples illustrate CSS margin shorthand property − Margin property with all the values The margin property with all the values sets values for the top, right, bottom, and left properties − margin: 7% auto -3% 25%; ... Read More

The CSS3 scale3d() Function

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:03:29


The scale3d() function is used to scale an element in 3D space. The element is scaled based on numbers set as parameter. Syntax The following is the syntax of the scale() method − scale3d(x, y, z) Above, x, y, z is the x-axis, y-azis, and z-axis. Scale an image Let us now see another example. In this, we will scale an image using the x, y, and z values in the scale3d() method − .scale3d_img { transform: scale3d(-1.4, 0.4, 0.7); } Example Let us see the example − ... Read More

The CSS3 rotate3d() Function

Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:01:10


The rotate3d() function in CSS is used to rotate an element in 3D space. Set the amount and angle of rotation as parameter of rotate3d(). Syntax The following is the syntax of the rotate3d() method − rotate3d(x, y, z, angle) Above, x, y, z is the x-axis, y-azis, and z-axis. The angle is the angle of rotation − Positive angle − Clockwise rotation Negative angle − Counter-clockwise rotation Clockwise rotation of an element In this example, we have set the x, y, z axis. We have set the clockwise rotation with a positive angle − ... Read More

Colonialism and the Case of Indentured Labor

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:45:24


Introduction Colonialism was the aftermath of economic surplus because as the economy grew and trade flourished the major powers wanted to extend their control over other countries so that they could mine more profits and control the trade movements in the region. The colonialization of countries meant that their freedom was lost and their livelihood was controlled by the colonial power. In the late 19th century the major powers competed for their share of colonies in the world and this brought many economic, and social changes through which the colonized societies were to be part of the world economy. African ... Read More

First World War

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:43:19


Introduction Many nations took part in a large conflict known as the Great War or World War I from July 1914 to November 1918. Nearly 17 million people had died by the time the war was over. War's origins are significantly more complex than that, and they cannot be adequately explained by a concise list of factors. The struggle was the deadliest and most horrific in human history. The conflict altered the global political landscape and helped prepare the path for numerous revolutions in many of the participating countries In this tutorial, we will be briefing you on many such ... Read More

Nationalism and Imperialism

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:40:36


Introduction Nationalism and imperialism are different but did you know both are results of the other? Firstly, what is Imperialism? Imperialism is the ideology that propounds that a single nation is the master of all and this mighty nation is able to conquer the nations by military and war aggressions. British was an imperial power with its kingdom stretched all over the globe, and Russia was also an imperial power at that time. Now nationalism is the identity that is connected with someone’s nation and heritage they are identified by their birthplace. For example, as a French or a Russian. ... Read More

Ordinary People in the Kingdoms

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:39:33


Introduction India is presumed to have been a rich country, but the majority of the riches throughout history rested with the monarchs, and aside from the aristocratic privileged population, most of the Ancient Indians lived a humble life, and mostly very religious. We can witness some indications of the situation with regards to ordinary people from plays and the accounts of travelers. Kalidasa, the Great Playwright Kalidasa’s is popular for his plays which drew a pretty accurate portrait of life at the monarch’s court. A revelation about the social order is that the royalty and a majority of the ... Read More

Rise of Hitler

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 13:33:26


Introduction Adolf Hitler's academic skills as a young man contributed to his rise to power and notoriety. Hitler's deep understanding and mass propaganda were the most important factors in his popularity. He also emphasized the strong's right to rule the weak. After joining the Deutsch Arbeiterpartei-DAP (German Workers' Party) in September 1919, Adolf Hitler's journey to power started. Hitler rose to prominence during the party's early years. He was made party leader after threatening to leave if he did not become one of its best speakers. Early years of Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler spent most of his childhood in ... Read More
