Domestic Corporation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 17:29:48


Introduction An organization is a commercial enterprise entity that has a separate legal status from its proprietors. It can own property, input into contracts, and sue or be sued at its very own call. A domestic enterprise is an organization incorporated inside the home country. Meaning of Domestic Corporation A domestic corporation is an enterprise that is included within the boundaries of the home country. They are registered with the government and has legal standing as a separate entity from its proprietors. It is subject to the legal guidelines and policies and may benefit from the felony protections and economic ... Read More

Early Adopters

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 17:28:11


Introduction Early adopters are individuals who are among the first to attempt a brand-new product, era, or idea. They are commonly enthusiastic about innovation and willing to take risks advantage of the technological advancements. Agencies seeking to introduce new products and ideas come under this category. Meaning of Early Adopters Early adopters are individuals or organizations which can be the primary to undertake a brand-new product or technology. They are the primary humans to try out new merchandise or technologies and are inclined to take risks to accomplish that. Early adopters are exceptions from the bulk of people who ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 17:14:24


Introduction A method of transferring ownership of unclaimed assets or property to the state when the true owner cannot be found is referred to as escheatment. This approach is taken to avoid misplacing or abandoning the item and ensure it is put to good use. Escheatment can occur in various circumstances, including when a person dies without leaving a will or any heirs or when a company goes bankrupt, and its assets cannot be distributed to its shareholders. Define Escheatment Escheatment is a legal term that is used worldwide. When the actual owner of the property is not found, ... Read More

Euro Interbank Offer Rate (Euribor)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 17:10:27


Introduction The Euro Interbank Offer Rate (Euribor) is a benchmark interest rate for borrowing between banks. It is a daily reference rate based on the interest rates banks offer to lend unsecured funds to other banks in the euro wholesale or interbank market. EURIBOR is a crucial benchmark for financial institutions and borrowers, as it prices various financial products such as loans, mortgages, derivatives, and other financial contracts. Define Euribor Euribor is a daily reference rate calculated by the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) based on the average interest rates. A panel of 18 banks partake in computing this ... Read More

Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE)

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 17:09:19


Introduction The traditional idea of retirement involves working for several decades and saving enough money to comfortably retire in your 60s (common benchmark in several countries). However, the FIRE movement challenges this traditional approach by encouraging people to retire much earlier, often in their 40s. An important factor in achieving early retirement is by becoming financially independent. It means we need enough money to cover our expenses without taking a job. FIRE Meaning The acronym FIRE stands for "financial independence retire early." The concept of FIRE is based on the idea that if you can save and invest aggressively ... Read More

Loan Agreement

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 17:07:47


Introduction Loans are a common financial tool used to finance various ventures, including personal expenses, business ventures, and investments. However, lending comes with risks, and lenders must protect their investments. That's where a loan agreement comes in. It is a legal contract that has terms and conditions for the loan. It includes payment terms, interest rates, and any collateral required. What is a Loan Agreement? A loan agreement is a bond signed between a lender and a borrower with certain rules that must be followed. It is a legally binding document specifying both parties' obligations, including the repayment schedule, ... Read More

Offset Mortgage

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 17:05:22


Introduction Buying a home is a significant investment that requires considerable money. Most people usually apply for a mortgage to finance their home purchases. However, traditional mortgages can be expensive and take a long time. An offset mortgage is an alternative option to help you reduce your mortgage interest and pay it off faster. Define Offset Mortgage An offset mortgage is a home loan that enables borrowers to link their savings and current accounts to their mortgage. The interest payable on the mortgage is calculated based on the outstanding balance minus the savings in the linked accounts. The borrower ... Read More

X functions in Power BI

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:50:49


Introduction Power BI uses the programming language known as DAX where analysts may resolve complex problems and deploy business constraints. The alternative name of the X function is the iterator function. Distinct types of X functions are SUMX, AVERAGEX, MINX, COUNTX, and MAXX and two parameters would be specified inside these functions. The first parameters specify a table, and the second parameter indicates the expression. In X functions, some specified actions are to be performed before aggregating the field values of a defined column. Let’s commence with a few examples − SUMX function in Power BI Step 1 Assume the ... Read More

How to develop a Slicer(new) to allow users to filter employees based on their job roles in Power BI?

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:49:57


Introduction In this article, we will elucidate how to insert a Slicer(new) to filter employee data according to their job roles. The Visual format option may be chosen to develop a more interactive slicer where boundaries, font size, and font color can also be edited. Slicer is an alternative way of filtering. Numeric Value, Relative Date and time, and Hierarchy are the primary types of slicers. The benefits of slicers include easy access to filtered data, fast retrieval of employee-related information, column-based data filtering, vibrant reports, and compatibility with other charts. Filtration of employee names based on specific constraints through ... Read More

Create a simple clustered chart to show the Gender Distribution in the employee dataset

Aarti Kaushik
Updated on 03-Jan-2024 16:49:30


Introduction Visualization is an effective technique where the users can showcase their data in the presentation form. Numerous built-in visuals are available in Power BI tools like Simple clustered charts, Line charts, Heat maps, Funnels, Gauge charts, Pie charts, and so on. Through these visuals, the segregation of data based on accuracy enables quicker identification of useful information while eliminating time-consuming manual corrections. We will examine the clustered chart in this article to observe how the gender distribution in the employee dataset is displayed. Creation of a simple clustered chart to show gender distribution in the dataset Step 1 ... Read More
