Meaning of Economic and Non-Economic Activities

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 13:06:25


Introduction Economic activities are at the core for an economy to survive. Categorizing economic and non-economic activities requires judging their objectives. Whirl economic activities have an economic return in mind, in the case of non-economic activities, no economic return is applicable. This tutorial discusses what economic and non-economic activities are, their characteristics, sectors of economic activities, and examples of some non- economic activities. What are Economic Activities? Economic activities are activities that are done for earning money and grow wealth. These activities are related to the production, distribution, and consumption of commodities and goods. Economic activities are performed with a ... Read More

Meaning of Rural Development

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 13:04:48


Introduction: What is Rural Area? According to the planning commission of India, a rural place is a region where the maximum population does not exceed 15, 000. Another definition of a rural area is where the population density is a maximum of 400 people per square kilometer. These places there fall in the realms of tier 3 to tier 6 cities in India. In India, rural areas are governed by panchayats and they lack a municipal board. Therefore, in simple words, rural areas are villages and countryside areas that lack a modern governance system. As most of the geographical area ... Read More

Nature and Types of Small Business

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 13:01:44


What are Small Businesses? Businesses that need less investment, labor, and work within a specified area are called small businesses. These businesses usually need an investment of a maximum of one crore. Small businesses operate locally and may be involved in manufacturing products that are sold and have a demand in the local market. Small businesses usually have fewer than 500 employees; since these businesses have access to fewer resources, they can ask for government support. Small businesses often have only one owner. However, there are small businesses that operate on a partnership basis. Small businesses are also known as ... Read More

Add hoverable pagination with CSS

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 13:00:59


Pagination is used to separate the given document into pages and assigns numbers. It makes easier to navigate through a lot of content by separating various entries or web content into separate pages, which makes content switching easy. Pagination enabled web links let users to scroll over your content. One effective technique for indexing on the home page of different website pages is CSS pagination. You need to implement pagination for every page on your website if it has a lot of them. hoverable pagination is nothing, but it gets hover when the user moves the mouse over pagination. There ... Read More

Add a pressed effect on button click with CSS

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 12:47:33

2K+ Views

In order to allow users to interact with a website or application, buttons are an essential component of web design. The user experience can be greatly improved and interactions made more interesting by adding a visually beautiful and innovative click effect to button using CSS. The active pseudo-class can be used to create a pressed effect on a button click using CSS. This style provides visual feedback by defining how the button will look when it is clicked. Before knowing more about it, let’s have a quick view about button in HTML. HTML button In HTML, the clickable button ... Read More

C++ code to count local extrema of given array

Riya Kumari
Updated on 05-Jan-2024 16:17:29


Extrema are such numbers which are either minima or maxima. In other words, it is a number or element which is either greater than or less than both of its adjacent values. Suppose we have an array A with n elements. An element of this array A[i] is called a local minimum if and only if it is strictly less than both of its neighbours. Also if it is strictly greater than its neighbours it will be local maximum. For A[0] and A[n-1] as there are only one neighbour they are not maxima or minima. We have to find the ... Read More

Number of palindromic subsequences of length k where k <= 3

Riya Kumari
Updated on 05-Jan-2024 16:11:39


Palindromes are series of letters, numbers or characters which have same starting and ending point. Also, they are same when read from left to right and right to left. A subsequence of a string is a new string which is made by removing some of the characters from the original string without changing the relative order of the characters which are remaining. Suppose you are given a string of length N. You want to find palindromic subsequences of length K from the string. Note that value of K can be less than or equal to 3. In this article, we ... Read More

Number of palindromic paths in a matrix

Riya Kumari
Updated on 05-Jan-2024 16:10:04


Palindromic pathways are very useful in solving various problems involving patterns and sequences. It can be used in finding correct path in a maze without reversing, palindromes in a sequence of letters, etc., It can also be used to identify symmetric patterns and structures. In this article, we will discuss about palindromic paths and ways to find such paths in a matrix using C++. Palindromes are series of letters, numbers or characters which have same starting and ending point. Also, they are same when read from left to right and right to left. A path in a matrix is a ... Read More

Number of palindromic permutations

Riya Kumari
Updated on 05-Jan-2024 16:08:18


Permutations are possible in strings as well as numbers. A string can have permutations equal to the factorial of its number of characters. These permutations can be palindromic under certain circumstances. In this article, we will discuss about how palindromic permutations occur in a string. We will also find the number of palindromic permutations possible in a string using C++. Permutation is a mathematical process of rearranging the letters or characters from a specified string or words. In other words, it is rearrangement of objects or elements in an order. A palindrome is a set of character which are same ... Read More

Number of ordered pairs such that Ai & Aj = 0

Riya Kumari
Updated on 05-Jan-2024 16:04:48


Suppose you are given an array and you have to find the total count of ordered pairs formed such that Ai & Aj = 0. You are given an array A[A1, A2, A3, …An]. You have to find ordered pairs of Ai and Aj such that their bitwise AND operation will give the result equal to 0. In other words, you have to count the pairs of elements (i, j) whose bitwise AND operation is zero. For example, we have an array [3, 4, 2]. The binary representation of each element are as follows − A1 = 3 = ... Read More
