Third Battle of Panipat

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 10:21:11


Introduction The Third Battle of Panipat stopped the expansion of the Maratha territory for several years and Ahmad Shah Durrani was the one behind this. The battle took place on 14th January, 1761 between the Afghans and the Marathas. Ahmad Shah Durrani settled down his empire in Afghanistan in 1747 and in the same year he conquered Lahore as well. He made his son, Timur Shah, the Governor of Lahore but woefully, Maratha Peshwa’s somehow managed to drove him out of the picture to clear the ground. This made Durrani angry and he initiated an attack on the Marathas. ... Read More

How do I center <div> tag using CSS?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 16:16:50


For web layout, it's essential to center a in CSS. The task of centering a div should be encountered by every developer at some point in their career, if not every day. Everybody has a handy approach, but it can occasionally be annoying for beginners. The visual appeal and usability of your web design are improved by these CSS approaches, which guarantee dynamic and smooth centering. Let’s look them one by one before that let’s have a quick view on the div tag. HTML div tag In an HTML, the tag is used as a division or section. ... Read More

How an <img> or <video> should be resized to fit its container with CSS?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 16:15:47


The purpose of adding images to websites is to increase their visual appeal and user appeal. But if we didn't have control over the size of the images on websites, they wouldn't be nearly as attractive. Fortunately, CSS makes it quite simple to alter the image size. The CSS image size can be altered using a variety of methods. First, let's examine the reasons why altering the size of an image in CSS matters. The image would fill every pixel of its size if there were no limits on its size. However, every image should fit inside the container that ... Read More

Fixed Positioning with CSS

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 16:13:35


Even the simplest designs can look fantastic and work correctly with a little CSS knowledge, which will increase your design abilities and improve the user experience on your website. To specify where an element appears on the page, we use the CSS position property. The position property determines the element's final positioning when combined with the top, right, bottom, and left CSS properties. There are various possible values for the position property: absolute, sticky, fixed, relative, and static. In this article we are going to learn about the CSS fixed positioning. CSS fixed positioning An element with a ... Read More

Fade Out Right Big Animation Effect with CSS

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 16:07:32


Animations never fail to attract people in. When you present them with a painting and a video, they will always focus on the moving image since it is more visually appealing. Thus, the best method to get people to visit your website is to incorporate animations. The things you can accomplish using CSS animations are endless. A few lines of code can be used to generate stunning and interesting animations. All you need to do is adjust the direction and give a few parameters. For getting better understanding on implemeneting the fade out right big animation effect with CSS let's ... Read More

Fade In Animation Effect with CSS

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 15:25:05


We are aware that CSS offers a developer an excess of features. Some can only be attained by adjusting already-existing features, while others can be accomplished directly. For example, different animations can be applied to different website elements. One of these is fade-in animation. When hovering over an object in a fade-in animation, it appears to get darker. There exist numerous methods to accomplish this outcome. To draw attention to a certain button or image, we use this technique. We may achieve this by adjusting the element's opacity. Example Let's look at the following example, where we are going to ... Read More

Differences between CSS display: none; and visibility: hidden;

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 15:23:08


There are moments when you wish to visually hide elements in an application (that is, remove them from the DOM but leave them on the screen). There are several methods by which you can accomplish this. Using the visibility property with a hidden value(visibility:hidden;) or the display property with a none value (display:none;) are two common approaches. Both approaches make the element hide, but they have different effects on how it behaves. In this articles we are going to learn about the difference between display:none; and visibility:hidden; CSS visibility:hidden This CSS property will cause an element to fill the screen's ... Read More

Define colors using the Red-Green-Blue model (RGB) with CSS

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 15:21:46


In website design, color is crucial. It can affect the links that users click on, the way they read information, and how comfortable they are surfing your website. While incorporating color it requires practice and adding it to your website is simple when you use the CSS color and background-color property. These properties can be defined in a number of ways. A web page's text or background color can be altered using HTML color names, hex color codes, RGB color codes, or HSL color values. In this aricle we are going to learn about the RGB colors. RGB(Red-Green-Blue) An HTML ... Read More

Meaning and Objective of Tabulation

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 15:17:42


Introduction Tabulations or tables that represent data in simple and easy form are helpful in understanding and comparing data. These are made to make easy decisions and in order to make meaningful insights about the position or condition of a quantity studied. This tutorial discusses what tabulation is, its types, the major objectives of tabulation, and the requirements that must be followed while creating it. What is Tabulation? Tabulation refers to a systematic representation of data in the forms of rows and columns to ease comparison and maintain accuracy and simplicity. Tabulation is a part of statistics and it has ... Read More

CSS Grid Lines

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 08-Jan-2024 14:56:50


A strong layout framework for web design is offered by CSS Grid Lines, which give accurate control over the arrangement and alignment of elements. These grid lines, which include both rows and columns, provide an organized framework that makes it easier to design complex and flexible layouts. Developers may easily organize content and adjust its size and orientation for different screens by using predefined templates. CSS Grid Lines promote more maintainable code by increasing flexibility and removing the need for complex placement hacks. This adaptable tool allows designers to create aesthetically pleasing and dynamic interfaces, completely changing the way web ... Read More
