What is the full form of VAT?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 10-Jan-2024 11:11:42


What is VAT? The full form of VAT is Value Added Tax. The tax is levied on goods and services that are related to each stage of the supply chain. Here the value is added from the point the production of a product is started to the point where the product is sold. VAT has to be paid on the basis of the cost of the product minus the cost of materials used to manufacture the product. VAT is paid on the basis of consumption of a product and not the income. VAT is being used in 160 countries and ... Read More

Apostrophe: Use & Examples

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 10-Jan-2024 11:05:51


Introduction: What is an Apostrophe? An apostrophe is a punctuation mark that is mainly used to show possession or ownership of something or someone. It can also be used to form contractions and to indicate missing letters and numbers. It is indicated by the symbol ’. According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, an apostrophe is defined as the mark (’) used to show that one or more letters or numbers have been left out. For example: she’s for she is and ’63 for 1963.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines an apostrophe as “the symbol ’ used in writing to show ... Read More

Advantages and Risks Associated with Preference Shares

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 14:11:18


Introduction: What are Preference Shares? There are two types of shares that are allowed investors to invest in – equity shares and preference shares. Equity and preference shares have some distinct differences and they appeal to different categories of investors. Although equity shares are more common in financial terminologies, preference shares are also liked by many investors. Preference shares are instruments that combine the characteristics of equity shares and debt securities. Like equity shares, they represent ownership of the issuing company and are traded in the stock market. On the other hand, they offer fixed dividends over a certain ... Read More

Policy Tools to Control Money Supply

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 14:04:19


Introduction: What is Monetary Policy? The monetary policy includes actions taken by the central bank of a nation to promote healthy economic growth. The focus of monetary policy may be on cash, ledgers, credit, mortgage, bonds, loans, cheques, etc. These policies are aimed to control the economy and are helpful in situations of inflation and deflation. Monetary policy is overseen by a board of members consisting of top-level managers of the central bank and government representatives. The monetary policy is regulated because without regulation it may head toward inflation or deflation. To regulate the money supply and thereby regulate the ... Read More

Power Infrastructure and Generation

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 14:02:11


Introduction: What is Power? Power refers to the energy reserve of a nation that runs the industries and helps the nation achieve economic growth. Power is an inseparable part of all modern economies. No country can survive and grow without adequate power resources. Power resources can be divided into hydro, oil, gas, coal, nuclear, etc. It is important to note that the growth of modern economies is fully dependent on the availability of power as it is needed to run factories, vehicles, and other modes of transport and industries. Power is also needed in households where it helps run household ... Read More

Prepaid Expenses

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 13:59:33


What is Prepaid Expense? A prepaid expense is a type of expenditure that the companies make in advance for goods or services before getting them or availing the benefits of them. It is the opposite of unpaid expenses in which the company pays for the services and goods at a future date. In the case of prepaid expense, it is recorded as an asset in the balance sheet. It is an expense in the company’s income statements. The services or goods for which a prepaid expense has been made offer value for an extended amount of time in the future. ... Read More

Price and Price Mix

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 13:46:06


Introduction: What is Price Mix? Price mix is the price or value of a product that is determined by the producer. Generally, prices of products are fixed in a way so that the producer can save a portion of the profit from the sale of the product. However, sometimes, the price of the product may be kept low to grab market share or to promote the product in the market. There are various factors that affect the price mix of a product. However, it may be noted that the price mix for different products is different. Therefore, the price mix ... Read More

Private Placement: Meaning, Types

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 13:38:50


What is Private Placement? Generally, when companies want to expand, they raise capital via an initial public offering (IPO). It is a public phenomenon where all investors are allowed to buy shares of the company. This process takes place in primary markets. Later on, the shares sold in primary markets are traded in secondary markets. There is another process of raising capital that is known as private placement. In private placements, shares are sold especially to wealthy investors, banks, pension funds, etc. It is a completely private process where the public cannot take part. In such a process, the share-issuing ... Read More

Private, Public, and Global Enterprises

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 13:35:23


Introduction Organizations have different sizes, markets, governance, and employee bases. In fact, all companies are different from one point of view or another. Depending on these differences organizations are divided into three major types which are private, public, and global enterprises. It is notable that although there are differences in these three types of organizations there are many similarities too. That is why when we look at the structure, motives, and management procedures of organizations, we find many common threads apart from the differences. For example, it is notable that except for a few nonprofit firms, the objective of all ... Read More

Production and Cost

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 09-Jan-2024 13:29:46


Introduction: Production and Cost Production is the process via which inputs are changed into outputs. Usually, it is a manufacturing firm that is responsible for production. A manufacturing enterprise obtains different inputs, such as raw materials, machinery, and labor, and uses them to produce the finished goods or products. These finished goods are called outputs. Outputs may be consumed by consumers or it can be used as an input again to produce some other outputs. For example, the producer of wheat may use fertilizers, land, labor, pesticides, etc. to produce wheat. An automobile manufacturer may use machinery, steel, labor, aluminum, ... Read More
