Techniques for Brainstorming Great Ideas

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:01:13


Introduction There are moments when your brain is too chaotic, and you need to introduce some conscious order. Using a brainstorming technique, you can get some solid phrases or schemas that you can then organise logically by forcing the mental turmoil and random thoughts to pour out onto the page. Let’s look at some of the classic brainstorming techniques. Freewriting When you write in a freestyle, you allow your ideas to come to you as they may, placing pen to paper and recording anything comes to mind. You don't look at how good your writing is, and you don't ... Read More

Tone, Audience & Purpose in Essays

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:59:46


Introduction: Paragraph in an Essay Imagine reading a single, lengthy paragraph in which one concept blends into the next. Even if you are reading a gripping book or a fascinating news story, you will probably shortly get bored with what the author has to say. It is beneficial to assume the role of a reader when writing. Consider if you can readily concentrate on each argument you make. One strategy used by skilled writers is to start a new paragraph for each new concept they provide. Ideas are divided into logical, manageable paragraphs. One paragraph contains one major topic and ... Read More

What is a Thesis Statement?

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:47:54


What is a Thesis Statement? A thesis statement is often a single line at the start of your paper (most frequently at the end of the first paragraph) that introduces your argument. The remainder of the essay, or the body of the document, gathers and arranges facts to convince the reader of the validity of your interpretation. A thesis statement describes to the reader your interpretation of the importance of the issue at hand. It is also a road map for the essay; in other words, it explains to the reader what to anticipate in the remaining portions ... Read More

Reconstitution of A Partnership Firm: Admission of a Partner

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:37:21


Introduction A partnership firm has two or more members who share the profits or losses of the firm according to pre-set limits. These limits and all other rules and regulations that will guide the firm are mentioned in a partnership deed. The partnership deed is the Bible of a partnership firm. However, if no partnership deed is formed among the partners of the firm, the Partnership Act of 1932 is applied to the partnership firms in running the businesses. The partnership ratios mentioned in the partnership deeds may need to be restructured. This restructuring leads to a change in the ... Read More

What is Brainstorming?

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:35:36


Introduction: What is Brainstorming? When you consciously strive to come up with new suggestions or remedies for issues, you are brainstorming. It is a helpful first step in writing that enables authors to know exactly what will be included in their work, whether they are academic, business, or artistic. Brainstorming is a critical step in the writing process since ideas are the most precious resource in any communication. However, brainstorming can be challenging or even unpleasant for those who like to wait about until inspiration strikes. How Brainstorming Helps to Write Better It is advisable to begin the entire writing ... Read More

Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm: Retirement or Death of a Partner

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:31:36


Introduction A partnership business consists of many individual partners who share the profit and losses of the firm according to the profit-sharing ratio mentioned in the partnership deed. The partnership deed is a legal document that contains all legal procedures that may be needed to follow while operating the partnership firm. However, when a partner retires or dies, a new partnership deed has to be created for the remaining partners. There are legal bindings as to how to proceed with the new deed in place after paying the due amount to the representative of the deceased or retired partner. A ... Read More

Rectification of Errors

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:28:11


Introduction Rectification of errors is a term that is mostly associated with accounting. It refers to revising a mistake and making amendments to rectify the mistake. These errors can creep in while classifying these accounts, posting the journal entries to the ledger accounts, carrying the balance forward, etc. It must be noted that the accounts team of an organization usually works diligently to avoid any factual mistake. However, in many cases, they are unable to avoid the mistakes which seem correct at first sight. Therefore, the accounts team must carry on checking data even after these are accounted for. Many ... Read More

Writing the Rough Draft of an Essay

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:26:49


Introduction: Writing A Rough Draft Rough draughts are simply unpolished versions of the entire task. Writing a rough draft of an essay is an important step in the essay writing process. It allows you to get your thoughts down on paper without worrying too much about grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. A rough draught, first draught, or "sloppy copy, " is an early, unfinished piece of writing that represents your first attempt to put all of your ideas on paper. The final version uses it as a framework. A rough draught is never supposed to be flawless; it ... Read More

Redemption of Debentures

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:21:42


What is Debenture? Debentures are long-term loans issued by corporate firms and governments to raise capital. For example, governments may, the government may raise money for building roads by issuing debentures. In such a case, those who buy the debentures are creditors, not shareholders. Like bondholders, debenture owners may also get interest on their investments. However, this is only the case with some types of debentures. The interest rate is also known as the coupon rate in the case of debentures and these rates are either fixed or floating in nature depending on the nature of debentures. Debenture holders cannot ... Read More

Repo Rate

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 14:20:07


Introduction The central banks of all countries form monetary policies to control the availability of liquidity in the markets according to the economic situation of the nation. The repo rate is probably the best of these policies that control the money supply to the secondary banks in an economy. The repo rate is the most influential tool in the hand of the authorized banks to maintain the day-to-day liquidity in an economy. It must be noted that commercial banks in which consumers deposit their money are secondary banks that run for profit. These banks borrow money from the central bank, ... Read More
