Sales Book and Sales Return Book

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 17-Jan-2024 15:00:19


Introduction Both sales books and sales return books are crucial for the accounting and financial management of a business. They provide a chronological and systematic record of sales transactions and returns, which help understand the actual sales and how and why purchased goods have been returned. Let us learn what are sales books and sales return books, their content, and their advantages and disadvantages in this article. Sales books and sales return books are special types of registers or records in commerce and accounting that are used to track sales transactions and sales returns. Sales Books and its Contents Sales ... Read More

Scatter Diagram

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 17-Jan-2024 14:54:50


What is a Scatter Diagram? A scatter diagram is a graph that shows the relationship between two different sets of data. Also known as a scatter plot, it is a simple and visual way to represent information. Examples of scatter diagram Suppose you have two sets of data, which are the number of hours passed studying and the corresponding marks obtained in the exam of a group of students. In a scatter diagram, you will need to plot each student's data point on a graph. On the graph, one axis will represent the hours spent studying, and the ... Read More

SEBI: Objectives and Functions

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 17-Jan-2024 14:51:50


Introduction: What is SEBI? The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulatory body that manages and oversees the securities market in India. SEBI was established on April 12, 1988, as an autonomous and statutory body, under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. SEBI's primary goal is to keep the securities market fair. So, it primarily protects investors from unfair practices and promotes the development of the securities market in India. SEBI works as a watchdog that formulates rules and regulations and ensures their implementation to keep the securities markets fair and transparent. Structure of ... Read More

Secret Reserve

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 17-Jan-2024 14:49:19


What is a Secret Reserve? A secret reserve is a hidden or undisclosed sum of funds that banks or other financial institutions set aside for unseen future needs. These funds are not publicly reported in their financial statements. These funds are meant for sudden needs; they are kept confidential for strategic reasons. Secret reserves are manually created by the accounting team by deliberately underreporting profits or overstating company liabilities to create a cushion against future losses or risks. The concept of secret reserves has been a story of much controversy and so their use has become less common nowadays due ... Read More

Shapes of Total Product Marginal Product and Average Product Curves

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 17-Jan-2024 14:44:56


Total Products, Marginal Products, And Average Products Total product, marginal product, and average product are used to analyze and examine the relationship between outputs and inputs in the production process. It is important to understand how changing inputs change the product output; so, the concepts of total, marginal, and average products are used to understand the relationship between inputs and outputs. Total Product (TP) TP means the total quantity of output generated by a firm or an entity during a given period. TP represents the sum total of all individual output units produced by utilizing various combinations of inputs, such ... Read More

How To Write Effective Conclusions: Importance and Elements?

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:09:46


Introduction Although they might be challenging to write, introductions and conclusions are important. These may significantly affect how a reader feels about your essay. Similar to how your introduction serves as a bridge to take your readers from their daily lives to the "location" of your analysis, your conclusion might serve as a bridge to enable your readers return to their regular routines. With such a conclusion, people will be able to understand why all of your research and data should be important to them once they finish reading the article. Your opportunity to say all about the topic will ... Read More

Parentheses and Dashes: Correct Usage

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:08:45


Introduction Parentheses and dashes signify an "aside" from the point you are trying to make in your statement. Each has a particular function in your writing, although occasionally being seen as interchangeable. Parentheses subtly add information to your point whereas dashes abruptly stop your writing to inject an interjection or halt. The use of dashes in formal academic research is uncommon, despite the fact that parentheses can be used in all literary genres. Dashes are more prevalent in less formal and fiction literature. The Dash The dash is quite common in all kinds of writing. The em dash and ... Read More

Peer Editing: How to Edit Essays By Other Writers

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:07:04


Introduction Before it is finished, a piece of writing frequently needs editing. Although while it might be helpful to edit your own work, it's often good to have someone person edit your writing. Peers can point out errors and make suggestions for writing or essay improvements by using peer editing. In this tutorial, we will explain peer editing, outline six phases for peer editing, and provide advice on how to properly peer edit manuscripts. What is Peer Editing? Peer editing involves having a peer read and edit a piece of work, pointing out flaws or suggestions for improvement. These ... Read More

Punctuation: Using Colons, Semicolons and Periods

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:06:08


Introduction In the English language, punctuation is crucial. It demands the placement of tiny, often scarcely perceptible markers at the right places to accurately denote the precise length and content of the phrase. English writing demands the use of proper punctuation. A punctuation enables the reader to comprehend the text's meaning and an author's main point. To make your written material coherent and understandable, proper punctuation is a crucial tool. Let us look at three of the most important punctuation marks in English: Colons, Semicolons, and Period. Colons A colon is used to emphasise, begin lists of text, provide conversation, ... Read More

Question Mark: Definition and Use

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 12-Jan-2024 15:03:21


What is a Question Mark? A question mark (?) is a punctuation mark used to signify a direct inquiry at the conclusion of a sentence or phrase. Various names for the question mark include interrogation point, note of questioning, and question point. For example − Mala asked, “are you happy to be back in London?” It is useful to know that in grammar, a question is a sort of phrase stated in a form that demands (or appears to require) a response in order to comprehend the question mark and its function. A question sentence, often referred to as ... Read More
