Kanva Dynasty

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:16:47


Introduction Kanva Dynasty’s rules are called as Kanvayanas. The first king of the Kanva Dynasty, Vasudeva Kanva was from a Brahmin caste. He defeated the last king of the Shunga Dynasty, Devabhuti and built the Kanva Dynasty. This whole incident got scripted in Banabhatta’s Harshacharita and Harshacharita also mentioned the continued ruling of the Shunga princes. They ruled from the Besnagar, also currently known as Vidisha to defend the leftover parts of the Shunga Kingdom. Who were the Kanvas? Kanvas were the kings of the Kanva dynasty who were Brahmins in their origin. They were known to be the ... Read More

The North Indian Kingdoms – The Rajputs

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:12:30


Introduction Rajputs were the North Indian Kingdoms, one of the most powerful groups unfolded in Rajasthan. The medieval period of Indian History falls between the 8th to 18th century.The later medieval period continued from 12th to 18th century. The Rajputs became dominant in this era. The Rajput kingdom was led by several clans. The Rajputs and Kingdoms of North India The Rajputs are memorable as one of the most famous kingdoms in Indian history. They had their initial dominance in Rajasthan. The Rajput word came from Rajputra or Kings's son. They are mainly busy with hunting and farming. They got ... Read More

The Vijayanagar Empire (1336-1 672 A.D.)

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:08:13


Introduction The Vijayanagar Empire was founded in 1336 A.D and continued till 1646 A.D. The empire was under the ruling of Harihara and Bukka. At the end of the sultanate period, the territories that were the 1st to separate them from the Delhi sultanate were Multan and Bengal. Multan and Bengal became independent and on the other side, other territories of the Deccan region gradually came into power. Overview of the Vijayanagar Empire Krishnadeva Raya was the greatest ruler of the empire of Vijayanagar who ruled from the year 1509 to 1529. He was the 3rd king of the ... Read More

Tughlaq Dynasty

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:06:36


Introduction The beginning of the Tughlaq Dynasty bought many changes in the foreign and domestic policies of India. This dynasty was ruled by many famous yet efficient rulers such as Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq Shah II, Abu Bakr Shah, and Nasir-ud-din Mohammed Tughlaq. Origin of the Tughlaq dynasty The dynasty of Tughlaqs had the origin of Turkish and they come from a family of Muslims. In the year 1321, the famous ruler Ghazi Tughlaq makes victory over the throne and then was given the title Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq. This dynasty ruled over India for a long period and the reason for ... Read More


Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:02:54


Introduction Ain-I-Akbari was one of the famous works of Abdul Fazl (Akbar’s court historian). This is a 16th century document written in Persian. The document covers all the administrative rules that need to be abided by the people amid Akbar’s ruling period. Abul Fazl started writing Ain-I-Akbari in the year 1589 and it took him 13 years to finish Akbar Nama. The Akbar Nama was segregated into three parts. The first part talked about the Akbar’s ancestors. The second part talked about Akbar’s reign and the third part is Ain- I-Akbari which talked about Akbar’s administrative rules. The administrative rules ... Read More

Akbar Nama and Badshah Nama

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 15:00:48


Introduction Akbar Nama was a biography of the great Mughal emperor Akbar. This book was written by Abu’l-Fazl ibn Mubarak. The great emperor's time was from 1556 to 1605 and he was the third emperor of the Mughal dynasty. Badshah Nama, on the other hand, was popularly known as Padshahnama and Abdul Hamid Lahori wrote the book. The poet was a famous historian and traveller who came to India at the time of Shah Jahan. About Akbar Nama Akbar Nama was an official chronicle about Mughal’s third emperor Akbar. Abu’l-Fazl ibn Mubarak was the court poet in Akbar’s ... Read More

Indian Cultural Contacts with Asian Countries

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 13:27:40


Introduction Various Asian countries like China, Korea, Japan, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam and many more were connected with India commercially and culturally. The cultures, arts, scripts, and various languages were contributed by India to its neighbour Asian countries. India also gained many valuable cultures and arts from those countries. India gained various art of rising silk from China, and the skill of minting coins of gold from the countries like the Romans and the Greeks. Indian Culture in Ancient Times India always had its own rich culture from ancient times. There remained so many dynasties and kingdoms that ruled over India ... Read More

Indo-Greek Rule

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 13:25:41


Introduction Indo-Greeks were also known as Bactrian Greeks. They reigned in the North-Western parts of India from 180 B.C.E. to around 10 C.E. This Hellenistic-era Greek kingdom also covered parts of Afghanistan and Iran. It is also known as the Graeco-Indian kingdom or the Yavana kingdom. The kingdom came into existence when the Greco-Bactrian king Demetrius came to invade India in 180 BCE. The Indo-Greek Rule The fall of the Mauryan Empire witnessed the breaking of Northern India into several small kingdoms. The Magadha region was occupied by the Sungas in 185 BC, who were then followed by the ... Read More

Indus Valley Civilization Facts

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 13:21:08


Introduction Indus Valley Civilization (IVC) was considered to be one of the greatest civilisations of ancient India. This civilisation showed some economic, religious, geographical, social, as well as agricultural development. It represented the importance of some cities such as Mohenjodaro, Dholavira, and Kalibangan. This civilisation showed the development of many art forms and facts. Major Cities of Indus Valley Civilisation The IVC represented some cities and they are presented below − City State/Country Fact about the cities Mohenjodaro Sindh Province, Pakistan It was situated on the Indus river’s right bank Kalibangan Rajasthan Bank ... Read More

Legislations in British India – List of Acts Passed in British India

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 18-Jan-2024 13:19:25


Introduction The Legislations in British India were passed to put a pause to all the revolutionaries in India. In the initial stage, the British came to India to pursue trading purposes. However, with time they desired political control of the region and for that they fought with the rival - French East India Company. They both came to India for the same reason; however, it changed into gaining political supremacy. To control the whole region, they imposed many laws and acts. History of British India The British ruled the Indian region for over 200 years. During their time, they passed ... Read More
