Can I filter a column in PN in SAP HANA with REGEX?

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Projection Node is basically a graphical Calculation view. SAP HANA does not allow usage of regular expression in a graphical calculation view for filtering out data.So if you still need to use graphical calculation view (Projection Node), then you need to filter out the data either by using a table function or equivalent.

What is the difference between Java references and pointers in other languages?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Reference datatypes in java are those which contains reference/address of dynamically created objects. These are not predefined like primitive data types. Following are the reference types in Java. class types − This reference type points to an object of a class. array types − This reference type points to an array. interface types − This reference type points to an object of a class which implements an interface. Once we create a variable of these types (i.e. when we create an array or object, class or interface). These variables only store the address of these values. Default ... Read More

Creating communication between Java application and SAP

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Note that can be used as an alternative of and exists in sapjco.jar. Classes in sapjco.jar files is also different. You can check this link for more 

Adapter properties dropdown not updated with list even after installation (SAP 7.2 adapter)

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I have experienced something similar in the past. What I noticed was a part of the installer, the assembly responsible for Microsoft adapter properties is not deployed over to the group.I had to perform the step manually. So I had to copy the dll (BizTalkPropertySchema) manually so that the options in dropdown starts coming.Also, make sure the Global assembly cache is synced while adding.

What is the difference between data types and literals in Java?

Amit Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

2K+ Views

Data types are those which specify the type of data represented by the variable and literal is the that is stored in to the variable. A literal is a source code representation of a fixed value. They are represented directly in the code without any computation. Literals can be assigned to any primitive type variable. Example byte a = 68; char a = 'A'

What are literals in Java?

Johar Ali
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

2K+ Views

A literal is a source code representation of a fixed value. They are represented directly in the code without any computation. Literals can be assigned to any primitive type variable. Example byte a = 68; char a = 'A' byte, int, long, and short can be expressed in decimal(base 10), hexadecimal(base 16) or octal(base 8) number systems as well. Prefix 0 is used to indicate octal, and prefix 0x indicates hexadecimal when using these number systems for literals. For example − int decimal = 100; int octal = 0144; int hexa = 0x64; String ... Read More

Is Partitioning required in SAP HANA tables for one million records?

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I think you are over thinking on a potential issue. The size of tables as you said will be rarely over one million records which does not qualify it to be considered a big table. In my application we have tables which are much bigger than that but still work pretty well over time. Also, as you said that data is mainly categorized on a daily basis so, theoretically it makes sense to partition tables on dates.  It should improve the performance to some extent. But it can also lead to good number of partitions which can backfire too from ... Read More

What is the difference between integer and floating point literals in Java?

Rahul Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Integer literals represent fixed integer values like 900, 12, 400, -222 etc. (with in the integer range). Whereas, floating point literals represents fractional values i.e. numbers with decimal values like 25.53, 45.66, 58.66 etc. while writing these literals we should use the notation f or F as 25.53. Example Live Demo public class StringExample { public static void main(String args[]){ int num1 = 100; float num2 = 30.0f; System.out.println("Value of integer:"+num1); System.out.println("Value of integer:"+num2); } } Output Value of integer:100 Value of integer:30.0

Usage of subqueries in internal table as condition in SAP ABAP source code.

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Note that if you specify an OPTIONS parameter with parenthesis, it will show an error. When you use Where (itab)In this case, itab has only one field with type C and shouldn’t be longer than 72 characters. “Itab” must be specified in parenthesis without any space between parenthesis and table name.You should use the same condition in the internal table as a condition in ABAP source code.

What is the difference between character literals and string literals in Java?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Character literals represents alphabets (both cases), numbers (0 to 9), special characters (@, ?, & etc.) and escape sequences like , \b etc. Whereas, the String literal represents objects of String class. Example Live Demo public class LiteralsExample { public static void main(String args[]){ char ch = 'H'; String str = "Hello"; System.out.println("Value of character: "+ch); System.out.println("Value of string: "+str); } } Output Value of character: H Value of string: Hello
