How to trigger a hover event from another element using jQuery?

Amit D
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Trigger a hover event from another element, using the hover() method over the selected element.You can try to run the following code to learn how to trigger a hover event from another element using jQuery:

How to convert Image to Byte Array in java?

Priya Pallavi
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

18K+ Views

Java provides ImageIO class for reading and writing an image. To convert an image to a byte array –Read the image using the read() method of the ImageIO class.Create a ByteArrayOutputStream object.Write the image to the ByteArrayOutputStream object created above using the write() method of the ImageIO class.Finally convert the contents of the ByteArrayOutputStream to a byte array using the toByteArray() method.Exampleimport; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; public class ImageToByteArray { public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{ BufferedImage bImage = File("sample.jpg")); ... Read More

BAPI to upload documents to SAP system is throwing an exception

Swarali Sree
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


As mentioned in exception message, it seems that the function module tries to access GUI related function and it doesn’t support BAPIs. So it seems to be a custom RFC module or there is some bug in SAP coding and you should open a support ticket with SAP.Also, you shouldn’t use GUI services in non-GUI operations, and it is not suggested to use class cl_gui_frontend_services and functions GUI_* and you should use OPEN_DATASET FOR INPUT/OUTPUT instruction in RFC function.

Callback is not working on remote but working locally in SAP CRM

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The issue lies in the class you are using for making a method call. This class is basically making RFC callback with the help of SAP GUI. SO, when you are using the function builder, it works well because it has an SAP GUI connection present.But when you are using an external system, the GUI is missing and it doesn’t works. What you can try is to use some other method which does not have an RFC callback and thus will not have any problem. Try to use ‘create_with_table’ in place of your used method.

How to print data of specific element from an array in java?

Monica Mona
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

12K+ Views

An array is a data structure/container/object that stores a fixed-size sequential collection of elements of the same type. The size/length of the array is determined at the time of creation. The position of the elements in the array is called as index or subscript. The first element of the array is stored at the index 0 and, the second element is at the index 1 and so on. Each element in an array is accessed using an expression which contains the name of the array followed by the index of the required element in square brackets. You can access an ... Read More

Internal Table itab declaration in SAP and difference between both the declarations

Rahul Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


As per my understanding, the key difference between two statements is that in first you are reserving memory space for storing 5 lines of the customer_tab table.If you consider performance, the 2nd statement should be better.

LDAP_SEARCH function not returning photos stored in Active Directory with LDAP integration in SAP BSP application

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I would recommend to use LDAP_READ instead of LDAP_SEARCH and you will see thumbnail photo should be available in a convenient form to be from “XSTRING”.LDAP_SEARCH is mentioned as obsolete in SAP documentation. To see full documentation of this FM, you can use T-code SE37 to open Function Builder. Navigate to Goto ->Documentation -> Function Module Documentation.Function Module: LDAP_READ  Function Group: FSLDAP_EXTProgram Name: SAPLFSLDAP_EXTINCLUDE Name: LFSLDAP_EXTU01

Invalid Connection String in SAP Business One

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The answer lies within the exception message itself. The connection string that you are using to connect to the Business object server is wrongly configured. Check for each parameter, you will find something must be wrong and hence why you are receiving this error message.

How to check a String for palindrome using arrays in java?

Ankitha Reddy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

7K+ Views

To verify whether the given string is a palindrome (using arrays) Convert the given string into a character array using the toCharArray() method. Make a copy of this array. Reverse the array. Compare the original array and the reversed array. in case of match given string is a palindrome. Example import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Scanner; public class Palindrome { public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println("Enter a string "); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; String s ... Read More

Refreshing list viewer data selectively in SAP ABAP

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Only refreshing the selected or the modified rows is compatible or supported in EDIT mode but not in the display mode.As you said, you are using the display mode so I doubt you can do anything. But in case you switch over to EDIT mode from DISPLAY mode, then you can go for and bind the function with the DATA_CHANGED event.You can use the suggested approach and it should work for you. Hope it helps.
