Design a Contact us Page using HTML and CSS

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 18:11:32


It really doesn't make sense to have a contact form on a website without one, much like a burger without a bun. If your business is online, you must have a method for clients to get in touch with you. A "Contact Us" form is an online form that website users can use to submit messages or requests to the website's owners or operators. It provides customers with an easy way to get in touch with the company, organization, or person operating the website without requiring them to use means of contact like phone calls or emails. The data is ... Read More

How to add a checkbox in forms using HTML?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 18:03:38


The checkbox is one of the characteristics of the HTML input tag. They display as square boxes that the front-end user can dynamically check off. When we want the user to offer a variety of inputs, the HTML checkbox comes in handy. Users choose the items they wish from the entire list when presented with a checkbox enquiry by checking or ticking these text boxes. The data from the checked checkboxes is gathered and stored in the background when the form is submitted. Typically, a checkbox can be in one of three states: checked, unchecked, or indeterminate. When a user ... Read More

How to add a parent to several tags in HTML?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 17:46:28


The HTML list of items is displayed using the tag. It has to be encapsulated by a parent element. It is used to specify list items in various lists in HTML. It is utilized in menu , directory, ordered list , and unordered lists . In ordered lists, the list elements are typically shown with an ascending counter. The list items in unordered lists are presented as bullet points. The various types of lists are − Ordered List Unordered List Definition List HTML Ordered List The numbered format of elements is displayed via the HTML ordered ... Read More

Explain the significance of <head> and <body> tag in HTML

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 17:28:02


The two most often used tags in HTML are and . It is extremely rare to come across an industry-level website that does not use the and tags on its pages. They serve different tasks and are important in determining the web page's content, appearance, and behavior. Let’s dive into the article to learn more about the significance of and tag in HTML. Significance of tag The tag is a container for all the head elements in an HTML page. We use … tag to add it to HTML page. head tag ... Read More

How to add a Time picker in Form using HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 17:20:53


Incorporating time pickers into web forms is a common requirement for many web developers. While you might think that adding time pickers might be a complicated task and you might have to use JavaScript libraries. But to your surprise, this is a relatively easy task using tags provided by HTML. This can significantly reduce the amount of code and time required to implement date and time pickers in your web application. To create the time control using HTML, we have tag, where time value can be used in TYPE attribute of tag. Let’s dive into the article to ... Read More

Describe the purpose of using alt attribute in <img> tag in HTML

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 17:18:35


Our website pages heavily depend on images. They enhance the visual appeal of our web pages, better explain concepts, and do many other things. To include an image into the web page, we utilize the HTML tag. The two required attributes of the tag: src, which specifies the path to the picture, and alt, which specifies an alternative text for the image. The alt attribute is present in case the image isn't displayed for whatever reason. Although the alt attribute for the tag is present, many users choose to leave it blank or to fill it with ... Read More

How to add a specific color to an element using CSS?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 17:04:11


A basic way that people express themselves is via the use of color. Before they even have the manual skill to sketch, children play with color. Perhaps for this reason, when learning to create websites, people frequently wish to play with color as one of the initial elements. There are several ways to add color to your HTML elements using CSS to get the exact look you desire. You may manage the appearance of your HTML elements with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), including their colors, fonts, sizes, and positions. Let’s look one by one on adding a specific color ... Read More

The most important APIs in HTML5?

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 16:57:53


API is also known as "Application Programming Interface." It is a collection of definitions, tools, and protocols that enables interaction and communication across various software programs. Developers can engage with a service, library, or platform without having to understand all the techniques of how it operates since APIs define the methods and data structures they can utilize. APIs are essential for the development of software because they let programmers use the features and services offered by other software components to create more complex applications. They advance modularity and collaboration amongst various software systems. Let’s dive into the article to learn ... Read More

Different types of storages in HTML5

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 16:48:16


Web applications can store data locally in the user's browser using web storage. Application data had to be kept in cookies and sent along with every server request prior to HTML5. Large volumes of data can be kept locally without degrading the functionality of a website using web storage, which is more secure. In contrast to cookies, there is no information transfer to the server and the storage capacity is much higher (at least 5MB). Storage on the web is per origin (per domain and protocol). The same data can be stored and accessed by all pages coming from one ... Read More

Describe the various components of URL

Yaswanth Varma
Updated on 19-Jan-2024 16:40:01


A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a special identifier used to find a resource on the Internet. It is also known as a web address. For example, an order for the post office to know where to send a box when someone sends a package for occasions, they must provide an address. The URL is the address a web browser needs to enter in order to find the particular page being looked for. A URL is made up of several components, including a scheme, subdomain, top-level domain, second-level domain, subdirectory, parameter, port, path, query, and fragment. While a URL need ... Read More
