Referential Integrity Rule in RDBMS

David Meador
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 16:43:22

8K+ Views

Referential Integrity Rule in DBMS is based on Primary key and Foreign Key. The Rule defines that a foreign key have a matching primary key. Reference from a table to another table should be valid.Referential Integrity Rule example −EMP_IDEMP_NAMEDEPT_IDDEPT_IDDEPT_NAMEDEPT_ZONEThe rule states that the DEPT_ID in the Employee table has a matching valid DEPT_ID in the Department table.To allow join, the referential integrity rule states that the Primary Key and Foreign Key have same data types.

Future of RDBMS

Amit Diwan
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 16:32:16


BigData and NoSQL are the choice for database solutions nowadays, but that does not mean the crucial features of RDBMS will die. Since 90% of the world data produced in last some years, therefore the need for RDBMS will not end in the near future.The RDBMS market is incrementing with 9% annual growth, as stated by Gartner, a research company. RDBMS is meant to handle organized data. NoSQL and Big Data maybe a preferred choice, but the importance of RDBMS will not end in near future.Managing data on a large scale now needs technologies like Big Data, but RDBMS still ... Read More

Difference between an SAP ERP system and DBMS

Samual Sam
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 16:17:28

2K+ Views

DBMS or Database Management system is basically the tool/interface required to manage the database.  For example, SQL server or a tool like MYSQL workbench is a DBMS. A DBMS is mainly used by or designed for technical people.ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning System) is a complete system with one database and number of function modules and has a number of inputs and output interfaces to be used by everyone. For example, there can be a user interface for customer or business people, another for technical people with various skills.So basically we can say that DBMS can be a subset of ERP.Read More

Java Program to Print X Star Pattern

Updated on 25-Jun-2024 15:53:54

8K+ Views

In this article, we will understand how to print X star pattern. The pattern is formed by using multiple for-loops and print statements. Below is a demonstration of the same: − Input Suppose our input is − Enter the number : 8 Output The desired output would be − The X star pattern : X                 X  X               X   X             X    X           X     X         X     ... Read More

Java Program to Get TreeMap Key, Value, or Entry Greater or Less than the Specified Value

Shiva Keerthi
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 14:53:17


A TreeMap is a class provided by Java that implements Map Interface. It is a collection of key-value pairs and the key-value pairs in TreeMap are stored in sorted order based on key values. An Entry is defined as a key-value pair in a TreeMap. In this article, we will look in detail how to get TreeMap key-value pair or entry greater or less than the specified value. Methods Used Now, we will be looking into some of the inbuilt methods and their functionality of TreeMap which are used in this particular article. higherKey() − This method is ... Read More

Java Program to Find the smallest missing number

Shiva Keerthi
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 14:42:32


Smallest missing number is the smallest number which is missing from a stream of elements or in an Array. The stream may or may not contain continuous elements. If the stream is continuous then the smallest missing number is nothing but the Smallest Missing Number in a stream. In this section, we will discuss the various approaches to find a Smallest Missing Number in a stream of elements using Java programming language. Example for smallest missing number in an array Example 1 Input arr=[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8] Output 4 Explanation − In ... Read More

Java Program to convert boolean to integer

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 14:39:45

12K+ Views

To convert boolean to integer, let us first declare a variable of boolean primitive. boolean bool = true; Now, to convert it to integer, let us now take an integer variable and return a value “1” for “true” and “0” for “false”. int val = (bool) ? 1 : 0; Let us now see the complete example to convert boolean to integer in Java. Example public class Demo {    public static void main(String[] args) {       // boolean       boolean bool = true;       System.out.println("Boolean Value: "+bool);       int val = (bool) ? 1 : 0;       // Integer       System.out.println("Integer value: "+val);    } }OutputBoolean Value: true Integer value: 1

Java Program to Find the Lost Number

Shiva Keerthi
Updated on 25-Jun-2024 14:37:14


Lost Number is the number which is missing from a continuous stream of elements or in an Array. In this section, we will discuss the various approaches to find a lost number in a stream of elements using java programming language. Example for a lost number in an array Lost number is a number which is missing from a continuous sequence of a numbers in an array. Example 1 Consider an array: arr=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8] In the above array ‘arr’, 7 is missing, so 7 is the lost number Example 2 Consider an array: arr=[1, ... Read More

Java Program to Get System Motherboard Serial Number for Windows and Linux Machine

Shiva Keerthi
Updated on 24-Jun-2024 17:22:24


Motherboard Serial Number is an id assigned to the motherboard of a computer. It is generally used to track the computer system and also to identify when the system is lost or stolen. In this section, we will be discussing different approaches to find the Motherboard Serial Number for Windows and Linux machines using Java programming language. Motherboard is a very crucial part of a computer. It is the backbone of the computer. All the components in a computer communicate through the motherboard. Motherboard helps in determining the factors like the amount of RAM we are going to ... Read More

Java program to count upper and lower case characters in a given string

Chandu yadav
Updated on 24-Jun-2024 17:07:04

8K+ Views

In order to count upper and lower case character we have to first find weather a given character is in upper case or in lower case. For this we would take concept of ASCII value of each character in Java. In Java as we know for each character has corresponding ASCII value so we would compare each character that it lies in the range of upper case or in lower case. Counting upper and lower case characters in a string in Java In below example first convert string to a character array for easy transverse, then find weather it lies ... Read More
