Array.Find() Method in C#

The Array.Find() method in C# is used to search for an element that matches the conditions defined by the specified predicate and returns the first occurrence within the entire Array.


Following is the syntax −

public static T Find<T> (T[] array, Predicate<T> match);

Above, the array is the one-dimensional, zero-based array to search, whereas match is the predicate that defines the conditions of the element to search for.


Let us now see an example to implement the Array.Find() method −

using System;
public class Demo{
   public static void Main(){
      Console.WriteLine("Array elements...");
      string[] arr = { "car", "bike", "truck", "bus"};
      for (int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i++){
         Console.Write("{0} ", arr[i]);
      string res = Array.Find(arr, ele => ele.StartsWith("t",
      Console.Write("Searched element...");
      Console.Write("{0}", res);


This will produce the following output −

Array elements...
car bike truck bus
Searched element...truck

Updated on: 08-Nov-2019

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