Arduino - If statement

It takes an expression in parenthesis and a statement or block of statements. If the expression is true then the statement or block of statements gets executed otherwise these statements are skipped.

Different forms of if statement

Form 1

if (expression)

You can use the if statement without braces { } if you have one statement.

Form 2

if (expression) {
   Block of statements;

if Statement – Execution Sequence

IF Statement


/* Global variable definition */
int A = 5 ;
int B = 9 ;

Void setup () {


Void loop () {
   /* check the boolean condition */
   if (A > B) /* if condition is true then execute the following statement*/
   /* check the boolean condition */
   If ( ( A < B ) && ( B != 0 )) /* if condition is true then execute the following statement*/ { 
      A += B;