Aptik – A Tool to BackupRestore Your Favourite PPAs and Apps in Ubuntu

If you are a fan of Ubuntu, you know how frustrating it can be to reinstall your favorite applications and PPAs after a fresh installation. Thankfully, there is a solution to this problem. Meet Aptik - a backup and restore tool that makes reinstalling your favorite apps and PPAs a breeze. In this article, we'll explore Aptik and how you can use it to backup and restore your favorite applications and PPAs.

What is Aptik?

Aptik is a free, open-source tool that allows you to backup and restore your installed applications and PPAs. tool is designed to make it easy for users to backup and restore their favorite applications and PPAs with just a few clicks. Aptik is available for Ubuntu, Debian, and Linux Mint.

How to Install Aptik

Before you can start using Aptik, you need to install it on your Ubuntu system. Fortunately, installation process is quite simple.

Open Terminal app on your Ubuntu system.

Type following command to add Aptik PPA to your system −

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:teejee2008/ppa

Next, update your system package list by running −

sudo apt-get update

Finally, install Aptik by running −

sudo apt-get install aptik

Once installation is complete, you can launch Aptik from Applications menu or by running command aptik in Terminal app.

Backing up Applications and PPAs with Aptik

Now that Aptik is installed on your system, it's time to start using it to backup your favorite applications and PPAs.

  • Launch Aptik from Applications menu or by running aptik command in Terminal app.

  • Click on "Backup" button.

  • Select applications and PPAs you want to backup. You can either select individual applications or PPAs or backup everything at once.

  • Choose backup location. You can save backup to your local system, an external drive, or a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive.

  • Click on "Start" button to begin backup process.

Restoring Applications and PPAs with Aptik

Restoring your applications and PPAs with Aptik is just as easy as backing them up.

  • Launch Aptik from Applications menu or by running aptik command in Terminal app.

  • Click on "Restore" button.

  • Select backup file you want to restore from.

  • Choose applications and PPAs you want to restore.

  • Click on "Start" button to begin restore process.

Aptik also provides ability to selectively restore specific applications or PPAs, making it a flexible tool for managing your Ubuntu system.

Advanced Options

Aptik provides several advanced options for users who want more control over their backup and restore process. Some of advanced options include −

  • Exclude certain applications or PPAs from backup or restore process.

  • Backup or restore only user-installed applications and PPAs, ignoring system packages.

  • Schedule automatic backups to occur at specific intervals.

  • Encrypt backup files for added security.

Benefits of Using Aptik

Aptik makes it easy to backup and restore your favorite applications and PPAs, but there are other benefits to using this tool as well. Here are a few −

Save Time

By using Aptik, you can save time when reinstalling Ubuntu or upgrading your system. Rather than having to manually install each application and PPA, you can simply restore them from a backup.

Easy to Use

Aptik has a simple interface that makes it easy to backup and restore your applications and PPAs. tool is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to users of all experience levels.


Aptik provides advanced options that allow you to customize your backup and restore process. Whether you want to exclude certain applications or schedule automatic backups, Aptik gives you flexibility to do so.


Aptik allows you to encrypt your backup files for added security. This ensures that your data is protected in case of theft or loss.

Examples of Using Aptik

Here are a few examples of how you might use Aptik in your day-to-day workflow −

System Upgrades

When upgrading your Ubuntu system, you can use Aptik to backup your applications and PPAs before performing upgrade. This ensures that you can easily restore your system to its previous state if something goes wrong during upgrade process.

New Installations

If you need to perform a fresh installation of Ubuntu, Aptik can help you quickly restore your favorite applications and PPAs. This can save you a significant amount of time compared to manually installing each application and PPA.

Multiple Systems

If you have multiple Ubuntu systems that you use regularly, you can use Aptik to keep them all in sync. By backing up and restoring your applications and PPAs, you can ensure that all of your systems have same set of software installed.

Disaster Recovery

In event of a hardware failure or other disaster, Aptik can help you quickly restore your system to its previous state. By having regular backups, you can minimize downtime and ensure that your data is protected.

Tips for Using Aptik

Here are a few tips for using Aptik effectively −

Regular Backups

It's important to create regular backups of your applications and PPAs to ensure that you can recover from any issues quickly. Consider creating a backup schedule that works for you, such as weekly or monthly backups.

Test Your Backups

Before you need to restore your applications or PPAs, it's important to test your backups to ensure that they are working correctly. This can help you identify any issues before you need to restore your system.

Exclude Unnecessary Applications and PPAs

When creating your backup, consider excluding any applications or PPAs that you no longer need or use. This can help reduce size of your backup and simplify restore process.

Check for Dependencies

Before restoring an application or PPA, make sure that you have all of necessary dependencies installed. This can help ensure that application or PPA works correctly.

Keep Your System Up to Date

Regularly updating your system can help ensure that your applications and PPAs work correctly and minimize risk of compatibility issues.


Aptik is an essential tool for any Ubuntu user who wants to make backup and restore process more manageable. Whether you're upgrading your system or reinstalling Ubuntu from scratch, Aptik makes it easy to backup and restore your favorite applications and PPAs. With its simple interface and advanced options, Aptik is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to get most out of their Ubuntu system.

Updated on: 02-May-2023


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