Applying Sepia Effect to Images using CSS3

The filter property is used to set visual effects, such as drop shadow, contrast, brightness, saturation, shadow to images in CSS. The following is the syntax −


filter: none |  drop-shadow() | blur() | brightness() | contrast() | grayscale() | hue-rotate() | invert() | opacity() | saturate() | sepia() | url();

As you can see above, with the filter property, we can set the following effects: contrast, drop shadow, blur, brightness, grayscale, hue-rotate, invert, opacity, saturate, sepia, url.

The sepia sets the sepia effect to an image. To set the sepia effect in CSS3, use the sepia value for filter property −

  • Actual Image: 0%

  • Completely Sepia: 100%

For example, the following is our image −

After we set the sepia effect, it appears the following −

Apply Sepia Effect on an Image


Here, we have set the sepia to 100% for the complete effect −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      img.demo {
         filter: sepia(100%);
   <h1>Learn Spring Framework</h1>
   <img src="" alt="Spring Framework" width="160" height="150">
   <h1>Learn Spring Framework</h1>
   <img class="demo" src="" alt="Spring Framework" width="160" height="150">

Apply 50% Sepia Effect on an Image


Let us see another example where we will set the sepia effect to a value 50% −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      img.demo {
         filter: sepia(50%);
   <h1>Learn Spring Framework</h1>
   <img src="" alt="Spring Framework" width="160" height="150">
   <h1>Learn Spring Framework</h1>
   <img class="demo" src="" alt="Spring Framework" width="160" height="150">

Apply 0% Sepia Effect on an Image


Let us see another example where we will set the sepia effect to a 0% −

<!DOCTYPE html>
      img.demo {
         filter: sepia(0%);
   <h1>Learn Spring Framework</h1>
   <img src="" alt="Spring Framework" width="160" height="150">
   <h1>Learn Spring Framework</h1>
   <img class="demo" src="" alt="Spring Framework" width="160" height="150">

Updated on: 27-Oct-2023


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