Applications of Decimal in Daily Life


Applications of decimals in daily life are in the field of science , engineering, commerce and finance. A Decimal system is a numeral system containing integer numbers and non-integer numbers. The application of the decimal system is widely used in our day-to-day life. Decimal system provides values more accurately than the whole numbers. A Scottish Mathematician John Napier was the first one to introduce the decimal system. Denoting numbers in a decimal system is called Decimal notation.Sometimes the amount of money we get as income from various sources, the electricity bill, weight and height of both living and non-living things are some of the real-life applications of the decimal system.

In this tutorial, we will learn about decimals and their real-life applications with a few solved examples.


A type of number separating an integral part and the fractional part by a point is called a decimal number or decimal. The separating point is called the decimal point.

The numbers after the decimal point are considered single digits since they belong to the fractional part, they obviously have a value smaller than one.

For example,

Let us consider a decimal number 111. 20

1 1 1 . 2 0
Hundreds Tens Ones Decimal Point Tenths Hundredths

The Decimal number 111. 20 will be read as Hundred and eleven-point two zero.

Types of Decimals

  • If a decimal number has an endpoint, then it is called a Terminating decimal.

  • If a decimal number has no endpoint, then it is called a Non - Terminating decimal.

  • If a decimal number has recurring numbers in its fractional part, they are called Recurring Decimals.

  • If a decimal number continues endlessly but doesn't have any repeating patterns then they are called non-repeating decimals.

Applications of Decimals in Real Life

In the making of pieces of jewellery using valuable materials like gold, silver, platinum, diamonds, etc., decimal numbers play a vital role in the representation of the accurate quantity of those materials. Decimal numbers are used in the precise mixture of raw materials like sand, cement, stone aggregates, minerals, fillers, binders etc., along with the right temperature and proportion for the construction of roads and buildings.

The exact price and the weight of vegetables, fruits, and any types of cereals and nuts are mostly represented by any one of the types of decimal numbers only in some cases the exact value can be a whole number.

The calculations of the surface areas and the volumes of two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects are mostly decimal numbers. In the conversion of temperatures from Fahrenheit to celsius and other countries' currencies to a particular country or in the conversion of one measuring unit to another, we involve the decimal number system. The graduates of chemical engineering use decimals in various fields so as to mix and produce the products involving medicines, fertilizers, petrochemicals, plastics, dyes, papers, fuel, and drugs etc., Decimals are used in the representation of the speed and scores of various sport events. Decimals can be used in the exact representations of the daily intake of calories and even the burning of daily calories of many health-conscious people. The accurate height and weight of both the living beings and nonliving materials are known with the help of decimal numbers

Solved Examples

1)Dina bought two and a half kilograms of rice from X shop and after cooking half a kilogram she found it was of no quality and the next day from Y shop she bought five and a half kilograms of rice with good quality. At present how many kilograms of rice does Dina have in total?


The kilograms of rice Dina bought in X shop = 2.5 kg

The kilograms of rice Dina bought in Y shop = 5.5 kg

The kilogram of rice Dina cooked = 0.5 kg

The kilograms poor quality rice at present = 2.5-0.5

= 2.0 kg,

The total kilograms rice in Dina’s house at present = The kilograms poor quality rice at present + The kilograms of good quality rice

= 2+5.5

= 7.5 kg.

Therefore, at present, the kilograms of rice Dina has in total = 7.5 kg.

2)Raya bought 8 different types of thread skeins for embroidery. She left the satin and pearl cotton at the shop unintentionally. Each thread skeins she bought are 44.8 m in length. Find the total length of thread skeins in Raya's hands.


Each length of a thread skein = 44.8 m.

Since Raya forgot two thread skeins at the shop, she is left with 6 thread skeins in her hands.

The total length of thread skeins in Raya's hands = 6×44.8

= 268.8 m


In this tutorial, we learned about Decimals, and their applications in real-life.

  • A Scottish Mathematician John Napier was the first one to introduce the decimal system.

  • In decimal numbers, the integral part and the fractional part are separated by a point.

  • Decimals are expressed with the help of a point called the decimal point anywhere in the number.

  • While writing decimals, placing the decimal point according to the multiples of 10 is important.

  • The numbers we get from the weighing machine, measuring tape, thermometer, any bill amount, etc., are some of the real-life applications of decimal numbers.


1.What are irrational numbers?

The numbers which cannot be represented in $\mathrm{\frac{p}{q}}$ where p and q are non-zero integers.

These numbers are non-terminating non-recurring decimals.

Example: √(2 ) = 1.41421...

2.Who invented fractions?

Mathematician Simon Stevin invented fractions. He is famously known for introducing Decimal Fractions.

3.What are proper and improper fractions?

  • In a fraction, if the numerator is larger than the denominator, then it is called an improper fraction. Since the numerator is large, the value of the improper fraction is always greater than 1.

    For Example $\mathrm{\frac{8}{3}}$

  • In a fraction, if the numerator is smaller than the denominator, then it is called a Proper fraction. Since the numerator is small, the value of the proper fraction is always less than 1.

    For Example, \mathrm{\frac{2}{4}}

4.What are integers?

The number that can be written without the fractional component is called an integer. There are two different types of integers: positive and negative integers.

5.What are Like fractions and unlike fractions?

If two or more fractions share the same denominator then they are like fractions

$$\mathrm{ For\: example, \frac{1}{5}, \frac{6}{5}, \frac{34}{5}}$$

If two or more fractions share a different denominator then they are called, unlike fractions.

$$\mathrm{ For\: example, \frac{4}{7}, \frac{2}{9}, \frac{8}{5}}$$

Updated on: 16-Apr-2024


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