Application of IoT in Water Management

Almost half of the world has adopted IoT in their daily lives. It has made our lives luxurious with its smart technologies. Starting from our homes to offices, we use smart appliances daily that help us finish our work quickly.

But does IoT play any role in water management too? Can we check water levels and determine how to prevent water wastage through IoT? The answer is: Yes, IoT can help you do that too. How? Let us find it below.

Applications of IoT in Water Management

Wastewater Management

It is one of the most challenging tasks amongst the management applications of IoT. The IoT helps manage water levels, leakage, water quality, and water flow in various places through different water routes. The working of loT in water level management is done when the sensors are installed at additional water resources. It helps to detect the water temperature at different places, the quality of water, and the level of leakage at other sites and indicates the methods to be applied to stop water leakage.

The sensors are installed to collect data on water wasted and leaked and monitor water levels. Wastewater can also be measured through sensors, as it helps to know the number of chemicals used in the water. The data received can be used to improve the quality of water too. Sensors may also help to see water distribution in different patterns and areas.

Maintenance of Water Quality

The quality of water used is a matter of concern. Water might contain polluted materials. Due to advanced machinery, factories, and other factors supporting pollution, water quality has degraded severely.

IoT sensors help to maintain the quality of water. Though it might be costly, it has reduced manual labor. Manual labor involves collecting and checking the water quality. This method is both time-consuming and costly. IoT has installed sensors which measure the temperature, quality and turbidity. The sensors provide regular water status so that water quality can be improved.

Smart Irrigation

We waste a considerable amount of water when irrigating crops. As manual labour has been reduced in the last few years, irrigation has been done automatically through timings set in the automated machinery. Before, irrigation was done without the knowledge of the condition of the soil and weather conditions. But, with the help of loT devices, there will be no water wastage. It is possible as sensors are attached and can determine the type of soil and weather conditions.

IoT has managed this problem as the sensors can distribute water accordingly to places where the water is needed. Sensors also help control the flow of water effectively and help determine the force of water.

Dam Management

Dams provide water to livestock, farming, factories and industries. Dams act as water barriers during floods and automatically work according to the sensors attached. The sensors attached give an alarming bell when the water level has reached its summit. The dam is given an alert as per the future of the weather conditions.


The traditional means of agriculture, which used manual labor, have been replaced by IoT devices. Sensors are attached to the land, which appropriately supplies water to the land. Providing water in large amounts can reduce the yield and lead to food scarcity.

According to the population, we must plant crops accordingly. The sensors attached here are essential. Agriculture almost depends on the level of water. Therefore, the level of water management is necessary to increase productivity.

Improving the Water Efficiency

We can improve water efficiency by using several means of IoT, like water collectors, treatment of water, water pressure systems and wastewater recycling. Vital measurements have been made to maintain water efficiency, and data has been collected.

Depending on the data collected by the sensor, measures are taken accordingly, and therefore, there are no issues related to breakage or leakage of water pipes. They function well after adopting IoT devices.

Monitoring the Consumption of Water

IoT helps to collect data from different sources and water consumed at other places at different levels. Water data is collected from households, countries, communities, and the globe. This way, we can monitor the consumption of water everywhere.

Water Conservation

Sensors have been attached to the water tanks and reservoirs. The sensors are attached to monitor the level of water management continuously. They calculate this data every day.

 It should have enough water conserved, so people do not suffer during the drought session. Analyzing daily water usage and sending a signal to the main river sensor helps conserve the water and maintain the water levels. Maintaining the water levels of the increasing population also helps to satisfy the needs and requirements of the people.

Smart Water System Integration and Water Monitoring System

IoT has introduced certain strips which help measure water leakage from pipes, households, outdoors, and other resources. These show the exact location of the leakage of water and the exact location where the pipes need to be amended. This way, the engineers know the location and start working there.


Viewing the applications of loT for water management, we can thus conclude that water monitoring is the most crucial factor in maintaining water. IoT helps to increase the productive use of water in the world. The traditionally used techniques are not very important after the recently developed IoT. Because of its benefits, people have welcomed IoT with both hands.

Updated on: 10-Feb-2023


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