AngularJS – ngHref Directive

The ngHref Directive in AngularJS solves the problem of replacing the markup when the link is broken which thus leads the system to return a 404 error. Instead of using markup like {{hash}} in an href attribute which will change or replace the markup value, we should use the ngHref directive since that link can be broken and thus leads to return a System Error.


<element ng-href="expression">..content..</element>

Example − ngHref Directive

Create a file "ngHref.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>ngHref Directive</title>

      <script src="">             </script>

   <body ng-app="" style="text-align: center;">
      <h1 style="color: green;">
         Welcome to Tutorials Point
         AngularJS | ngHref Directive
      <div ng-init="url =''">
         <p>Go to <a ng-href="{{url}}">TutorialsPoint</a></p>


To run the above code, just go to your file and run it as a normal HTML file.

Example 2

Create a file "ngHref.html" in your Angular project directory and copy-paste the following code snippet.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>ngHref Directive</title>

      <script src="">      </script>

   <body ng-app="" style="text-align: center;">
      <h1 style="color: green;">
         Welcome to Tutorials Point
         AngularJS | ngHref Directive
      <input ng-model="value" /><br />
      <a id="link-1" href ng-click="value = 1">link 1</a> (link, This link will not reload)<br/>
      <a id="link-2" href="" ng-click="value = 2">link 2</a> (link,This link will not reload)<br />
      <a id="link-3" ng-href="/{{'123'}}">link 3</a> (link, Thislink will reload!)<br />
      <a id="link-5" name="xxx" ng-click="value = 5">anchor</a> (nolink)<br />
      <a id="link-6" ng-href="{{value}}">link</a> (link, change location)


To run the above code, just go to your file and run it as a normal HTML file. You will see the following output on the browser window.

Updated on: 08-Oct-2021


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