AngularJS Alternatives

What is AngularJS?

AngularJS is a JavaScript framework which can be used to make different types of web applications. The platform is free to use and users have the opportunity to make changes in the framework and share the applications. Misko Havery was the person who developed the framework and launched it in 2009. Later on, Google purchased the app and took the responsibility of managing, developing, and maintaining the platform.

Price Plans of AngularJS

AngularJS is available for free and can be used by anybody.

Why AngularJS alternatives?

  • JavaScript is necessary to use the framework

  • People having no knowledge of MVC cannot work on AngularJS

  • Learning the platform is difficult

  • Scope debugging is difficult

  • It is less secure

How to choose an AngularJS Alternative?

There are many advantages of AngularJS and some of them are listed below −

  • Complex web applications can be easily managed through MVVM and MVM

  • You can test and debug the apps so that they can run smoothly

  • Apps and websites can be made responsive and fast-loading

  • It is an open-source platform

  • It can be easily customized

Top 10 AngularJS Alternatives

There are many alternatives to AngularJS and some of them have been discussed here in detail. The list is given below −

  • Aurelia

  • Ember

  • Ionic

  • Knockout

  • Meteor

  • Polymer

  • React

  • Riot

  • Svelte

  • Vue.js

Alternative 1 – Aurelia

Aurelia is also a fantastic framework that can be used to replace AngularJS. The framework can be used to develop different types of user interfaces. Many libraries can be used here to make user interfaces. These libraries can be used with the C language. Aurelia is a flexible framework and comes with more features in comparison to AngularJS. Specification of controllers is also not required

Alternative 2 – Ember

Ember.JS is a JavaScript frontend framework. It is an open-source solution which can be used to design and develop different kinds of applications. Its first version was released in 2011 and now many users are using the platform to create SPAs, which can be used anytime. You can also use the platform to develop applications that can run on desktops and mobiles.

Alternative 3 – Ionic

Ionic is a software development kit which can be used to develop different types of web applications with the help of web technologies. You can also develop desktop and mobile applications through this kit. It has to use AngularJS so that it can give its full performance. AngularJS is used to make the development process of the front end easy.

Alternative 4 – Knockout

Knockout is a JavaScript library which consists of such features that it has become one of the best substitutes for AngularJS. It was introduced in 2010 and is compatible with all the popular browsers. Templates are available which can be used to make complicated user interfaces easily. The official website of the framework consists of tutorials live examples and other materials which can help you to learn the usage of the platform.

Alternative 5 – Meteor

Meteor is a JavaScript framework which consists of a large number of libraries to make applications and websites. The applications and websites can be developed at a fast pace through this framework. It is considered as one of the best AngularJS alternatives. Besides web applications, you can also make applications that run on iOS and Android devices.

Alternative 6 – Polymer

Polymer is a JavaScript library which can be used to replace AngularJS. This is an open-source framework which users can use to make their own components to create different types of applications. This custom component can be created by using CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. You can use these technologies to add features to the new component.

Alternative 7 – React

React is a JavaScript library which is maintained by Facebook. The platform was launched in 2013. The app was initially developed with the aim of developing user interfaces for different types of applications. Now it is being used to develop the frontend. The platform can be used to make static as well as dynamic websites.

Alternative 8 – Riot

Riot is a library which can be used to make different types of user interfaces. The platform was introduced in 3013 and it consists of the features and benefits of Polymer and react. It is easy to learn Riot and use it to make user interfaces for different applications. It is compatible with all the popular browsers like Chrome, Safari Firefox, and many more.

Alternative 9 – Svelte

Svelte is a framework whose features are similar to Vue and React. It has the ability to change the component code into JavaScript. This transformation helps in updating the Document Object Model. Svelte has the ability to speed up the performance of web apps. It is also able to transfer the bulk work to the build process from the client side. This helps in enhancing the performance of apps.

Alternative 10 – Vue.js

Vue.js is a JavaScript library which can be used in the projects that have already been created to enhance their efficiency. The platform can also be used to create user interfaces and Millions of users are using the platform to make different types of web applications.


AngularJS is a JavaScript framework that can be used to make different types of web applications and websites. The platform is less secure and scope debugging is difficult. Learning AngularJS is also difficult and that is the reason developers look for AngularJS alternatives like React, Vue.js, Aurelia, and many more.

Updated on: 27-Nov-2023


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