Alternate career for machine learning and data science


Data science and machine learning are topics that are expanding quickly and have a strong need for qualified personnel. Not everyone who is interested in these areas, though, would choose to go into data science or machine learning engineering as a profession. The good news is that there are alternate job routes that let people use their expertise in these subjects while pursuing other passions or interests. In this post, we'll look at several alternative career paths for those with a background in data science or machine learning and how their talents might be used in different fields.

Alternate Careers

Data Analyst

  • Data analysts concentrate on deriving insights from data interpretation and analysis in order to guide business choices. They could analyze data and share their results with stakeholders using programmes like SQL, Excel, and Tableau.

  • Data analysts are in great demand across a range of sectors, including e-commerce, marketing, healthcare, and finance. Here are some explanations as to why a job in data analysis might be fulfilling −

    • high need − The demand for knowledgeable data analysts keeps growing as businesses increasingly rely on data to guide their decision-making processes.

    • a competitive wage The typical income for a data analyst in the US is roughly $70,000 per year, according to Glassdoor, with the potential for large earnings as experience and skill levels rise.

    • Versatility − Data analysts can work in a variety of sectors and disciplines, including, among others, sales, marketing, finance, and healthcare.

    • Constant learning − The discipline of data analysis is quickly growing, and new tools and methods are always being developed. Opportunities for lifelong learning and career advancement are presented by this.

    • Impact − By using data analysis to find patterns and insights, a company's operations may be significantly improved, resulting in more effective procedures, cost savings, and revenue growth.

Data Engineer

  • The infrastructure required for storing, processing, and analyzing massive amounts of data is built and maintained by data engineers. To create and operate data pipelines, they could use programs like Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka.

  • Designing, constructing, and maintaining the infrastructure required to store, process, and analyze significant amounts of data constitute the interesting and gratifying field of data engineering. Consider the following factors while deciding whether to become a data engineer −

    • High demand − As more businesses use data to guide their decision-making, there is an increasing need for knowledgeable data engineers.

    • Competitive pay − According to Glassdoor, a data engineer in the United States makes an average yearly compensation of roughly $110,000, with the possibility for considerable earnings growth as experience and skill levels rise.

    • Versatility − Data engineers work in a range of sectors and areas, including e-commerce, healthcare, and finance.

    • Constant learning − The subject of data engineering is quickly growing, and new tools and methods are always being developed. Opportunities for lifelong learning and career advancement are presented by this.

    • Impact − Building the infrastructure that enables firms to gain insights from their data is made possible in large part by data engineers. They may assist businesses with decision-making by planning and constructing effective data pipelines, which will enhance operations and boost income.

Business Analyst

  • Business analysts analyse organizational needs and, together with stakeholders, develop solutions to meet them. They might use data analysis to back up their recommendations and help decision-makers.

  • A career as a business analyst may be rewarding and entertaining for people who value problem-solving and have an interest in company operations. For the following reasons, you might wish to consider working as a business analyst −

    • strong demand As more businesses use data-driven decision-making, business analysts are becoming more and more in demand.

    • an acceptable salary According to Glassdoor, a business analyst's normal yearly pay in the United States is allegedly about $70,000, with the potential for significant earnings as experience and skill levels increase.

    • Versatility − Business analysts can work in a wide range of sectors and areas, including e-commerce, healthcare, and finance.

    • Constant learning − The subject of business analysis is quickly growing, and new tools and methods are always being developed. Opportunities for lifelong learning and career advancement are presented by this.

    • Impact − Business analysts are essential in helping firms evolve and in finding areas where business processes may be improved. They may assist businesses in making better-informed decisions by analyzing data and offering insights, which can enhance operations and boost revenue.

Software Engineer

  • Software programs are made by software developers, particularly those that incorporate machine learning and data science. They could, among other things, work on front-end user interfaces or back-end algorithms.

  • A job as a software engineer may be quite fulfilling for people who have a passion for technology and a drive to overcome difficult problems. For the reasons listed below, you might wish to consider working as a software engineer −

    • strong demand As technology advances and becomes more essential to business operations, there is a rising need for experienced software developers.

    • an acceptable salary According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a software engineer in the US is around $95,000 per year, with room for advancement as experience and skill levels increase.

    • Versatility − Software engineers may work in a wide range of sectors and areas, including e-commerce, healthcare, and finance.

    • Constant learning − The discipline of software engineering is quickly growing, and new methods and technologies are always being developed. Opportunities for lifelong learning and career advancement are presented by this.

    • Impact − Building the technology that drives businesses and allows people to interact and communicate requires the expertise of software developers. They may assist businesses in operating more effectively, enhance user experiences, and promote innovation by designing and developing effective software solutions.

UX Designer

  • UX designers create user interfaces that are clear and easy to use. They might use data analysis to inform their designs and ensure that they meet customer requests.

  • A job as a UX (User Experience) designer could be fun and rewarding for people who are passionate about creating user-friendly and engaging products. Consider these elements if you wish to work as a UX designer −

    • strong demand The demand for skilled UX designers are rising as more businesses extend their online operations.

    • According to Glassdoor, UX designers in the United States usually earn around $85,000 per year, with the potential for significant pay growth as experience and skill levels increase.

    • Versatility − UX designers may operate in a variety of sectors, including e-commerce, banking, and the technology sector.

    • UX designers are tasked with making products that are simple to use, aesthetically pleasing, and efficient. This calls for innovative problem-solving abilities and a thorough comprehension of user demands and behavior.

    • Impact − By ensuring that products are created with the user in mind, UX designers significantly contribute to both user pleasure and the commercial success of the product.


We have seen many career options like Data Analyst, UX Designer, Software Engineer, Business Analyst, and Data Engineer. For all these options we have seen how much particular career option is in demand, what is average salary range, what is versatility, the impact of that career, etc. Now it's all up to you to choose a career that fits you.

Updated on: 06-Mar-2023


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