All You Need to Know About Google AMP & SEO

Google first introduced AMP, or Accelerated Mobile Pages, in 2015. With the help of the open-source AMP framework, web designers can make mobile pages that load quickly. The framework was created in response to the rise in the number of individuals using mobile devices to access the internet. Since then, Google has pushed for using AMP to enhance SEO and the user experience on mobile devices. We'll look at AMP in greater detail and discuss how it impacts SEO in this piece.

What is Google AMP?

As mentioned earlier, AMP is an open-source framework that allows developers to create fast-loading mobile pages. AMP uses a stripped-down version of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to reduce page load times significantly. AMP also caches pages on Google's servers, allowing pages to load almost instantly when users click on them. Pages that use AMP appear in a carousel at the top of search results on mobile devices, making them more visible to users.

Why is Google Pushing AMP?

Google has been pushing the adoption of AMP for several reasons. First, AMP improves the user experience on mobile devices. Pages that use AMP load faster, making accessing the content they need quickly easier. Faster loading times also reduce bounce rates, an important ranking factor for Google. Second, Google sees AMP as a way to keep users on the web rather than inside apps. Finally, Google wants to stay ahead of its competitors by offering a superior mobile experience.

How does AMP Impact SEO?

AMP has a significant impact on SEO. Pages that use AMP receive preferential treatment from Google. AMP-enabled pages are more likely to rank first on mobile devices in search results. As mentioned, AMP pages appear in a carousel at the top of search results. Pages that appear in the carousel receive more clicks than pages that do not appear in the carousel.

The impact of AMP on SEO is not limited to mobile devices. Google has indicated that AMP is also a ranking factor for desktop search results.

How to Implement AMP on Your Website

Implementing AMP on your website is straightforward. The first step is to create an AMP version of your pages. You can create an AMP version of your pages manually or use a plugin or an extension to create an AMP version automatically.

Once you have created an AMP version of your pages, you need to add some code to tell Google where to find the AMP version. You can do this by adding a rel="amphtml" tag to the head section of your HTML code. This tag tells Google where to find the AMP version of your page.

To ensure that your AMP pages adhere to the AMP specification, you must verify them. You can validate your AMP pages using the AMP Validator, a tool provided by Google. The AMP Validator checks your pages for errors and provides suggestions for how to fix them.

Best Practices for AMP

When implementing Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) on your website, there are some best practices that you should follow to ensure that your pages perform well and provide a good user experience. Here are some of the top AMP best practices −

  • Use the AMP Cache − The AMP Cache is a content delivery network that caches your AMP pages on Google's servers. Using the AMP Cache can significantly improve the performance of your AMP pages. The AMP Cache provides the page from the cache when a user clicks on a link to your AMP page, which speeds up the loading process. The following code must be included in the head part of your HTML code to use the AMP Cache −

<link rel="canonical" href="">
<link rel="amphtml" href="">

The first line of code tells Google that the AMP version of your page is canonical, and the second line of code tells Google where to find the AMP version of your page.

  • Optimize Images − Images can be a significant source of page load times. Make sure to optimize your images for size and format. Use image compression tools to reduce the file size of your images without sacrificing quality. Use the correct image format for each image. For example, use JPEG for photographs and PNG for images with transparency.

  • Use AMP Analytics − Google offers AMP Analytics, a service that lets you monitor user activity on your AMP sites. Using AMP Analytics can help you identify areas for improvement and optimize your pages for better performance. The following code must be included in the head part of your HTML code to use AMP Analytics −

<script async custom-element="amp-analytics" src=""></script>

You also need to add the following code to the body section of your HTML code −

<amp-analytics type="googleanalytics" id="analytics1">
<script type="application/json"> 
   "vars": {
      "account": "UA-XXXXXX-Y"
   "triggers": {
      "trackPageview": {
         "on": "visible",
         "request": "pageview"

Replace "UA-XXXXXX-Y" with your Google Analytics tracking ID.

  • Avoid external resources − External resources such as JavaScript and CSS files can slow down your AMP pages. Whenever possible, avoid using external resources on your AMP pages. Instead, use the AMP component library, which provides pre-built components that you can use to build your pages. If you need external resources, use asynchronous loading to reduce the impact on page load times.

  • Use structured data − Using structured data can improve the visibility of your pages in search results. AMP pages support structured data, so include it on your pages. Use the AMP version of the structured data markup to ensure compatibility with AMP. You can test your structured data using the Structured Data Testing Tool provided by Google.

  • Test your pages − Before publishing your AMP pages, thoroughly test them. Use tools like the AMP Validator and the Mobile-Friendly Test to ensure that your pages comply with the AMP specification and provide a good user experience. The AMP Validator checks your pages for errors and provides suggestions for how to fix them. The Mobile-Friendly Test checks your pages for mobile-friendliness and provides suggestions for how to improve them.

By following these best practices for AMP, you can ensure that your pages provide a fast-loading, user-friendly experience that is optimized for mobile devices. This can help improve your website's search engine rankings and increase user engagement.

  • Use proper HTML syntax − Make sure to use proper HTML syntax when creating your AMP pages. AMP pages require strict HTML syntax, so errors can cause your page to fail validation. Use the AMP HTML boilerplate code to ensure your page uses the correct syntax.

  • Use AMP Components − AMP Components are pre-built HTML and JavaScript modules that provide a lot of functionality to your AMP pages. These components are optimized for AMP, so they are lightweight and do not cause any issues with page speed. Some popular AMP Components include the amp-img, amp-carousel, and amp-video components.

  • Use Inline CSS − Inline CSS can help reduce the number of external resources loaded on your AMP pages. You can avoid needing an external CSS file by including your CSS code directly in the HTML document. However, keep your CSS code as minimal as possible to avoid any potential performance issues.

  • Use the Right Ad Formats − If you plan to monetize your AMP pages with ads, use ad formats compatible with AMP. One of the most well-liked ad networks for AMP sites is Google AdSense since it offers a variety of ad types that are suitable for AMP.

Follow the AMP ad guidelines to ensure your ads do not negatively impact the user experience.


In conclusion, AMP is a powerful tool for improving the performance of your mobile pages and boosting your SEO. By following the best practices for AMP, you can ensure that your pages provide a fast, user-friendly experience optimized for mobile devices. AMP can help increase your website's visibility in search results and improve user engagement. If you haven't already, consider implementing AMP on your website.

Updated on: 30-Mar-2023


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