Aligning two buttons vertically in iOS

Auto Layout is one the most important element when it comes to designing an iOS Application. UI development has become a lot more versatile and easier using Auto Layout.

For Aligning two buttons vertically we will be using Auto Layout.

So let’s get started!

Step 1: Open Xcode → New Projecr → Single View Application → Let’s name it “AlignButtons”

Step 2: Open Main.storyboard and add two buttons, name them button 1 and button 2.

Step 3: Select both the buttons and align them vertically using the Add New Alignment Constraint menu.

Step 4: Select both the buttons tap on Add new constraints and set it to equal widths.

Step 5: Now Select left button tap on Add new constraints again and set leading and trailing spaces to 20 points.

Step 6: Now Select Right button tap on Add new constraints again and set leading and trailing spaces to 20 points.

And that’s all as soon as you’ll click on Add 2 Constraints you’ll see you buttons aligned vertically.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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