Air Temperature: Definition and Meaning

Air temperature directly influences our daily lives. In fact, air temperature decides our cloth and living style as well. Low air temperature suggests us to wear woolen or warmth cloth and on the contrary, the high air temperature forces us to wear light and cotton cloth.

On the other hand, if we talk at large scale, say country level or even global level, the air temperature shape weather pattern.

What is the Meaning of Air Temperature?

Air temperature defines the degree of hotness or coldness of the air in a given time period in a study area. Air temperature is one of the most critical variables in atmosphere that influences weather phenomena and directly affect human comfort lives and their activities such as agriculture, ecosystems, and various natural processes.

Measurement of Temperature

Air temperature, usually, is measured in degree Celsius (0C) or degree Fahrenheit (0F) with Kelvin scale (K) being used in scientific context. Besides, the instrument that used to measure the air temperature is known as ‘Thermometer.’ The conventional system of this thermometer is – putting mercury or alcohol in a glass tube. When temperature increases, the liquid expands and measure high temperature and when temperature falls, the liquid goes down and measures low temperature. However, in the recent years, with the advancement of technology, a digital thermometer has been developed. The digital thermometer measures temperature faster and precise temperature.

Factors Influencing Air Temperature

Air temperature is not an independent element of atmosphere, but rather there are many other factors that affect air temperature:

  • Latitude: Latitude is an imaginary line on the globe, known as a coordinate that specifies the north–south position of a point on the surface of the Earth or in reference to another celestial body. It starts at the middle of the earth and it is 00 and known as ‘equator;’ as going towards pole, it increases and at the poles it reaches 900 in the north (at north pole) and similarly in the south (at south pole). At 00 or equator because of straight sunrays, there is high solar energy and hence high temperature throughout the year. On the other hand, at and near the poles because of slanting sunrays, there is very low energy and causes very low temperature.

  • Altitude: Altitude that defines the elevation or high vertically from the sea level also affects the temperature. In the lower atmosphere, as the one goes up (i.e. in higher altitudes), the air temperature decreases. The rate of decreasing temperature vertically in the lower atmosphere, is known as lapse rate. Normal Lapse rate is measured as 6.50 C/km.

  • Nearness to Water Bodies: Temperature in and around the huge water bodies, is usually lower and stable in comparison to the inland areas. This is because water bodies have higher heat observing capacity than land. It means, water bodies absorb heat slowly and it releases it heat slowly. This is the reason that in the coastal areas, the temperature various is very low round the year.

  • Oceanic Currents: On the oceanic surface, oceanic currents are very important features that regulate the oceanic temperature and also influence the nearby land regions. For example, the warm oceanic currents raise the temperature in coastal region. On the contrary, the cold oceanic currents decrease the temperature in coastal regions.

  • Albedo: Albedo defines the process of reflecting back of solar energy received through the incoming solar radiation (INSOLATION). The barren surface, like ice surface, desert surface, etc., reflects more solar energy and causing low temperature. On the other hand, the vegetation covered surface area, water surface area, etc., reflect very less solar radiation and causing relatively high temperature.

  • Cloud Cover: Cloud cover refers the mixture of water vapour, and mixture some other gases and dust particles. If the region is cloudy or covered by cloud, it acts as insulator, as it does not allow the albedo to lapse in space; likewise, it heat traps in lower atmosphere and increases the temperature.

  • Seasons: Winter, summer, rains, which referred as seasons also play a major role in affecting the temperature of the given area. During the summer, at given part of geographic region, there is high solar radiation and causes high temperature. On the contrary, in winter season, the sunrays, in a given area, are very slanting and provide low energy, and hence, the temperature is low.

Microclimates and Temperature Variations

Microclimates are the geographic region found within the larger climatic zone. Such microclimatic region has entirely different temperature than its surrounding area. For example, densely covered vegetation regions, highly urbanized areas, etc.

Impact of Air Temperature on Weather Patterns

Air temperature has significant impact on global weather patterns. The high temperature regions can hold more moisture, causing more evaporation, which has very high potential to cause heavy rainfall and other activities such as thunderstorms. On the other hand, cooler air may lead to the formation of snow and ice, which affect the winter weather. Besides, temperature difference of two interacting air masses, creates pressure gradients, which causes change in wind patterns and ultimately weather patterns. Moreover, because of such temperature differences cause the formation of cyclone, anticyclones, and such atmospheric phenomena.

Air Temperature and Global Climate Change

Air temperature is one of the most significant elements of global warming and climate change. Because of some natural processes and unwarranted various human activities (such as excessive burning of fossil fuels, factories and industrial wastes, etc), the issue of global warming is increasing, which directly means, the increase in air temperature. Such unexpected and unregulated increase in air temperature causing unbalance in ecosystem, excessive melting of ice, (causing) increase in sea level, extreme weather events, etc.


Air temperature is indispensable aspect of the weather phenomena and meteorology. This is the weather element that affects humans and their activities directly and immediately. Therefore, understanding the air temperature and factors that affect air temperature, is essentially required for predicting weather conditions, managing the available natural resources, and addressing the challenges posed by global warming and climate change.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is air temperature, and why is it important in meteorology?

Air temperature refers to the degree of hotness or coldness of the air in a specific location. It is a crucial variable in meteorology as it influences weather patterns, determines climate zones, and plays a significant role in understanding climate change.

How do meteorologists measure air temperature?

Meteorologists measure air temperature using thermometers. Traditional liquid-in-glass thermometers use mercury or alcohol, while digital thermometers provide faster and more accurate readings.

What are the primary factors that influence air temperature variations around the world?

The primary factors influencing air temperature variations are latitude, altitude, proximity to water bodies, ocean currents, cloud cover, and surface reflectivity (albedo).

How does latitude affect temperature patterns?

Locations closer to the equator receive more direct and intense solar energy, leading to higher temperatures year-round. As one moves closer to the poles, solar energy is spread over a larger area, resulting in cooler temperatures.

Why do temperatures vary with altitude?

Temperature decreases with increasing altitude due to the decrease in air density. As one ascends to higher elevations, the air becomes thinner, containing fewer molecules to absorb and retain heat.

How do water bodies influence local temperatures?

Water bodies, such as oceans and large lakes, have a moderating effect on local temperatures. Coastal regions experience milder and more stable temperatures due to the higher heat capacity of water compared to land.

Can ocean currents affect local temperatures?

Yes, ocean currents significantly influence local temperatures along coastal regions. Warm ocean currents can elevate temperatures, while cold ocean currents can lead to cooler temperatures in nearby areas.

What role does cloud cover play in temperature variation?

Cloud cover affects temperature by acting as an insulator, trapping heat near the Earth's surface. Clouds also reflect sunlight back into space, influencing the amount of solar radiation absorbed by the Earth.

How do seasonal temperature variations occur?

Seasonal temperature variations are caused by the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to the sun. During summer, one hemisphere tilts toward the sun, experiencing warmer temperatures, while the other hemisphere experiences cooler temperatures.

How does air temperature impact weather patterns and climate change?

Air temperature influences weather patterns by affecting evaporation rates and the formation of different weather systems. Moreover, the study of air temperature is essential in understanding global climate change and its potential impacts on ecosystems, sea levels, extreme weather events, and overall climate stability.

Updated on: 19-Oct-2023


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