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AI for All

person icon Vivian Aranha


AI for All

Everything you need to know about Artificial Intelligence

updated on icon Updated on Jun, 2024

language icon Language - English

person icon Vivian Aranha

category icon Artificial Intelligence,Deep Learning,Machine Learning

Lectures -12

Duration -50 mins



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Course Description

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the 21st century, reshaping industries and societies alike. 

This video series aims to provide viewers with a comprehensive understanding of AI, from its historical origins to its practical applications, and from its technical foundations to its ethical implications. The series begins by tracing the historical evolution of AI, highlighting key milestones and breakthroughs that have propelled the field from science fiction to practical reality. 

Viewers will learn about significant achievements such as IBM's Deep Blue defeating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov and the development of self-learning algorithms like AlphaGo. Moving beyond history, the series delves into the fundamental principles of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. 

Through clear explanations and illustrative examples, viewers will gain insights into the algorithms and techniques that power AI systems. However, understanding AI's technical aspects is only part of the picture. The series also explores the ethical and societal implications of AI, addressing issues of bias, discrimination, privacy, and automation's impact on employment. 

Through thought-provoking discussions and case studies, viewers are encouraged to critically engage with the ethical dimensions of AI. Throughout the series, emphasis is placed on responsible AI development and deployment, advocating for transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in AI systems' design and implementation. 

By fostering ethical awareness and responsible innovation, AI can enhance human well-being and drive economic prosperity while creating a more equitable and sustainable future. As the host of the series, Vivian Aranha invites viewers to embark on this intellectual journey into the world of artificial intelligence. 

Whether you're a student, researcher, policymaker, or concerned citizen, this series aims to provide valuable insights and inspire contributions to AI's responsible and ethical development. Welcome to the world of artificial intelligence!


This video series is a comprehensive exploration of artificial intelligence, designed to provide viewers with a holistic understanding of the field, from its theoretical foundations to its practical applications. Whether you are an aspiring data scientist, a seasoned AI practitioner, or simply a curious enthusiast, this video series serves as a roadmap for navigating the complex and ever-evolving landscape of AI.

In the opening videos, we delve into the historical evolution of AI, tracing its origins from ancient philosophy and mythology to the modern-day advancements in machine learning and neural networks. We examine the key milestones and breakthroughs that have propelled AI from the realm of science fiction to practical reality, including landmark achievements such as IBM's Deep Blue defeating chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov and the advent of self-learning algorithms like AlphaGo.

Building upon this historical foundation, we then explore the fundamental principles of AI, including machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Through clear and concise explanations, supplemented by illustrative examples and code snippets, viewers will gain a firm grasp of the underlying algorithms and techniques that power AI systems.

However, understanding the technical intricacies of AI is only part of the equation. Equally important are the ethical and societal considerations that accompany the proliferation of intelligent machines. In subsequent videos, we delve into the ethical dilemmas posed by AI, from issues of bias and discrimination in algorithmic decision-making to concerns about privacy, surveillance, and the impact of automation on employment.



AI for All


Check out the detailed breakdown of what’s inside the course

The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence
2 Lectures
  • play icon Artificial Intelligence Introduction to AI 04:33 04:33
  • play icon The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence 04:04 04:04
Understanding Machine Learning
1 Lectures
Exploring Deep Learning
1 Lectures
Natural Language Processing (NLP)
1 Lectures
Computer Vision
1 Lectures
Reinforcement Learning
1 Lectures
AI Ethics and Bias
1 Lectures
AI Tools and Frameworks
1 Lectures
AI Deployment and Scalability
1 Lectures
Advanced Topics
2 Lectures

Instructor Details

Vivian Aranha

Vivian Aranha

After completing my Master's in Computer Science at George Washington University, started working on Web and Mobile Applications. Have been training people in Mobile Technologies since 2009 in both iOS and Android Technology.

Been building Mobile Apps and Websites since 2002 for brands like Delta Air Lines, The Washington Post, Cars, Kaplan, and many more. Have more than 150 mobile applications of my own.

Hands-on experience architecting, developing, and publishing apps since 2009.

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